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Radar Lock 2-button genesis controller: does rom exist?


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At this point I'm guessin it does cause this board has freaking amazed me, so if if someone can point me in the way of this one, i wanna shred this with 2 button genesis control- much like the 2 button SOLARIS hack. Im telling you harmony cart was the best purchase i ever made- the improvments in the code on some of them really helps. like on double dragon, for the 1st time i can clear a level portion, with the 2 button hack. im telling you...- anyways anyone have this one? thxxx!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quick edit of the first Rom bank that fits right in the original location (no code shifting)…

;original routine
;    lda     SWCHA   ;4
;    and     #$0F    ;2
;    tay             ;2
;    lda     LF57D,y ;4
;    bmi     LF474   ;2/3
;    sta     ram_E6  ;3
;    ldx     ram_E6  ;3

    ldx     ram_E6  ;3
    lda     INPT1   ;3
    bmi     LF476   ;2/3
    inx             ;2
    cpx     #$03    ;2
    bne     LF474   ;2/3
    ldx     #$00    ;2
    stx     ram_E6  ;3
;Note: The 16 bytes at F57D are unused now

The same edit will work for the PAL version if somebody needs that one.


Edited by Nukey Shay
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No...the Genesis controller A and Start buttons are unreadable to the 2600. B reacts the same as a 2600 stick's firebutton (INPT4), and C is read as the second paddle (INPT1). This hack alternates through the available weapons when you press C. Button B is still used to fire them. The hacked routine is a quick patch, so it may be a little wonky :P


Note: as in the original game, you only have the guns and a small number of guided missiles to choose from. Proximity missiles (which work sort of like Photon torpedoes in Star Trek) are not available until level 3, I think.

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No...the Genesis controller A and Start buttons are unreadable to the 2600. B reacts the same as a 2600 stick's firebutton (INPT4), and C is read as the second paddle (INPT1). This hack alternates through the available weapons when you press C. Button B is still used to fire them. The hacked routine is a quick patch, so it may be a little wonky :P


Note: as in the original game, you only have the guns and a small number of guided missiles to choose from. Proximity missiles (which work sort of like Photon torpedoes in Star Trek) are not available until level 3, I think.



can i be so bold to make a suggestion- right now its cycling betwen the guns and ---> ---> ---> screens real quick at the top. but i absoutely am able to set off the guided missiles, i think i was hitting c coupled with b to get it, i think- anyways what i was wdonering is if yu can make the code so it will only cycle between the guns screen and the missle arrows --> ---> ---> when you press the c button, can we conntect the screen at the top to the buttons

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on a sidenote, can i phone in to 1900-atariage right now and get read in on what to do at the end of level 2--- after the i shoot all the planes, i still have firepower, instead of like level 1 where the firepower turns off and i can hookup witth the plane to end the level- but on level 2 i just have firepower and nothing happens for a while until the plane runs out of gas i suppose and blows up-

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The game manual is on site:



Every Level ends with the refueling sequence (the difficulty of getting to the plane increases).


As far as the rapid weapon switch is concerned: I hacked the game from within Stella (that is why the hacked routine fits in the same amount of Romspace as the original one). To make that routine better, a better disassembly of the program is needed (I started one, but it's still pretty messy with a LOT of stuff unlabeled)...so Romspace can be shifted around to make room. What is needed is just a few more bytes, but also a little Ram memory to keep track of the button press between frames - to ignore it if the button was held for more than 1 frame.


It wouldn't be a good idea to auto fire the missile with C, because then you'd lack the ability to use proximity missiles in higher levels. The controller only has 2 buttons for 3 weapons. Of course, the program could be changed to fire the 3rd weapon when BOTH buttons are hit at the same time...but that would take a LOT of work hacking the existing routines (and also making space for those changes).

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