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Only time I have had issues with EMULATORS is Windows stupid file permissions suddenly without any warning decides to make a file write protected.

Does not happen in Linux or Unix or other OS but just Windows that is such a mess they have never fixed this problem.

And believe me they know it ticks off everyone every time there is a update or virus update.

But Microsoft does not care and has shown it does not care what the customer thinks or how it hurts the consumer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/29/2023 at 3:41 PM, fabrice montupet said:

I would like to talk again about a problem mentioned before and on which there was no answer.

I had many display problems passing several addresses/string patterns using only one CALL LINK ("VWRITE") routine so,  I changed my way of use: During more than 4 months, I ran my XB256 program successfully with no problem using this other method:

CALL LINK("VWRITE", memory address1, string1) :: CALL LINK("VWRITE", memory address2, string2) :: CALL LINK("VWRITE", memory address3, string3) :: CALL LINK("VWRITE", memory address4, string4)


Today, to earn some memory, I retried the previous method, using this:

CALL LINK("VWRITE", memory address1, string1,memory address2, string2,memory address3, string3,memory address4, string4)

...And I quickly had graphic problems again (erratic oblique moving of sprites and garbage in several char patterns).  This this very frustrating.

Does this happen all the time? i.e. Have you ever been able to write multiple strings using VWRITE?


(edit) I tried this and it seems to work fine.

10 FOR I=640 TO 0 STEP -128
20 CALL LINK("VREAD",I,32,A$,I+32,32,B$,I+64,32,C$,I+96,32,D$):: CALL LINK("VWRITE",I+32,A$,I+64,B$,I+96,C$,I+128,D$)


Edited by senior_falcon
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It's systematic. Each time I integrate more than two different addresses in the "WRITE" routine, the screen ends up being damaged after a few moments.
Maybe your test is not done in the same context as mine. My program consumes more memory (about 1.6Kb remains for stack and 1,8Kb for program when running) and there are many graphics operations between the variable settings and their use in the WRITE routine.

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A precision: There is a difference between the two codes, mine uses array variables. Like this:

CALL LINK("VWRITE",1408,F$(16+R2)&F$(32+R2)) :: CALL LINK("VWRITE",1104,F$(20+R2),1016,F$(24+R2))   --> That works fine

CALL LINK("VWRITE",1408,F$(16+R2)&F$(32+R2),1104,F$(20+R2),1016,F$(24+R2))  -->  Ends to make some garbage on the screen after some time.

Edited by fabrice montupet
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3 hours ago, fabrice montupet said:

Ends to make some garbage on the screen after some time.

It sounds like it takes a while for the garbage to appear on the screen. Does this happen in seconds, minutes, or longer than that?

Any chance of a screen shot of the garbage?

Two more questions:

Is this happening in XB or is it in the compiled code?

Does it happen every time or is it intermittent?

Edited by senior_falcon
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It happen's both in XB256 and compiled, after a moment that can be one minute or more, but sometimes I can use the program during 15mn without any problem (I don't play during a long time because the game is in development)

I think remembering that one time it appeared under the minute.

I"ll take a screenshot. 

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Continuing to investigate ... 🙂

As the game is very big, I have isolated a part of it  that contains VWRITE routines and I ensured that this little part runs in loops to force the problem appears.  In this part of the program, I made some modification in the way to call the VWRITE routine and I have found an interesting thing:

Step1 If the line containing the routine is written like this:
CALL LINK("VWRITE",1104,F$(19+R1),1408,F$(15+R1)&F$(31+R1)) , I quickly get garbage on some characters in the screen.

Step 2: If  the line containing the routine is written like this:
CALL LINK("VWRITE",1104,F$(19+R1)) :: CALL LINK("VWRITE",1408,F$(15+R1)&F$(31+R1))
No problem appears, even after very long minutes running. But no surprise for me because it is the way that I have found to correct the problem.

Step 3: I tried something else:
CALL LINK("VWRITE",1408,F$(15+R1)&F$(31+R1),1104,F$(19+R1)) 
I was surprised to see that no garbage appeared too, even after very long minutes running. 

As the program worked fine, I stopped it and modified the line as in the step 1: the problem immediately re-appeared. Then I stopped the program, modified the line as in the step 3 and all worked fine again.

So, it seems that the appeal address order play a role in the problem manifestation.

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It is hard to know what is going on without actually seeing it. Since VWRITE seems to work at first and the screen problems only develop later, and since strings are involved, I get the feeling that it has something to do with garbage collection. XB256 uses an interrupt routine to keep the stack from using addresses below >1820. Using CPU overdrive, I have seen times when that does now work which leads to screen2 being corrupted.

As an experiment, use the Classic99 debugger to look at address >831A. As strings are used by your program, that value will get lower and lower until it reaches around >1820, then a garbage collection happens to clear the unused strings, then the value is reset to the highest possible value. Monitor this value while the program runs and see if it goes any lower than >1800. You can use F1 to halt the program, then F1 again to resume.



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>831A is a temporary value pointer that gets used by other routines.

>8340 is the VDP free space pointer address

>836E is the value stack pointer address

>8370 is the highest available VDP address


These locations and values are from the XB GPL source code and ROM Assembly Source code.

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This might help you as this is the address used by XB from the GPL Source of XB:


<0091> 8300          VAR0   EQU  >8300            TEMPORARY
<0092> 8301          VARV   EQU  >8301            TEMPORARY
<0093> 8302          ACCUM  EQU  >8302            # OF BYTES ACCUMULATOR (4 BYTE
<0094> 8302          STPT   EQU  >8302            TWO BYTES
<0095> 8304          VARY   EQU  >8304
<0096> 8306          VARY2  EQU  >8306
<0097> 8304          PABPTR EQU  >8304
<0098> 8306          DFLTLM EQU  >8306            Default array limit (10)
<0099> 8306          CCPPTR EQU  >8306            OFFSET WITHIN RECORED (1)
<0100> 8307          RECLEN EQU  >8307            LENGTH OF CURRENT RECORD (1)
<0101> 8308          CCPADR EQU  >8308            RAM address of current refs
<0102> 8308          VARC   EQU  >8308
<0103> 8308          CCPADD EQU  >8308            RAM address of current color
<0104> 830A          CALIST EQU  >830A            Call list for resolving refs
<0105> 830A          RAMPTR EQU  >830A            Pointer for crunching
<0106> 830C          BYTES  EQU  >830C            BYTE COUNTER
<0107> 830C          NMPTR  EQU  >830C            Pointer save for pscan
<0108> 830E          CHSAV  EQU  >830E
<0109> 830E          CURINC EQU  >830E            Increment for auto-num mode
<0110> 8310          TOPSTK EQU  >8310            Top of data stack pointer
<0111> 8312          LINUM  EQU  >8312            Used to determine end of scan
<0112> 8314          NMLEN  EQU  >8314            Current line for auto-num
<0113> 8314          CURLIN EQU  >8314            Current line for auto-num
<0114> 8316          VAR9   EQU  >8316
<0115> 8316          XFLAG  EQU  >8316            SCAN FLAG-BITS USED AS BELOW
<0116> 8317          DSRFLG EQU  >8317            INTERNAL =60, EXTERNAL =0 (1)
<0117> 8317          FORNET EQU  >8317            Nesting level of for/next
<0119> 8302          AAA1   EQU  >8302
<0120> 830C          BBB1   EQU  >830C
<0121> 8308          CCC1   EQU  >8308
<0122>               ***********************************************************
<0123>               *    Permanent workspace variables
<0124> 8318          STRSP  EQU  >8318            String space begining
<0125> 831A          STREND EQU  >831A            String space ending
<0126> 831C          SREF   EQU  >831C            Temporary string pointer

99/4 GPL-ASSEMBLER (Pass 3) correct                                   PAGE 0003 
<0127> 831E          SMTSRT EQU  >831E            Start of current statement
<0128> 8320          VARW   EQU  >8320            Screen address
<0129> 8322          ERRCOD EQU  >8322            Return error code from ALC
<0130> 8324          STVSPT EQU  >8324            Value-stack base
<0131> 832A          VARA   EQU  >832A            Ending display location
<0132> 832C          PGMPTR EQU  >832C            Program text pointer
<0133> 832E          EXTRAM EQU  >832E            Line number table pointer
<0134> 8330          STLN   EQU  >8330            Start of line number table
<0135> 8332          ENLN   EQU  >8332            End of line number table
<0136> 8334          DATA   EQU  >8334            Data pointer for READ
<0137> 8336          LNBUF  EQU  >8336            Line table pointer for READ
<0138> 8338          INTRIN EQU  >8338            Add of intrinsic poly constant
<0139> 833A          SUBTAB EQU  >833A            Subprogram symbol table
<0140> 833C          IOSTRT EQU  >833C            PAB list/Start of I/O chain
<0141> 833E          SYMTAB EQU  >833E            Symbol table pointer
<0142> 8340          FREPTR EQU  >8340            Free space pointer
<0143> 8342          CHAT   EQU  >8342            Current charater/token
<0144> 8343          BASE   EQU  >8343            OPTION BASE value
<0145> 8344          PRGFLG EQU  >8344            Program/imperative flag
<0146> 8345          FLAG   EQU  >8345            General 8-bit flag
<0147> 8346          BUFLEV EQU  >8346            Crunch-buffer destruction leve
<0148> 8348          LSUBP  EQU  >8348            Last subprogram block on stack
<0149>               * FAC  EQU  >834A            Floating-point ACcurmulator
<0150> 834B          FAC1   EQU  FAC+1
<0151> 834C          FAC2   EQU  FAC+2
<0152> 834D          FAC3   EQU  FAC+3
<0153> 834E          FAC4   EQU  FAC+4
<0154> 834F          FAC5   EQU  FAC+5
<0155> 8350          FAC6   EQU  FAC+6
<0156> 8351          FAC7   EQU  FAC+7
<0157> 8352          FAC8   EQU  FAC+8
<0158> 8353          FAC9   EQU  FAC+9
<0159> 8354          FAC10  EQU  FAC+10
<0160> 8356          FAC12  EQU  FAC+12
<0161> 8357          FAC13  EQU  FAC+13
<0162> 8358          FAC14  EQU  FAC+14
<0163> 8359          FAC15  EQU  FAC+15
<0164> 835A          FAC16  EQU  FAC+16
<0165> 835B          FAC17  EQU  FAC+17
<0166> 834C          AAA    EQU  FAC+2
<0167> 834E          CCC    EQU  FAC+4
<0168> 8350          BBB    EQU  FAC+6
<0169> 834C          DDD    EQU  FAC+2
<0170> 834E          FFF    EQU  FAC+4
<0171> 8350          EEE    EQU  FAC+6
<0172> 8354          DDD1   EQU  FAC+10
<0173> 8356          FFF1   EQU  FAC+12
<0174> 8358          EEE1   EQU  FAC+14
<0175>               * ARG  EQU  >835C             Floating-point ARGument
<0176> 835D          ARG1   EQU  ARG+1
<0177> 835E          ARG2   EQU  ARG+2
<0178> 835F          ARG3   EQU  ARG+3
<0179> 8360          ARG4   EQU  ARG+4
<0180> 8361          ARG5   EQU  ARG+5
<0181> 8362          ARG6   EQU  ARG+6
<0182> 8363          ARG7   EQU  ARG+7
<0183> 8364          ARG8   EQU  ARG+8
<0184> 8364          XSTLN  EQU  >8364            GKXB variable
<0185> 8366          XENLN  EQU  >8366            GKXB variable
<0186> 8367          ARG11  EQU  ARG+11
<0187> 8368          XCURLI EQU  >8368            GKXB variable
<0188> 836A          XCURIN EQU  >836A            GKXB variable
<0189> 836B          ARG15  EQU  ARG+15
<0190> 836C          ARG16  EQU  ARG+16

99/4 GPL-ASSEMBLER (Pass 3) correct                                   PAGE 0004 
<0191>               * VSPTR  EQU  >836E          Value stack pointer
<0192> 8376          EXPZ   EQU  >8376            Exponent in floating-point
<0193> 8384          RAMTOP EQU  >8384            Highest address in ERAM
<0194> 8386          RAMFRE EQU  >8386            Free pointer in the ERAM
<0195> 8388          RSTK   EQU  >8388            Subroutine stack base
<0196> 8389          RAMFLG EQU  >8389            ERAM flag
<0197> 83AF          STKMIN EQU  >83AF            Base of data stack
<0198> 83BD          STKMAX EQU  >83BD            Top of data stack
<0199> 83CE          PRTNFN EQU  >83CE
<0200>               ***********************************************************
<0201>               *    VDP addresses
<0202> 02E2          NLNADD EQU  >02E2             New LiNe ADDress
<0203> 02FE          ENDSCR EQU  >02FE             END of SCReen address
<0204> 0371          LODFLG EQU  >0371             Auto-boot needed flag
<0205> 0372          START  EQU  >0372             Line to start execution at
<0206> 0376          SYMBOL EQU  >0376             Saved symbol table pointer
<0207> 0382          SPGMPT EQU  >0382             Saved PGMPTR for continue
<0208> 0384          SBUFLV EQU  >0384             Saved BUFLEV for contiue
<0209> 0386          SEXTRM EQU  >0386             Saved EXTRAM for continue
<0210>               * SAVEVP EQU  >0388           Saved VSPRT for continue
<0211>               * ERRLN  EQU  >038A           On-error line pointer
<0212> 038C          BUFSRT EQU  >038C             Edit recall start addr (VARW)
<0213> 038E          BUFEND EQU  >038E             Edit recall end addr (VARA)
<0214> 0392          TABSAV EQU  >0392             Saved main symbol table ponte
<0215> 0396          SLSUBP EQU  >0396             Saved LSUBP for continue
<0216> 0398          SFLAG  EQU  >0398             Saved on-warning/break bits
<0217> 039A          SSTEMP EQU  >039A             To save subprogram program ta
<0218> 039C          SSTMP2 EQU  >039C             Same as above. Used in SUBPRO
<0219> 039E          MRGPAB EQU  >039E             MERGEd temporary for pab ptr
<0220>               *----------------------------------------------------------
<0221>               * Added 6/8/81 for NOPSCAN feature                         
<0222> 03B7          PSCFG  EQU  >03B7                                          
<0223>               *----------------------------------------------------------
<0224>               *    Flag 0:  99/4  console, 5/29/81                       
<0225>               *         1:  99/4A console                                
<0226> 03BB          CONFLG EQU  >03BB                                          
<0227>               *----------------------------------------------------------
<0228>               * Temporary
<0229> 0374          NOTONE EQU  >0374             NO-TONE for SIZE in ACCEPT us
<0230>               *                              in FLMGRS (4 bytes used)
<0231> 0388          SAVEVP EQU  >0388
<0232> 038A          ERRLN  EQU  >038A
<0233> 03AC          ACCVRW EQU  >03AC             Temoporary used in ERRZZ, als
<0234>               *                              used in FLMGRS
<0235> 03B0          VALIDP EQU  >03B0             Use as two values passing fro
<0236> 03B2          VALIDL EQU  >03B2             VALIDATE code to READL1
<0237> 03BC          OLDTOP EQU  >03BC             Temporary used in ERRZZ, also
<0239> 0820          CRNBUF EQU  >0820             CRuNch BUFfer address
<0240> 08BE          CRNEND EQU  >08BE             CRuNch buffer END
<0241> 08C0          RECBUF EQU  >08C0             Edit RECall BUFfer
<0242> 0958          VRAMVS EQU  >0958             Default base of value stack
<0243> 0390          CNSTMP EQU  >0390             Use as temporary stored place


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8 hours ago, fabrice montupet said:

I'll do that to understand the problem.  That said, my alternative solution by changing the order of the addresses written completely suites me 🙂


Your alternative solution is not a good way to fix this. This problem needs to be fixed properly and since I cannot make it happen, I do not know what to do to fix it. The easiest way for everyone would be to send me the program that does not work properly with an explanation of how I can make it fail. Then I could study it  and (hopefully) figure out what is happening.

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Of course, I well know that my alternative solution isn't the best one, it just permitted me to go forward in my development and may help some others that will encounter the same issue, in a waiting of a definitive solution. I will extract a part of my code with the VWRITE routines in use and that cause some trouble for being studied.

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On 4/12/2023 at 2:09 PM, fabrice montupet said:

Of course, I well know that my alternative solution isn't the best one, it just permitted me to go forward in my development and may help some others that will encounter the same issue, in a waiting of a definitive solution. I will extract a part of my code with the VWRITE routines in use and that cause some trouble for being studied.

Still waiting for you to send a program that does not work properly...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have found a problem in my XB256 compiled program, it concerns CALL PEEK.

If I write: CALL PEEK(W,P) :: CALL PEEK (W+64, Q) , when compiled the program gives the good values to P and Q.

But if I write: CALL PEEK(W,P,"",W+64, Q) , the compiled program gives good values to P but not to Q, so I wonder if the empty string "" between two variables and permitting to read values starting at more than one address works with the compiler.

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8 hours ago, fabrice montupet said:

I have found a problem in my XB256 compiled program, it concerns CALL PEEK.

If I write: CALL PEEK(W,P) :: CALL PEEK (W+64, Q) , when compiled the program gives the good values to P and Q.

But if I write: CALL PEEK(W,P,"",W+64, Q) , the compiled program gives good values to P but not to Q, so I wonder if the empty string "" between two variables and permitting to read values starting at more than one address works with the compiler.


It looks like you expect CALL PEEK to work like CALL LOAD—it doesn’t. CALL PEEK only takes one address as its first argument. It can take multiple variables after the address to get a string of bytes that start at that address.



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3 hours ago, Lee Stewart said:


It looks like you expect CALL PEEK to work like CALL LOAD—it doesn’t. CALL PEEK only takes one address as its first argument. It can take multiple variables after the address to get a string of bytes that start at that address.



Thank you for your help. In fact, I have read the Editor/Assembler manual, page 281, and seen this:

"The PEEK subprogram reads bytes from CPU RAM and, starting at the address, assigns those values to the numeric variables in the variable-list.
You can read values starting at more than one address by separating the last value in the variable-list from the next address with an empty string "").
For example, the statement CALL PEEK(8192,A,B,C(8),"",-24576,X) places the value from address 8192 (>2000) in A, the value from address 8193 (>2001) in B,
the value from address 8194 (>2002) in C(8), and the value from address -24576 (>AOOO) in X."


So, Have I missed or misunderstood something?

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Thank you Michael. So the problem is EXB.  I should have verify in EXB.  In fact, I never use it anymore since I  discovered the excellent XB256 .
I wonder what things had in EXB TI developers minds... May be some missing memory space in EXB ROM to do the same as in E/A. In any case, making the same subprogram with different function/behavior is really frustrating.   But i will find another way to speed up my program 🙂 

Edited by fabrice montupet
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