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Any dealers with NEW old stock 2600 Activision titles?


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Anyone know of any dealers with quantity of new Activision titles?


There was someone from PA who had Pitfall and a few others for $10 or so. I ran into them at the computer show that Tom Zeba from Tomorrows heros in Cleveland Ohio puts on every year.



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Hi Adam. I just got the other cases of games in and they are all Revenge of the Beef Stake Tomatoes. I have 2 cases(6 games per case) the are still factory taped shut(I don't know what the boxes are like), and 3 cases that have been opened. Out of the 3 opened cases, I think 2 of the games were opened, the rest are still glued shut. If you want them, I'll take $10.00 per game. If you need it, Ill take a few pictures and send them to you. Please let me know, as they will go up on E-Bay if not.


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