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Maria “crashing”?


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Since days I have strange happening with Maria like INCing xpos of sprites but nothing happen on screen?


Double checked with monitor and memory shows that the dL entry byte 4 is increasing but on screen nothing happens?


Wtf.... yes dll is in ram at 2300 ff.


So question...


Can Maria hang? DLI are fired as color changes and music plays...


Why does music fucks up when my dll is too short? Do I have to set for 288 scanlines minimum so maria works correct?


I can not share code this time publicly.

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What zone is that DL entry part of? (where on the screen should we be looking for/expecting movement, etc) And what sprite in particular are we suppose to be expecting to move. You're only adjusting one byte so most of that screen I would expect to stay in the same place. I suppose I should ask for clarification: Is the moving sprite even on the screen in the video above?


And how often does that inc/jmp activate per frame? Only once? Is it in a DLI routine.

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there should at least something happening on screen (sprites are 4 zones a 16 scanlines). update tried per CPU loop, per VBL etc... nothing happening. the music, color etc is changing just to see if something is crashed.


even writing to gfx data adress in the DL nothing changes??? wtf... but maria seems to read the DLL and DLs otherwise I would not see those balls.

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.proc do_amigaball
lda #0
sta endpart_flag
; lda #1 ;bank #1
; sta $8000 
jsr WaitVBLANK
jsr musicplayer
ldx #$00
lda amigaballdll,x
sta $2300,x
bne CopyLoop
jsr WaitVBLANK
lda #$60
sta CTRL
lda #<$2300 ;amigaballdll
sta dppl
lda #>$2300 ;amigaballdll
sta dpph
lda #<dli5
sta dliv
lda #>dli5
sta dliv+1
jsr WaitVBLANK
lda #$34
sta p0c1
lda #$3a
sta p0c2
lda #$0f
sta p0c3
lda #$40
sta ctrl
jsr WaitVBLANK
inc $2338+4
jmp testloop
lda #15
sta backgrnd
jsr musicplayer
sta backgrnd
lda #$40
sta ctrl
inc framecounter
bne @+
inc framecounter+1
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.byte $0f,>bitmap_blank,<bitmap_blank ;16
  .byte $0f,>bitmap_blank,<bitmap_blank ;4
.rept 3 ; 3*64 = 192
.byte $0f,>amigaball_dl0,<amigaball_dl0 
.byte $0f,>amigaball_dl1,<amigaball_dl1
.byte $0f,>amigaball_dl2,<amigaball_dl2
.byte $0f,>amigaball_dl3,<amigaball_dl3
.byte $8f,>bitmap_blank,<bitmap_blank ;16
.byte $0f,>bitmap_blank,<bitmap_blank ;16
.byte $0f,>bitmap_blank,<bitmap_blank ;16
.byte $0f,>bitmap_blank,<bitmap_blank ;16
.byte 0,0
.byte <(amigaballsprites+15*256),$40,>(amigaballsprites+15*256),$00+(32-,$28
.byte <(amigaballsprites+15*256),$00+(32-,>(amigaballsprites+15*256),$60
.byte 0,0
.byte <(amigaballsprites),$00+(32-,>(amigaballsprites),$28
.byte <(amigaballsprites),$00+(32-,>(amigaballsprites),$60 
.byte 0,0
.byte <(amigaballsprites+32+15*256),$00+(32-,>(amigaballsprites+32+15*256),$28
.byte <(amigaballsprites+32+15*256),$00+(32-,>(amigaballsprites+32+15*256),$60
.byte 0,0
.byte <(amigaballsprites+32),$00+(32-,>(amigaballsprites+32),$28
.byte <(amigaballsprites+32),$00+(32-,>(amigaballsprites+32),$60
.byte 0,0
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Making sense of DL/DLL stuff is admittedly confusing for me which is why I spend more time with 7800basic (Even if I do dig down into the DLs with assembly...).


You appear to copy pre-made DLs/DLLs in rom to ram. All starting at $2300?


However the DLLs look like they're going to be pointing at the original rom versions of the DLs rather than the ram copy you've made. So while you update the ram copy, the DLL list blissfully ignores your ram changes and looks at the unchanging rom version.


I -think- that's what I'm seeing here.

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