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Another unreleased CV game found and preserved!


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Not that this becoming a request thread, but one game that I'd absolutely LOVE to see ported over is DINO EGGS (Microfun, 1983). A release was planned back in the day, I believe it even had a catalog number, but nothing ever materialized. Probably the crash came before any work could get started on the project. I believe CRISIS MOUNTAIN was also planned.

Edited by zyzzle
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Not that this becoming a request thread, but one game that I'd absolutely LOVE to see ported over is DINO EGGS (Microfun, 1983). A release was planned back in the day, I believe it even had a catalog number, but nothing ever materialized. Probably the crash came before any work could get started on the project. I believe CRISIS MOUNTAIN was also planned.

Wow, I haven't thought of Dino Eggs in years! I remember playing it on the Commodore 64 and enjoying it. I'd definitely welcome a Coleco/Phoenix port. And, along those lines, would ports of Impossible Mission and other C64 era games be possible?
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And em#8, the credit card reader.

Hmm... I should make a gocha type of game. You're a soldier armed with a broken laser pistol that don't shoot very far and no body armor. In order to obtain a machine gun with 5 clips and body armor from wal-mart that breaks in 1 or 3 hits, you'll pay $10.00. Get a rocket launcher with 5 rockets and high quality body armor for $20.00. Of course the mini-gun with 10,000 rounds with very high quality body armor for $45.00. Get all 3 for $65.95(Great value). Of course, once the gun run out of ammo, and body armor break. You have to buy another one. :evil:

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I wonder if Keith passed it down to someone else.

Steve and some of the other Blue Sky Rangers have copies of He-man for CV, so it's still preverved for the moment. I asked them about it a couple months ago, over in the Intellivision section.. Wish I could remember exactly which thread it was. Unfortunately they've only shared it with each other and some of their close friends but never publicly. At least it is safe and sound presently, despite KR passing away.

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... Unfortunately they've only shared it with each other and some of their close friends but never publicly. At least it is safe and sound presently,...


To me, that's a problem


Why not sharing it with the ColecoVision Community then?


See, that's EXACTLY why we're ALWAYS sharing prototypes with the community

All fans should be able to enjoy those

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To me, that's a problem

Why not sharing it with the ColecoVision Community then?

See, that's EXACTLY why we're ALWAYS sharing prototypes with the community

All fans should be able to enjoy those

I feel exactly the same way, JF and I wish they'd release it too, but from what Steve also said (which I forgot to mention in my post earlier), it all boils down to who owns the He-Man rights & IP , which isn't BSR.. So that's why they can't release the Rom. :(

Maybe someday it'll get released (fingers crossed) but it probably won't be any time soon.


I'm not real sure who owns He-Man nowadays.. I started to read about it, briefly but never got a solid answer here: http://www.he-man.org/forums/boards/showthread.php?268005-Mattel-no-longer-owns-the-rights-to-MOTU

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They didn't release He-Man because they couldn't sell it without paying Mattel for the license. Same reason they wouldn't license Tron from Disney. I don't recall BSR releasing roms for free, they pretty well guarded them, and put them on the collections for every system out there. If the owner of the code/dump/cart isn't looking to sell copies, it could be shared yesterday.

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I have no plans too but if I wanted to release a Smurf game on the Colecovision I could into the public domain despite Sony owning the rights to distribute the movies as long as I am not making a cent on it.

Public domain is public domain.


How many of you has Nintendo gone after for passing around the Coleco version of Donkey Kong.

I never owned the flashback junk but coming from what I read it did not include Donkey Kong because they did not secure the license on a NEW piece of equipment that is intended to make money.

If the BSR wants to hide behind some bogus copywrite then the more power to them but they already lost one and when all of them are gone, just like every old nostalgia collector, their crap ends up at the Good Will or some thrift store.


So someone needs to get on the ball and remind them that the history is more important than trying to take it with them.

Edited by Mike Harris
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