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How much is a Colecovision worth?

Joey Kay

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Hey hey...


I need some advice from those who are adept at non-Atari collecting.


One of my grade 9 students has a Colecovision with a few common games... how much should I pay him? (I really want to play Smurf Rescue again!)





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I about choked on my testicles when the local game store here told me they just got one in and were selling it for $50. I point blank said to him, "Dude I bought mine for $25 and ain't no way in HELL I'm paying more than that." But then, this is the same store that just jacked up all their loose Atari 2600 games to $2 apiece. :P

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Yes, but it's too bad all they're selling for $2 is a bunch of crappy copies of Combat, Defender, and Pac-Man and some water damaged boxed games. Now if I walk in there and see anything like a Tigervision game, I sure as hell won't complain about $2. :lolblue:

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$20.00 is a good price, check out this auction that I posted the other day: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...egory=3541&rd=1 . It went pretty fast and the buy paid within 10 minutes of auction's end. I have another that has I think 8 games with it I may put up starting at $1.00, just to see what the ending price will be.


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game stores have to pay the rent...they are not there for your "good deals" to be had...they are in business...if they don't pay the rent they will not be there when you want something.


Ebay price does not equal fair retail price...ebay is usually cheaper on common things...often you can get new CD's for $7 or cheaper and the retail is $14 or so...you go into a store and tell them you just got it on ebay for $7 they'll probably say "good for you - now get the hell out of here" lol.


Don't expect ebay prices from your local stores.


Mock :D

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I'm actually used to getting BETTER prices on most common things from local stores than I could on eBay. It's only in rarities that eBay achieves parity. I got Dragon Warrior IV about $30 cheaper than the one store I've seen here that has it wants for it.

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