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atari2600land's Blog - 143


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So when my Hamburgers game gets finished, it will have 7 stages. I need some room for an ending and a game over screen, so that's what prompted me to decide that. And the "perfect score" will be 1,001. So that means that in order to advance to the next level, you'll need to shoot 143 milkshakes. 143 times 7 is 1,001. I read somewhere that 143 was also Mr. Rogers' favorite number (because of the fact that I, love, you had 1, 4, and 3 letters in it. He also didn't take into effect that the same goes for I, hate, you.)

So this means I won't have to make an eighth level, which would have been a castle. I worked a little bit on the game to try to make some room in bank 0. I had .5% room left. Now I have 1.3% Not very much room was saved, but oh well. I'll save some more since I don't have to program in an eighth level. A couple of banks have about 40% free space, but that isn't enough to hold a level image (at least if I want to make it pretty enough.)

If all goes good and I continue to work at this pace and not forsake it and spend all my time on the Jaguar game about Aaron the aardvark, or any of my other various projects, I should finish this by the end of July. I started work on this game in April.

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