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My Jaguar Collection for Auction

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I'm auctioning off my Jaguar collection as one large bundle. Check my webpage for the full list of games and pictures - http://www.provide.net/~hdodgson/jagsale/ or check here for a partial list - http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=29200


I'm holding the auction right here in this topic - not on eBay. The starting bid should be at least $500.00 USD. The auction ends when the bidding stops so don't wait. (Do I have to specify: "Serious bids only"?)


I take paypal and money orders. All together it weighs about 25 pounds. Shipping and insurance has to be added to the final bid (as always). Local pickup is possible as well.


Post any questions here and I will do my best to answer them. This is my first try at selling things. Usually I just buy stuff.



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It seems some people are a bit confused about how I'd like this to work. Then again, bluevoodu has the right idea. Just toss out a price, hopefully higher than the previous one. This isn't a private auction - PMs just slow things down.


Matthias asked what happened to the boxes for the games - if I threw them out or what? I don't feel like looking for them so they aren't included. At least I have the instructions.


There is no "Buy It Now" Price. Most of those I've seen are set at MSRP for New In Box items. I would just like to sell the whole collection at a fair price to the person who wants it the most - does that make sense?


Willard asked how long the auction would last. I will check it every day and when it looks like the last bid is in, I will give 8 hours warning and close it. Does that sound fair?


remember... PM bids are not the way to do it!




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well... actially the next time i read the posts and the aution is over i'll send the paypal. Most of the hotels in alaska have free internet, but i have been in one that hasn't (ive gone to 3 different towns so far). It's just eaiser on tuesday, because i can monitor the net more often then. I think there is a 30min using time here, but its 11:15, and noone wants it (there in bed).

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Oh yeah willard really






Hey Willard if your such a stand up guy, why dont u answer your email/pms from other trades from other people you have strung along? As far as your paypal word is they are looking into it for scamming people.

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Actually, I do have the BS: Gold box where I can find it. It's the only one that has a use - to put the CDs and the dongle in it. The rest just took up space.


As I stated before - but seems to have been overlooked - I didn't throw the boxes away. They are only the outer cardboard anyway as I tossed out the inside and flattened them to save space. I just don't feel like trying to locate and inventory them.


I did get some games without boxes (I have 2 Iron Soldier 1s, but one was a cartridge only gift) and it's easier to say no boxes than deal with complaints about one or two missing.


I do the same thing with my DVDs. I put the disks in padded binders and hide all the plastic cases in old cardboard boxes in the far corner of the basement.


Looks like the high bid so far is $600.00

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They are only the outer cardboard anyway as I tossed out the inside and flattened them to save space.  I just don't feel like trying to locate and inventory them.


you'd get more money if you found them.




And how much more would you pay for a statement like the following?


"includes as many game outer cardboard boxes as I can manage to locate this week."


Are we talking $0.50 a box or what? Is a Raiden box worth more than an Atari Karts one?



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I would pay $630-650 if it read:


"ALL boxes are included near mint to mint condition. Carboard is still stiff. All Cardboard cart holders are included too.


As for the systems, they are clean, in mint condition, with excellent to mint boxes, all inserts, and cardboard inserts included (for both the CD, and Jag system).


thats what it would take.


without those boxes the jag and 7 games you might get $80+ for.

overall $500 would not be too bad of a price for someone buying for their ownself.



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