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Forza Horizon 4 is my kind of go to every once and a while game after putting like 30 hours into it...


Also playing Modern Warfare (the 2019 one) and Gears 5 (waiting on my Brother as we are going thought it together)


I maxed out my Xbox live for 3 years... then I paid the $1 to get game pass ultimate so I could have some games that I never picked up... Nice playing a few odd ball games on the PC too...


Also did some achievement hunting... indy or $20-30 games...short ones... buzzed through 5 of them but, some really good, fun experiences...some games I would over never paid for but, if I knew what they were like, I would of... really great stuff that can be discovered by doing this.


If you want to expand your Xbox live the longest for the cheapest... Try to get 1 month cards from someone ebay... Get a year of 1 month cards...  If you put in a 1 month code, they will offer you another 14 days if you leave auto renew on.  SO for every month, you get almost a month and 1/2...   That is how I maxed out mine for like $75... Just remember to disable it before it ends, or you will pay $60 for a year (or even more for game pass)

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The Outer Worlds.


I used to be a huge fan of RPGs during the 8-bit and 16-bit eras but I honestly am not "feeling it" with modern games. I bought Skyrim for the 360 a while back and haven't really played it that much.


This game is okay but I honestly wouldn't rave about it as much as the gaming press seem to be. I just can't put my finger on why modern RPGs just aren't as much fun as the old ones. The Outer Worlds really reminds me more of Mass Effect than Skyrim.

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I'm more of a sci-fi guy myself, loved the Mass Effect games. I picked The Outer Worlds up on launch day. It's still sealed, gotta find the time to play it.

Which means putting Halo,Fortnite or RDR2 down for a bit.?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/29/2019 at 5:41 PM, Agillig said:

Pretty stoked about Reach coming to the MCC.  If anyone wants to partner up and go for par times and scores, send me a message. 

Same here! Send me a friend request. xbox screen name>> Zeptari

I'm on most nights. 


please let me know your from atariage so i accept the friend request.


Edited by Zeptari1
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  • 1 month later...

Playing Civilization VI for about 3 weeks now. Finally getting the hang of the game. It's not a pick-up-and-play game though, you really need some good hours to get into it, even just to do a little bit. The most annoying aspect of this is the loading times, good grief it's ridiculous, and you have to listen to this tedious lecture (sounds like Sean Bean) every single time you load your game from a save. This game would get an A+ if it wasn't for the loading times though. Probably only a B with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I just finished Ori and the Will of the Wisps.  What a great game!  After completing a few days ago, I noticed that I still had Yooka-Laylee in my queue, so I moved to that.  It's cute....I like it.  Camera is fidgety as all hell and I definitely couldn't call that aspect of the game particularly refined.  But I'm still enjoying it!


I need to finish Control as well.  It just seemed to get difficult as all hell all of a sudden and the with the release of Ori, I got completely diverted.  I hope to get back to it at some point but again, I was getting pretty frustrated with it.  Maybe it only got so difficult because I was off trapsing about on side missions that were meant to be difficult (??).

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Playing Joust and Robotron ! I just found out Midway Arcade Origins from the 360 is Backwards compatible, lucky i had a disc of it here. And only $5 on the Xbox marketplace for those that wanna join me!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Book Of Demons. I guess this game has been on steam for a couple of years. It's new to Xbox. What the game is, a mish mash of action rpg and cards. It's like playing the original Diablo with Paper Mario graphics, combined with the difficulty and item collecting of Darkest Dungeon (and Diablo). 


Your character is limited to walking on preset pathways, and you use the right thumbstick to highlight enemies you want to attack and objects you want to interact with, even though those things are located way off the path. You dont actually have to touch things with your character, its hard to explain. There's also randomness galore, which I always enjoy. 

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  • 1 month later...

Update from my last posting to this topic:


Still playing State of Decay 2 (with the new updates applied, Juggernaut Edition), and am going to start (again) State of Decay: Year One edition. Working on Borderlands 3 and will be getting into The Outer Worlds later.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I've been playing Elite: Dangerous exclusively for a solid month. I've been switching between combat missions and passenger delivery missions. It's pretty cool with the Horizons expansion, you can land on planets and drive around in a little rover. Plus there's this alien race called the Thargoids that you can go and fight against once you get an endgame ship. I'm not at that level of play just yet. Anyway, I guess you can fight the Thargoids and obtain unique materials for boosting your ships' gear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing a lot of NBA 2K20. I used to play mostly team control, but now I prefer player control where it's you against 9 people over the internet. It feels pretty cool to be in charge of one player as a team. Need teamwork to win.


I prefer playing the Center position because I like to bang in the post, grab rebounds, blocking shots. Scoring is very secondary -- plenty of ball hogs so that's not a problem. I've been playing as Boban Marjanovic (Dallas) who's 7'4". In real life, he only plays like 1/4 of the game because his body can't take the whole game, but in the game there's no fatigue so he's great. Rebounding and block party monster though he is kinda slow.

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Been playing Space Crew a lot lately, purely discovered it by chance. Also began (again) Diablo III and some classic arcade gaming on my Xbox One. Stoked that the Diablo II remake is coming, plus looking forward to Diablo IV when it eventually arrives. Other games I was playing have dropped by the wayside for now. My interest changes almost daily, it seems.

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  • 1 month later...

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