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BERZERK FRIENDLY FIRE pre-release limited edition


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This pre-release is free to anyone who was injured protecting people.




You play as Patriotic Field Agent Steve Rogers assisted by a Battalion of other Field Agents that either stab you in the knee, or are completely useless and don't shoot anyone.

CluelessBlueAndGreenGuys.jpg.a61cf8baf1d55745400fba3753f0c018.jpgNaughty Blue Policemen who bribe the junior field Agents and Green Armymen with Head Injuries round out the ensemble in this F***** up Military Trainer from the Far Side! :)

You're all armed in this scenario with unconventional unpredictable weapons that nobody wants to use and you'd give your right eye to get your hands on a real Gun from the 80's! :)

Anti-graft Gameplay/Goal: It's always Cloak & Dagger so nobody really knows, but it's imperative the Young Impressionable Field Agents are taught to fight GRAFT.


BERZERK FRIENDLY FIRE youtube preview: https://youtu.be/x_wJCdFSVwc


Availability: The ROM pre-release is available free to anyone who has sustained injuries protecting, PM me for the ROM! :) 


Limited production run comming soon: Scheduled for release later this year from a French Company along with a Coffee Table Book!

Anyone who wants a copy of the production run please post on this thread to be on the list; I don't have any other details about the release package or the price but I know the shipping will be from France.

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On 3/4/2020 at 6:05 PM, 5x7 said:

I don't see a score, does it have one?

The biggest problem for captain America is that he's a man out of time so he usually doesn't know the score Today, but he has a special move that always tells him the score:

When the action is frantic and everything is in motion Cap can simply stop moving to reveal which Agents are Nazi's - they will start Goose Stepping to a faster pace when this move is performed - anyone with the ROM can confirm this move is cool :)


Now there's one more move I am adding to the game that goes along with this special move when Agent Rogers is stationary - It's  the Nazi power punch shown above! :)

Rogers is a master Nazi Puncher, having punched Hitler over 230 times in the face - you can see from the pic no one can punch Nazi's like Captain America - he's even taught the world and his DoD wife how to punch Nazi's. 


Everyone that has the pre-release ROM already, will recieve the Punch-a-Nazi countermeasure update for Agent Rogers as soon as the move has been added to the game; I wanted to give the awesome folks who qualified for this pre-release a chance to play with only the s*** weapons first ;) 

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Awesome feedback on this thread and via PM - I'm in the process of adding the Power Punch move for Agent Rogers! :)


The full release will probably include both versions of the game, one with and without the Power-up to illustrate Field Agent Rogers doesn't act any differently even with s*** weapons and no Super Soldier Serum...


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  • 2 weeks later...

...  Agent has a Date when he wakes up 25 years later. Hospital Recovery Room scene : 



The famous Elevator fight scene is coming up next in pre-release #2 when Rogers powers up after drinking the Nazi Super Soldier Serum!


Movie vs real-life Differences in the game: Elevator Action in the Hospital Room


There is more action In this realistic adaptation of the genre because the awesome RIOT Gear fight scene in the Elevator happens right in the Recovery ward too, just like the fight scene in Timecop ?


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