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#FujiNet - a WIP SIO Network Adapter for the Atari 8-bit


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The ESP32 can do TLS quite comfortably, so at the very least, we will be able to make TCP (TLS) and  UDP (DTLS) connections at some point. We will also be able to do SSH.


Adding this to TNFS will need some coordination with those people on the ZX Spectrum side, as well, but it is doable.



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TLS 1.2 is currently supported in the SSL libs that also works on the NodeMCU boards.


Soon after I finish the Full TNFS Client (should just be on the Atari side with the N: Handler and demo program),  my next objective is to make a TNFS Server that could be ran on the FujiiNet Board with the built-in SD Card.  So it shouldn't be much of a problem adding a SSL wrapper on that :)


The Great and Powerful mOZz has graciously sent one of his boards my way too :)

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Most excellent.


Yeah, it's all doable, and it looks like interests are converging. This is good. We'll get a lot more done even quicker now.


I am feverishly trying to get the next pass of Diskulator (Multilator) done, hopefully either tonight or tomorrow I will call it ready. (pushed regardless)


I'm hoping with the commands that I've put in so far, we can minimize any collisions.



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Indeed. Something amazing is happening here.


One thing I want to ask from everyone.


If you see my code, and see something wrong with it, fix it. send a patch. Point it out. give reason why.


It'll allow us to get this all done even faster. 


If I may be bold:


What is happening here is the single largest jump in capability for an Atari 8-bit system in the last two decades, possibly ever. The amount of interest being generated is nothing short of staggering. We have people who are going out of their way to build their own boards, and people asking to come in and help.


I am slack-jawed.


In my three decades of contributing to open projects, I have never been a part of such an intense and consistent build-up of interest, and it is pushing me to try my best to keep this ball rolling.



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2 hours ago, tschak909 said:

haha. :) She and I have an understanding. I use it in the morning for my aerobics (I do the Atari Personal Fitness. I am not kidding.), and she and I use it in the evening for games and her diary.



That's beautiful and heart warming.  I still remember the time my mom spent with me on my Atari 400 36+ years ago.  I am sure your daughter will be the same.  It might even shape her career later in life, as it did with me.

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Well, I just officially abandoned this idea for STs in favour of #FujiNet.  IMHO, FujiNet has the potential to offer a much more seamless experience to data access than the idea I'd proposed, and I don't see the sense in going down a different track when there's no clear benefit to doing so.


So...  Work is continuing on the 8-bit side, and it appears to be maturing *very* nicely.  Has any consideration been given to the 68K side of things, or is it early for that?  As I see it, three things (in broad strokes) need to happen:

  1. Hardware: wifi adapter.
  2. TNFS implementation for 68K.
  3. Interfacing TNFS with TOS' disk handling.

Are there plans underway, or is that a bit further off?

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@mozzwald and @Mr Robot


I finally have a new Atari setup near my main PC.




Well, this is not near my PC, but while testing on the couch :) 


Looking through my parts bin and cupboard, I found this:




So that's good. But I was unable to find a proper Schottky diode. While considering using a normal pn-diode, I looked up the NCP1117 datasheet and it seems it needs between 4.75V and 10V for a stable 3.3V. The DSS12 Schottky diode has, depending on manafacturer, a forward voltage drop of 0.45V-0.55V, so even with a steady 5V, Vin could be as low as 4.55V-4.45V. Apparently it still works, but isn't this way out of spec? And can we rely on it? Bass, how low can we go? :D






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3 hours ago, ivop said:

So that's good. But I was unable to find a proper Schottky diode. While considering using a normal pn-diode, I looked up the NCP1117 datasheet and it seems it needs between 4.75V and 10V for a stable 3.3V. The DSS12 Schottky diode has, depending on manafacturer, a forward voltage drop of 0.45V-0.55V, so even with a steady 5V, Vin could be as low as 4.55V-4.45V. Apparently it still works, but isn't this way out of spec? And can we rely on it? Bass, how low can we go? :D

The Schottky diode connected from SIO5V to the Nodemcu VIN (power input) is needed to prevent back powering the Atari if USB 5V is supplied to the Nodemcu. The Nodemcu has an on board voltage regulator that takes the 5V (probably more in the range of 3.5~5.1V) input and supplies steady 3.3V to the ESP module. So, we are not using the diode to drop the voltage on purpose, it's a side effect. A Schottkty is used since it has a lower voltage drop, and it's just for protection.

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1 hour ago, mozzwald said:

The Schottky diode connected from SIO5V to the Nodemcu VIN (power input) is needed to prevent back powering the Atari if USB 5V is supplied to the Nodemcu. The Nodemcu has an on board voltage regulator that takes the 5V (probably more in the range of 3.5~5.1V) input and supplies steady 3.3V to the ESP module. So, we are not using the diode to drop the voltage on purpose, it's a side effect. A Schottkty is used since it has a lower voltage drop, and it's just for protection.

I understand the reason why there's a diode in the first place, but the NodeMCU has an AMS1117/NCP1117 voltage regulator. Datasheets for both specify they need at least 4.75V for a stable 3.3V output, so not in the range of 3.5-4.75V. Still, it works with 5V - Vf == ~4.5V.


A standard pn-diode has a Vf of 0.6-0.7V, so perhaps that will also work, even though it is way out of spec of the onboard voltage regulator.


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13 minutes ago, ivop said:

I understand the reason why there's a diode in the first place, but the NodeMCU has an AMS1117/NCP1117 voltage regulator. Datasheets for both specify they need at least 4.75V for a stabe 3.3V output, so not in the range of 3.5-4.75V. Still, it works with 5V - Vf == ~4.5V.


A standard pn-diode has a Vf of 0.6-0.7V, so perhaps that will also work, even though it is way out of spec of the onboard voltage regulator.


I had not looked at the AMS1117 datasheet (I did not realize how crappy the part is :D). It lists the typical dropout voltage of 1.1V so, you should be able to get stable 3.3V from input of 4.4V (or worst case 4.6V) up to 800mA (then it gets worse).

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A quick status update:


* I took the midimaze sketch that @mozzwald put together, and tossed it into a fully functional test program that sets up a Midi Maze connection between two end-points. A few SIO commands were added to support the required setup, and I passed the result off to @mozzwald. The code is here: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/atariwifi/tree/master/esp32/tests/midimaze


* @mozzwald has been taking my code and tweaking it to work. ESP32 uses a totally different API to do PWM clocks, and even with the requisite changes, (and a proper clock signal), we are having timing issues, causing the game not to work. The same code works just fine on the 8266.


* I have written a new cio test program to exercise UDP communication, still to be debugged, it's here: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/atariwifi/tree/master/esp32/tests/cio6-udp


We have noticed that the ESP32 serial timing is slower than the 8266. There are definite delays incurred in transmitting data that are having wide ranging effects from slow read performance (write, somehow is faster!), to the fact that midimaze isn't running.


We definitely need more help to try and track down these timing issues, as they are adversely affecting reliability (and when you least expect it!)


So if you have any ESP8266/ESP32 experience under Arduino, please look at what we have to see what can be done better.



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23 hours ago, mozzwald said:

I had not looked at the AMS1117 datasheet (I did not realize how crappy the part is :D). It lists the typical dropout voltage of 1.1V so, you should be able to get stable 3.3V from input of 4.4V (or worst case 4.6V) up to 800mA (then it gets worse).

Yeah, the AMS1117 is pretty shitty ;)


Have been looking for better schottky/blocking diodes, and this is what I came up with so far:




$0,70 from China (min. 10pcs) or $1,70 at Farnell (1pc)


Very low Vf for low currents!


This one should keep SIO's 5V input well above 4.6V, probably even above 4.8V, before entering the AMS1117.



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