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I decided to revisit this. I'll be developing it for standard colecovision

and I'll also be adding f18a graphics upgraded option


These are just temp levels at the moment as I was just setting things up


Music is pretty rough at the moment but it's the right mood music.


Will be adding more enemy types and gore. & large dragion


Lots of weird stuff going on.


I'll have a motivation story but the main goal is to murder the fu^% out of everything!




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yeah, there are at least a couple called that. Every name's been used before. That's a good game too. I meant it more as a generic theme than a character specific name. I can come up with a unique names like barbarian_928 or something but it seems to not keep with the old tymey theme. Everyones got an uncle bob . I can easily rename it later. it's a working title for now.


Perhaps ... "Kill the Fu#% OUT OF EVErYTHING" .. the game. You know if it's not already been used.


or Nanoc


Looking good man!


I honestly thought it was thins game! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbarian:_The_Ultimate_Warrior

Edited by digress
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Thanks. I had that illustration done for years and was just looking for somewhere to use it. Will suit a box cover fine too.


I just want to make a game I wouldv'e liked to have played back in the day. Alcazar was good and probably about as close as I had on the coleco in the 80's.


Great graphics! icon_thumbsup.gif
I really dig the style of this game

Well done sir! icon_shades.gif

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yeah, there are at least a couple called that.


Indeed. Only on the Commodore 64 you have at least 6 different, commercial games with Barbarian in the name, not counting hacks:


TOMARC the Barbarian (Xonox 1984) which of course also exists on the ColecoVision...

Rome and the Barbarian (Krentek Software 1986)

Ardok the Barbarian (Spinnaker Software 1987)

Barbarian (Palace Software 1987) <- this one is the best known

Barbarian (Psygnosis/Melbourne House 1988)

Barbarian II (Palace Software 1988)

Edited by carlsson
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Indeed. Only on the Commodore 64 you have at least 6 different, commercial games with Barbarian in the name, not counting hacks:


TOMARC the Barbarian (Xonox 1984) which of course also exists on the ColecoVision...

Rome and the Barbarian (Krentek Software 1986)

Ardok the Barbarian (Spinnaker Software 1987)

Barbarian (Palace Software 1987) <- this one is the best known

Barbarian (Psygnosis/Melbourne House 1988)

Barbarian II (Palace Software 1988)

Barbarian (the Palace Sofware one) is also known as Death Sword.

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TOMARC the Barbarian (Xonox 1984) which of course also exists on the ColecoVision...

Indeed I find interesting the cover to this one, once I've read Conan, I know these guys tried to make it look like a kind of Conan game, but unfortunately your sprite looks like an elf called Quasimodo :rolling: anyway the spiderweb screen was great and the only good thing to mention about this game.

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I heard it was to be Thundarr the Barbarian. Another favourite of mine. Then they made it their own. The jumping mechanic is just bizarre in that game.



Indeed I find interesting the cover to this one, once I've read Conan, I know these guys tried to make it look like a kind of Conan game, but unfortunately your sprite looks like an elf called Quasimodo icon_rolling.gif anyway the spiderweb screen was great and the only good thing to mention about this game.

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I really like the key concept. I wouldn't even mind multiple keys if possible. And maybe enemy placement by keys to avoid.


I like the ideas of sections or different area to the same room/screen. Sort of like Caverns of Titan or Popeye.


Lots going on too with combat. Looks like you can duck or jump to avoid enemy projectiles which seem to have multiple trajectories.


Not sure if there is a working shield but can arrows be thwarted with a swing of the sword?


I wonder how health works as in does if it regenerates at all. Possible strategic health potion item placement would ease difficulty if need be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome! Glad to see you revisiting this. I hope you stick with some of those earlier ideas with the overland horse riding segments and things. You've done great stuff in the past, so I'm sure you'll come up with some really neat stuff for this. I really like that artwork with the Dragon btw. A Conan style Tank Mission is just too cool! :thumbsup:

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I made a little bit of progress




I might have a larger map with exploring that then enters caves/castles. It'll be a new or different design than the tank mission over land though.


I thought the in castle was the best part of the tank mission so I'm keeping that basic design and buidling on it as the main focus. Sort of like prince of persia is all in that mode. I may steal some POP trap concepts too. But i'm going with adifferent combabt style & bigger variety of enemies.

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Wow, the level designs are really coming around nicely and that fire breathing dragon was a surprise and super awesome. I'm glad you aren't making it exactly like Tank Mission, but do hope you go all out like you did in that. One thing I really enjoy about TM is the elaborate use of the numeric pad and all the fine details you added. The way you can swim, tank treads leave marks on the ground, etc. I have total faith in your work and am really excited about this new project. Keep up the good work!

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sounds like you really played tank mission a bit. I havn't heard a thing about it from almost anyone.

I just kept adding on to that one til I could see no end like a hamburger with too many toppings. Glad to hear you liked some elements of it.

I really like using the keypad extensively. Dungeons & Dragons treasures of tarmin was very keypad heavy. I might add some elements to the game which allow you to use inventory items. You pick up a spear or exploding potion etc.

Perhaps also for use on a puzzle solving screen to unlock an element. I'm trying to keep it mostly straight forward though this time and manageable.

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sounds like you really played tank mission a bit. I havn't heard a thing about it from almost anyone.
I just kept adding on to that one til I could see no end like a hamburger with too many toppings. Glad to hear you liked some elements of it.
I really like using the keypad extensively. Dungeons & Dragons treasures of tarmin was very keypad heavy. I might add some elements to the game which allow you to use inventory items. You pick up a spear or exploding potion etc.
Perhaps also for use on a puzzle solving screen to unlock an element. I'm trying to keep it mostly straight forward though this time and manageable.



:lol: re: hamburger toppings


I've played TM for several hours, but still haven't played through it all. Haven't had as much game time lately.


I love the idea of numeric pad use for inventory and the puzzle solving idea is interesting.


I'm just amazed at how much you squeezed into TM on a standard CV game. Can't wait to see what you do with this!

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Yes the crocodile from aztec is exactly what I was going for. Not kidding. I really like that game and was playing it recently on my appleII



That looks great... has a bit of the feel of the old Apple2 Aztec game. icon_smile.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

I put it aside this month as I am finishing up an intellivision game contest entry and finishing a kids book. I'll get back at it soon.



I just wanted to pop in and say that this game is looks great Leo, if it is anything as nice a Boot Hill I am sure it will be great! Looking forward to see what progress you may have made on it, any new screenshots you can share?


Thanks for all the great effort!

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Leo I happened upon your youtube page and it reminded me of the games you are working on and saw your videos for Barbarian and for Boot Hill for Intellivision.. I am really looking forward to getting those when they come out, Boot Hill with voice is awesome... and barbarian looks like its going to be awesome.. that splash screen for your title looks amazing...


Looking forward when you get back to these 2 projects as I am sure many here will love to try out your new games on cart.


Keep up the great work!

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Hi, I was working on it this week a bit . I'll post a small update clip later on maybe today. I solved a major problem I was having with the sound as I had run too low on memory and the sound was cutting out.
It's always good to know that someone is interested in seeing it progress. I'll post a small update below.
-changed colours
-added new low attack
-changed jump height
-added some new rooms
-fixed the sound
-added throwing attack for potions & arrows
-added blood
Something weird happend with the dragon their at the end. his corpse came back from the dead.



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will do. I had relaxed the speed of the jump gravity so he floated more. But perhaps too much. I will put in at least one extra frame for the jump animation.


1 of many problems . I'm trying not to expand the rooms too much but rather work on the game mechanics more first in the exisiting rooms. I need the dragon to react better and add sound when hit.

I know It's not easy but a little physics would help the player to look great.

It falls and rolls too slowly and when jumping it should have at least one jumping frame of animation.

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