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WTB: C-64 with hook ups


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Ok, I posted this in Classic Gaming General in the thread about the C-64 coming back and it got me to thinking about getting the following:


-C64 base unit

-Floppy Drive

-Power supply

-RF Switch (or I could use A/V cables)

-Any accessories that I could get

-Games, lots of games



If anyone has an extra C64 to get rid of, let me know. I would pay $20-$25 for one but it depends on what is offered and if anyone wants to donate just to get it off their hands, I'm open to that as well.


It makes sense as the C64 was the first computer I ever used. I'd love to own a piece of history. :D

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Well I just wanted to inquire but I suppose I could always check EBay..though I'd rather not due to shipping charges that could go high. Well, they could still be high if bought in the Marketplace but at least I'd be buying from someone who knows about C64s.


I already have a monitor. Just need the base unit and a disc drive and some games as well.

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I've got several. But it seems most of my power supplies don't work. :( These things must have a failure rate over 75% :x I know I have at least one working power supply, maybe two. I also know at least one is an 8-pin model, and maybe the other 3 are 5-pin ones. I have lots of serial cables & video cables, two working disk drives I think, one box, although it looks like it's been thru Hell. Maybe some other goodies. I have a Warp Speed Cart I think it's called. I need to test and see what all still works. I don't however have many if any, games. Those have already been sold thru ebay. I'll try to get some pics up in a bit. Maybe I will have time to test some out tomorrow.

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OK I've tested some, I do have at least a couple working packages.


I have tested & working:


2 C64 w/8-pin video ports

At least one C64 w/5-pin video port


3 power supplies (one I think went to a C64C thou, it's an off-white color, works thou)


At least 2 video cables for the 8-pin models


(I have 1 5-pin video cable, but it's got a short in the wire, sometimes doesn't work right, and it clears up when I move it around, where it plugs into the C64)


1 1541 disk drive with manual, power & serial cables

1 1541-II disk drive with manual, power supply & serial cable


Warp Speed Cart (AKA:Fast load cart)


1 Original box (Looks like an old crack whore now thou)



C64 Owner's Manual

C64C Owner's Manual

The Commodore 64 User's Encyclopedia

Commodore 64 Sight & Sound


Some disk software, mostly pirate stuff, but not alot as I've gotten rid of almost all I had in previous ebay auctions. But I could include some of whatever I have just so that you're getting something to test everything out with. Also I have a couple carts, Kickman, Big Bird, and a Spinnaker title too I think.


1 Vic-20 free to good home, it uses the same power supply as the C64s, I think it is a 5-pin video cable thou. I'd like to get rid of it too. I sold all the carts I had for it long ago, never got rid of the system. I think it needs a video connection as it doesn't have internal RF, like the C64 units. Although I've never much cared for the RF output of C64s I always used the video cables thru my monitors.






Let me know what you're interested in or send me an offer if you like, and I'll get some better pictures together. :)

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If you have a working C-64 power supply, I could use one. The reason I bought a C-128 years back was because I thought my C-64 was going bad, but I later learned a lot of the C-64s shipped with bad power supplies that died easily. With a good one I could bring my C-64 back to life, and maybe even get some of those cartridges that are too tight of a fit on my C-128 into working service. :D

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