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Wanted:Virtual Boy Dev kit

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I have a VB and all the games I could get for it. I got it when toys'r'us was dumping them for next to free. I recall there was a site that had some docs, an emulator, and some examples. It wasn't such a bad system if you ignore the fact it contributes to eyestrain, neckstrain, and back problems.



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I have a VB also, just started collecting again. I had one back when Toys R' Us was dumping them also, but i sold it (stupid stupid me). But now i again have the beloved and forgotten nintendo system. Truthfully I don't know how people get all those strains... We must have a wussy generation. I've played that thing for hours at a time with no problems. Oh well, that doesn't help everyone else does it? ;)




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I don't think anybody has one of these. I consider myself a hardcore Virtual Boy collector (have all the US & Jap games complete except for Virtual Bowling), and I've never heard of anyone that owns a development kit. I remember seeing a picture of one a while back, but I think it belonged to legitimate developer from back in the day.


With all the rabid VB fanatics out there, I'm surprised that none of these have turned up.

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