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7800 RF Modulator Help


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Hmmm, good question. I think the Saundby mod compares pretty well to the UAV, to my eye, anyway. The Saundby mod (or at least my shoddy implementation of it) has more jail bars. Also, and I'm sure this is just because I did something wrong, the picture is wavy. Everything just kind of quivers. It's distracting up close, but from a distance, I could live with it. But again, I think that's because I did a poor job. I was thinking of redoing it to see if I can do it better. Yeah, that washed out picture is the fault of my phone, I think. To me, the colors look fine. And the sound is good (tested on BallBlazer), though I'm sure the way you did it is indeed better. If I ever get this 7800 running again with the Saundby mod, I'll hook both 7800s up and see how they compare.


That being said, yesterday's frustration with the modulator has worn off. I'm thinking about breaking it open again and wiring it to the board without the shielding box. Then I can test the components while it's powered on. Like I said yesterday, it seems get an input from the board but doesn't seem to produce an output. I'm thinking I can probe various points and find where the signal chain stops.


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