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2600 woodgrain console on a vader box?

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Hi everyone.

I have recently bought a boxed 2600.The box suggests, is a Vader model.

surprise, inside, its a Woodgrain.The serial number on the box and the console are the same. so it seems legit.

Did Atari really do that? sold different type of Atari 2600 inside the wrong box model?

I attach the pictures.

Thx you for your help!





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I do not know the correct answer, I am sure someone more knowledgeable will chime in. However two possibilities come to mind, perhaps someone simply
slapped a woody top onto a Vader bottom? Might not be entirely impossible that Atari themselves did it as they were known to use whatever parts they had

spare at any given time? Hope you get a proper answer.

Edited by OldSchoolRetroGamer
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Thank you for your answer.

Yes, that's exactly what a thought. The guy simply screws me and sell me a wood grain in the first box they have. But like I said, the serial number on the Atari and the box are the same. So I suppose: Atari stop producing the woodgrain model, but have an overstock and no more box of this type. so they put them in the new box of the model in production at this time, the Vader. Sound logical, no?


Logical but.. if it's that, it's a the strange commercial technique. imagine, you want to buy the brand new redesigned console and you open the box and found the old one... I suppose at the time, their rebate on this bundle? or the or the consumer was advised of the situation? so intriguing... I would like to know the story behind this :-D .


I'm asking because I want to complete the box with inserts and I don't know, which flyers I have to find. the manual instruction of he wood grain or the Vader?

Edited by sgdagobert6
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