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Atari Pong C-100 question


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Hey guys, having trouble figuring out this little mystery. I stumbled upon an Atari Pong console which appears to be a C-100 model. The only trouble is that it's not 100% identical to the C-100 models I've seen via Google, eBay, or anywhere else listed. None of those appear to have a power on switch like mine, and a LED indicator light.


Can anyone better identify this unit?



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Hard to see but the power switch looks correct, I'd say the LED was a modification


have you played it ?


Interesting. I played it decades ago of course. Traditional black and white pong. I don't have the coax switcher to hook it up to my modern TV for visual confirmation, but powering it on and starting it produces the typical pong "blip-bloop" sounds from the speaker. I assume it works. Odd that there would be a modification to add an LED though.

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