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3 minutes ago, xxl said:

choose file  - and - drag and drop

the same result.


it's probably about the allocated space. it is a pity that I will have to delete previous versions - there will be no development history.


but... how delete it?

I'd go to @Albert about it, maybe there is something he can check or do...

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40 minutes ago, SS said:

Can someone please help me to remember how to convert an .OBX file into an executable?  I have it open in Altirra but for the life of me I cannot remember what to do from there.  Thanks.

OBX is an executable file.  If you want it to look like an XEX then renaming works..

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  • 2 months later...

the game has 16 levels defined for one world and ... (surprises I don't want to talk about right now). the graphic design has been changed from smbolic to more colorful. I am talking about it because I do not want to publish it at the moment, the game will be brought by Santa (December 6)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did I read it correctly at aol that the game does NOT work with U1MB equipped machines ?

Not a problem for me, since I do not own U1MB, but maybe for other Atarians...


[/quote] from Voy at aol:


0C48: A9 FE LDA # $ FE

0C4A: 8D F5 D3 STA $ D3F5

0C4D: 20 40 DC JSR $ DC40

0C50: A9 FF LDA # $ FF

0C52: 8D F1 D3 STA $ D3F1


As you can see, such a record is most likely to be found on the UAUX register ($ D381) in Ultimate 1MB. Pure malice, that's what.  [\endquote]


Now I am wondering why you spend so much time to make your programs not work with U1MB, VBXE or Rapidus intentionally. If you do not like these upgrades, it would be enough to just ignore them (like I do) and not use code intentionally to make the programs not work with such upgrades. Of course the good hackers, like Fandal, Homesoft and several others will be able to remove the "evil code" or patch the program - so you are only wasting your time...


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57 minutes ago, CharlieChaplin said:

Of course the good hackers, like Fandal, Homesoft and several others will be able to remove the "evil code" or patch the program - so you are only wasting your time...

maybe you're right ... I shouldn't publish this game at all

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1 hour ago, CharlieChaplin said:

Now I am wondering why you spend so much time to make your programs not work with U1MB, VBXE or Rapidus

write which program doesn't work on VBXE? Think about what you are writing before you start insults.

Ultimate has an error so it probably decodes those addresses as their registers.
Rapidus is a modification that replaces a processor with one that is not quite compatible with the one installed in Atari and I use commands that the 16-bit version does not execute.

Why would I change my habits? for you?

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XXL, you don't need to change your habits for me, since I do not own U1MB nor VBXE nor Rapidus, nor Sophia, nor Antonia, nor Evie, etc. As I said, I am wondering why you spend your time to create code intentionally so your programs do not work on certain hardware (no matter if U1MB or VBXE or Rapidus or whatever). For me it's like creating some kind of copy-protection in 2019 - totally redundant and a waste of time.


I have no problems with your programs (since I do not own any of that hardware) and the way you release them. It does not matter to me if your program is a single COM/XEX file or a bootdisk or a XBIOS-disk or a LiteDOS disk or something else, since I still use real A8 floppy drives and SIO2PC / SIO2SD, but no harddisks or cartridge-harddisks (or SDX), so I never complain about that - just wondering why you spend your time for such "strange protections". That's all.


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