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batari Basic Logo

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For those who don't know, Nathan Strum made a batari Basic logo back in 2006.

Here's the large version:


Here's the medium version:


And here is the small version without "built with" for people to use on their web sites:







Since batari liked his user name to start with a lowercase b, he decided that batari Basic should also start the same way. He also said that the word BASIC for this project should just have the B capitalized. Since batari Basic is a BASIC-like language and not official BASIC and it's a starting point for the average person who wants to make Atari 2600 games (it gives them the basic tools they need to make a game), only having the B capitalized shouldn't bother anybody.

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Very nice looking Logo, but I'm not sure of the purpose.


I think BASIC is an awesome programming language and so is Assembly, they work so well together we often see them combined.


Assembly + Macros (BASIC)

BASIC + Pokes (Assembly)


A lot of great assembly games utilize Macro BASIC for cross development, but I don't expect to see a "Made with Macros" disclaimer.


The programmer making the game always gets full credit regardless of the tools they use.


If the programmer uses in a lot of code from another game that programmer should get a reference, this usually isn't done.


I'd also like to see a logo for Atari games made using modern hardware, made with a modern CPU that can run Windows 10

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Very nice looking Logo, but I'm not sure of the purpose.


Way back in 2007 batari BASIC enabled me to make my first real console game. I'm proud of my work and eternally indebted to Fred Quimby and the AtariAge community. For those that want to display their pride and lead others to similar accomplishments this serves the purpose. At least that's my take :)

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Way back in 2007 batari BASIC enabled me to make my first real console game. I'm proud of my work and eternally indebted to Fred Quimby and the AtariAge community. For those that want to display their pride and lead others to similar accomplishments this serves the purpose. At least that's my take :)


I like that interpretation. I used batari BASIC to write my first Atari games too. I knew Assembly, but not the unorthodox architecture of the 2600 and it was awesome to be able to write in BASIC.


What I don't like is the connotation that BASIC is somehow inferior, there have been some posts and threads looking for "just the Assembly games" to that effect.

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I like that interpretation. I used batari BASIC to write my first Atari games too. I knew Assembly, but not the unorthodox architecture of the 2600 and it was awesome to be able to write in BASIC.


What I don't like is the connotation that BASIC is somehow inferior, there have been some posts and threads looking for "just the Assembly games" to that effect.


People who will be swayed by elitist developers will probably not appreciate or support bB made games anyway. Best to channel energy back into the community to keep the Atari 2600 fresh and relevant.

Edited by Gemintronic
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I like the idea of the logo on startup. I was familiar with basic but was not aware of batariBasic until recently and am currently using it to program my first game. I have found it to be a tremendous tool in learning the Atari and I do hope to one day learn assembly and possibly use both to make games. I think the logo is a way of showing respect to those who have helped build the Atari community and make it more accessible.


I have also seen a little shade thrown at batariBasic games. I don't understand because personally I play the Atari for playability. I am always amazed at what people make for a 40 year old system and while some are boundary pushers, I am perfectly happy playing a game that is fun and enjoyable.

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Is there interest in code that would display a splash screen with the logo that doesn't use the title screen kernel, so that the latter could still be used afterwards?


I like this idea and I'd have no issue showing the bB logo along with an AA splash (maybe 1 screen with both shown). If any of my games go to cart it will be via the store here.

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Well, I guess I could say that I'd give code to display a splash screen, and you could put whatever image you like up. Space Game displays the AA logo, and that's a bit more complicated because it is a 48-pixel image with two different colors, so I had to "borrow" code from Star Castle Arcade (with permission) for that. But for a simple single-color image like the above logo, the code is more straight-forward.

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Is there interest in code that would display a splash screen with the logo that doesn't use the title screen kernel, so that the latter could still be used afterwards?


Maybe reinventing the wheel might not be needed? The assembly code from the title screen kernel might be available. I don't think RevEng intended one title screen to be a hard limit. Probably just wrote what was needed for one per ROM.


I'd end up abusing a multi title screen enhancement for high resolution Wizardry type games :)

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Maybe reinventing the wheel might not be needed? The assembly code from the title screen kernel might be available. I don't think RevEng intended one title screen to be a hard limit. Probably just wrote what was needed for one per ROM.


I'd end up abusing a multi title screen enhancement for high resolution Wizardry type games :)


Pilfering code from the title screen kernel would certainly be an option. The reason more than one can't be used in the same project, though, is because the symbol names would clash. One *could* have a project with more than one title screen kernel, but *all* of the symbol names would have to be changed in the assembly code, which would be a gigantic undertaking.


What I'm talking about for the splash screen is just code to display a 48-pixel wide bitmap, examples of which can be found in the titlescreen kernel and several other places. The only real "trick" is setting up the timers to go into or out of the bB display kernel without overcycling by setting the timers in a way that bB is expecting.

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This is admittedly a quick and dirty example with minimal documentation, but hopefully some of you may find it useful, either for displaying a splash screen at the beginning, or displaying an unchanging image or text such as a "GAME OVER" screen. It may be used in a project that uses the titlescreen kernel, or it may be used on its own.


The example program displays a "made with bB" logo splash screen before showing the "game". Using it this way for your own projects should be pretty straightforward. In the BASIC code, there are two constants defined: "logo_color" and "logo_height" to define the color and height of the image to be displayed.


The image is a single-color 48-pixel wide image, displayed centered on the screen.


To change what image is displayed, you will convert a 48-pixel wide image to code in the same way you would for the titlescreen kernel, using the 48x1 kernel output option. Once you have generated this image code, do a search for "bmp_48x1_1_0", and replace that text with "logo_". Take this modified code, and paste it after the following line in bbsplash.asm, replacing the code that is currently there:

; Paste image information here

Set the "logo_color" and "logo_height" constants in the BASIC code accordingly, and recompile your project.







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