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atari2600land's Blog - Problems coming back


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So here I was, working on the burger game. I swear I didn't do anything like changing the code for it, but all of a sudden, the problems I thought I got rid of came back. So I had to unexpectedly code extra hours to try and stop the problems AGAIN. Looks like I fixed it, but who knows, they'll probably come back a second time. It's so anger inducing. Not helping things was the Everdrive. First it gave me an error code, then it said there was no games on the card even though there were. I eventually got it to work the third time.

And to top it all off, today was/is a HOT day. Any time the temperature gets above 72 F or so, my room gets really hot and I have to turn the fan on in here and the rest of the house isn't sweat inducing. A couple days ago, I bought 3 Game Gear games over the internet on eBay. And then yesterday I bought a PSX game. I got out my PSX from the garage and began playing it again. It's too bad that it's so hard to play homebrew games on it.

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