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Moon Patrol body shop !


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I'm not sure I have understand the dimensions of the buggy sprite..

Please clarify this because I have already drawn dozens of buggies with those dimensions in mind.. :woozy:


What I get so far:

Layer 1 -> 11 height by 5 width (quad wide pixels) ?

Layer 2 -> 9 height by 6 width (double wide pixels) ?


I can't fit your buggy into those limitations.. :?

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taking your buggy as a model, the following (my arcade interpretation) should be doable :-D ?

I have rejected it earlier based on my wrong ?!?!? calculations..........


If the answer is yes, then things are looking better than I though !!


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taking your buggy as a model, the following (my arcade interpretation) should be doable :-D ?

I have rejected it earlier based on my wrong ?!?!? calculations..........


If the answer is yes, then things are looking better than I though !!

As I mentioned before, this has been a discovery process for me as well.


The dimensions of the body of the car is most definitely this:




Wide and short pixels.


This is literally the black layer:


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Excellent! :D Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


Yeh where I was a little more of a loose end last weekend with Miner and this, I've a lot busier this week. Comes and goes. Tinkering with Hack-O-Matic can be a blast though. Basically my form of painting.


BTW, the 06a rom image I posted before did not have the errors I experienced with 06b. Need to adjust the offset of the body to the wheels and see if we can get that bug to go away.

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That was me last week with Miner. Especially looking for the color codes. I would try a hue, look at a variable codes, and say "Ok, this should get it... no? Ok this will get it..."


And I would come up with ideas and want to try them right then. Why I did not mind pulling a few all nighters at work recently when a colleague dumped some needed information on me after requesting that for a month and saying "Oh and we needed the final project Friday". I just smirked. :P Feast and famine.


So when you get a chance let me try your hack!

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As usual I got the facts wrong.. (regarding the flying enemies)


They are 3 frames of animation each,

8 (double wide) pixels width x 13 pixels height


So it seems I have some room to enlarge/improve ? the blue bomber sprite !

The red one needs only slight tweaking,

The yellow one stays as it is (it's much better than the arcade)

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Depends. All is not as it seems. Sometimes it looks like you have more space and when you try to write in those areas (such as below and above on body of the car sprite) you'll hit what looks like a single block or blank space and that was the variable that defined the position of the sprite.


So all you can do is try it out, push the envelope and see where the breaking point is. Find the limits.

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right after I figure out how to do that .. :?


When working with Hack-O-Matic you save the rom file. I suggest "save as" and create a new revision and not write over the original. But then again, as you make changes I recommend making a new revision as you go. That way you don't ruin your successes up to that point.


When posting the rom image on Atariage you select the "attach files" option, Choose files, and select the rom image

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Here is the nippy blue buggy, complete with windshield glare :-D

I really like this little guy !


Yes, this little guy is quite cute. :D I would call it "greasy cricket" but I'm sure you have another name.




I think you and I might have started a version of "choppers" for Moon Patrol. We not only changed it from a ugly vehicle (sorry original programmers, you should have lined up that windshield better...) and made a custom chop shop for people to create a whole hot wheels catalog of custom mods. :D




Coming up... THE BATMOBILE!!


Seriously though, what would I like to make? Have to think on that.


We need to figure out the color codes and how to change that. I can change it red, how about other colors?


I can raise the wheels a bit, but can we make a stable version?


And if we can mod the wheels. I know the cells beneath the body run so that it is like a moving roll of film. Can mod that to make other wheels and other effects.


I like your insanity on this. :D


And at some point we need to modify the 5200 version. Those poor people still have an ugly vehicle. Then again they COULD just hack their own at this point. :P

Edited by doctorclu
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HAHA I already have a version of the batmobile !!

Unfortunately the building blocks we have available don't favor curvy shapes (like the arcade buggy), but they are perfect for wacky futuristic designs..


As for your questions:

  • in the arcade, the buggy is magenta/pink on the first level, red on the second and that's it.. In our superior version ;) we can make it a different color in each level ?
  • I think the wheels are correctly placed (at least with my designs), maybe they need a liiittle left/right adjustment..
  • now for the redesign of the wheels, as much as I loved the original tank trucks, I tried a few different approaches but didn't worked (animation wise). So if you have something in mind go ahead !

In the meantime I have start tweaking the flying enemies :P

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Any version that doesn't have the long nose sticking out, or, like the original also, what I always thought looked like a scorpion tale/stinger, get rid of those two things and ANY of the others are a marked improvement, IMHO.

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Sure thing Gunstar. We need to get ANY improvement for the 5200 folk, and I think I'll try to do it this weekend.


So ladies (where?!) and gentlemen (Hahahaha!!)


I present a pink moon rover...



And a green one...



And TIX's favorite... yellow!!







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After learning where the color code was, I tried my hand at my latest arcade design. Below is the 800 and 5200 version:


Moon Patrol 07.rom

MoonPatrol 01 5200.bin


Places for hacking the 5200 version. The buggy sprites:



And where to change the color (just change the "76" to whatever you want)



Not done with this, but wanted to give the 5200 folks something to play with. If the 5200 gamers have a car design previously mentioned in this thread, we will work to make a 5200 version of it.

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