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"'xcopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."


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Hey, I'm trying to follow the RB+ tutorial and I'm getting this error when I try to make a new project:

  ___           _             ___          _      _
 | _ \__ _ _ __| |_ ___ _ _  | _ ) __ _ __(_)__ _| |_
 |   / _` | '_ \  _/ _ \ '_| | _ \/ _` (_-< / _|_   _|
 |_|_\__,_| .__/\__\___/_|   |___/\__,_/__/_\__| |_|
'xcopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The system cannot find the file specified.

I can't find anywhere to get xcopy on my computer.
What do I do?


I'm using Windows 7 64-bit. (Yes, still, I can't upgrade for reasons not relevant to this topic)

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This is weird, according to Wikipedia xcopy has been a part of Windows system files since Windows NT. In any case, I'd try the following if I were you:


1. Open an administrator command prompt and type "xcopy". If it is found then open a normal command prompt and again run "xcopy". This might indicate some weird permissions problem.

2. (Do this at your own risk! Something bad could happen!) Open an administrator command prompt and type "sfc /scannow". This will repair and hopefully restore missing files. Then try running xcopy and see if it's there.

3. If you don't want try step 2, try opening a command prompt and type "robocopy". If that tool exists I'll change build.bat for you to use that.

4. Failing that, creating a new project using "build.bat <projectname> new" is nothing magical. Just copy the folder "template" from the "include" folder into your "projects" folder. Then rename folder "projects\template" to "projects\yourprojectname" and then open "projects\yourprojectname" folder and rename "template.bas" to "yourprojectname.bas". "yourprojectname" can be replaced with pretty much whatever you like. Then if you open a command prompt and type "build projectname" it should go ahead and build/run the project.


Hope this helps, let us know how you get on with this.

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Robocopy didn't work either, but copying the template folder manually did, and got the project building.


Would be nice to have a bat do this for me automatically, though. Is there a 3rd party program I can use instead of xcopy?

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Sorry to hear that. Very weird that you don't have those command line tools available. In all my machines both tools are at c:\windows\system32. As a last ditch attempt you could look if you have xcopy.exe in there. If yes, you'll need to fix your PATH variable.


Alternatively here's a fix for build.bat: open it in a text editor and go to line 299. There should be a xcopy command. Delete that line and replace it with the following:


mkdir projects\%PROJECTNAME%

mkdir projects\%PROJECTNAME%\build

mkdir projects\%PROJECTNAME%\assets

mkdir projects\%PROJECTNAME%\assets\fonts

mkdir projects\%PROJECTNAME%\assets\gfx

mkdir projects\%PROJECTNAME%\assets\maps

mkdir projects\%PROJECTNAME%\assets\sfx

copy include\template\*.* projects\%PROJECTNAME%

copy include\template\assets\*.* projects\%PROJECTNAME%\assets

copy include\template\assets\fonts\*.* projects\%PROJECTNAME%\assets\fonts


This should take care of things.

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