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Project Files from Original RB+ Tutorial…

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Hello, all!


I am looking for the original project files from the Raptor BASIC+ tutorial, including the Particle System Star Field, Sprite Graphic Modifications Files, and the Video Mode Files for the "lolvalamp." I have the text for the RB+ tutorial, since I compiled it into a PDF a couple of years back, but I need these files to follow the old tutorial text. Or, is the tutorial text so outdated that it is irrelevant nowadays? I really want to understand this software. Can I get assistance for finding the project files? Thanks.

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Hi there,


In some ways the tutorial is outdated but most things should be ok (btw the tutorial exists under the "website" folder when you download the github or bitbucket repository).


All projects from the tutorial are already bundled inside the repository and should build ouf of the box (for example starfield and lolavamp). If there's still something missing just give out a shout and we'll find it.


In general if you want to understand the system you can read the tutorials on this site and building the bundled projects and reading the source code to see how they work. It's true that proper documentation hasn't been rb+'s stronger point. This subforum has a few questions answered. The general vibe has always been "just ask here if something doesn't make sense".


Have fun exploring the system!

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Hey, GGN, I forgot to ask. Is this tutorial for rB+ in the master ZIP directory that I downloaded recently from GitHub also outdated, or did you mean the previous tutorial I compiled into a PDF for myself and my learning pleasure from 2016? I assume it has been updated in the past three years (it has a new logo, for instance), and I know that there is also a tutorial on AtariAge in the forum posts for programming on the Jag, but I am just curious. Thanks. :)

Edited by jericho_21
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Well it's not too outdated, i.e. you can pick up a lot of concepts from there and they'd still work (like raptor lists, asset management etc). But the tutorial doesn't cover newer stuff like added commands, a support for a 2nd sound engine etc. It's not a waste of time to read through it, that's why it's still there. Just saying that it could use some work to bring it up to speed and, well, nobody has done that yet :).

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