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atari2600land's Blog - Happy endings


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Just about everyone loves a happy ending. Increase that number if the happy ending involves hamburgers. I am working on the ending of Hamburgers En Route to Switzerland for Game Gear. After that, I need to change a few things in the game that are there now due to testing. Then it will finally be done. So from April to July. It took 4 months to make this game so far. I should be asleep right now but I don't want to sleep because it takes forever and I'm sick of sleeping every SINGLE NIGHT! And it's too hot. It's only 75 right now but feels like a million in my room. I guess I should sleep anyway. I'm just so sick of stopping what I'm doing just to lay on a dumb bed for 12 hours.

Next up on the Hamburgers game is to compose a happy-sounding ending tune. But not tonight. Nooooo. I have to go lay on my bed with my eyes shut. Barf.

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