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A roach in Space RC2


I think I polished the mechanics and corrected all the bug, but I have only tested it in Stella and Flashback portable so:









A roach in Space (release candidate)


The game is finished and if not bugs are found after testing this will be the final version, so I would appreciate any testing.






I wanted to keep the game in 16k, but I ran out of space for a feature that I really wanted to add, so I moved to 32k, that means that I have a lot of extra space now and it would be a shame leave it unused.
So I know I said that this would be the final version, but now I changed my plans and I will more waves/patterns and features.
But in the meantime there is a new beta:



A week or so ago I started to program a space shooter for the 2600 and today I am releasing the first beta.

Its name is "A ROACH IN SPACE" and you control a stranded roach trying to come back to the earth.


I have tested it in Stella an Z26, but I have no means to test it in actual hardware, so it would be really cool if somebody could test it in Harmony o similar.


I am open to critics and suggestions.



aroachinspace-0.5.bin <- ALMOST FINAL! More waves, different sprites for each boss, POWER UPS! Two modes: Normal and Hard. Please test it and comment.


aroachinspace-0.4.bin <- Big Update, lot of tweak and new content.


Aroachinspace-0.3.bin <- Big Update, lot of tweak and new content.


aroachinspace-0.2.1.bin <-- LIttle update


aroachinspace-0.2.bin NEW BETA More enemy waves/patterns and more sprites.


aroachinspace-0.1.2.bin <--Corrects "top row bug" (Thanks Random Terrain for the advice) and tweaks some patterns.



******** I updated the download link. This version (0.1.1) should correct a couple of bugs that were reported







Edited by vhzc
Update, added new files.
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If this is a batari Basic game, there is a top row bug fix:




Thanks for the advice! I added a new version that corrects the issue.

Edited by vhzc
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Very nice animations and difficulty progression.

Quickly got to the point I cannot use “phone touch screen control” :)


Already uses different sizes and copies (triple) of enemy Player objects.


Suggestions? Use lots of colors because the 2600 has them.

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Would it be possible to break the game into stages and have a boss at the end of every stage? Even if it were the same boss it would still break things up. Also, possibly having a way to replenish your health?

Again, I have not progressed too far so some of these things may already be in the game. If they are please disregard.


Just my two cents.



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Would it be possible to break the game into stages and have a boss at the end of every stage? Even if it were the same boss it would still break things up. Also, possibly having a way to replenish your health?

Again, I have not progressed too far so some of these things may already be in the game. If they are please disregard.


Just my two cents.





That is in fact the structure of the game: some patterns and then a boss. Being a first beta for now there is only one boss, I will adding patterns/bosses after all the basic functionalities are tested.

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We'll be featuring A Roach in Space LIVE on tomorrow's (Wednesday) ZeroPage Homebrew stream on Twitch at 11AM PT | 2PM ET | 7PM GMT! Hope everyone can watch!

Twitch Stream: http://twitch.tv/zeropagehomebrew/


- Tower of Rubble (2019 WIP Update) by Dion Olsthoorn aka Dionoid
- Penult (2019 WIP) by Karl Garrison aka Karl G
- One on One (2019 WIP) by Edward Smith aka easmith
- A Roach In Space (2019 WIP) by John Von Neumann aka Vhzc




Edited by ZeroPage Homebrew
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