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I'm creating a new resource website for the TI-99 line. it's called https://ti99resources.wordpress.com/

it's not a competition for FTP://FTP.WHTECH.COM , which is a great everything TI-99 source, but a more organized source database with software, documentation and links to other TI-99 websites. more like a central clearing station.

right now I only have some SOFTWARE/GAMES and LINKS working while I load it up. I'll be adding a whole lot more over the next few weeks (I have 1.4gb of storage in my google drive).

I don't want to step on anyone's toes so as I load it up I'll post here to make sure it's OK with whoever I get the source from. and if you are already OK with me Linking to or posting your software/documentation please say so. 

AND if you have any comments or suggestions please post too. Note: my budget for this website at this time is $0.0 so any suggestions take that into consideration. 

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34 minutes ago, arcadeshopper said:

hope it works out for you dude.. we already have so many places to look for things it's near impossible to find things quickly..  are you planning to copy everything to your drive? or reference things where they already are? for instance all the mame carts are on whtech ..



that's the idea. we have lots of resources spread out over so many websites i want have one place where we can go to find mostly everything quickly. I, personally, have over 20gb of TI stuff, most I'll be uploading over time where practical.  But when it's more practical to just link to an existing site I'll do that too, such as MAME.  

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Note all of the respun schematics I've put up here too--they are much nicer to print than most of what I've seen online, and you have my permission to post them on your site. The CorComp schematics I received from Holland a few months ago are next on the update list. . .

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1 minute ago, Ksarul said:

Note all of the respun schematics I've put up here too--they are much nicer to print than most of what I've seen online, and you have my permission to post them on your site. The CorComp schematics I received from Holland a few months ago are next on the update list. . .

thanks, I'll create a hardware section for them and like.

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added a whole lot of docs and software for Scott Adams Adventures. Docs include maps, hints, manuals etc...

I still have more Adventure stuff that'll add later too.

also added the SuperCart (superspace2) cart with Leather Goddesses in inforcom since that 1 file requires a supercart.


also added Microsoft Multiplan docs & software

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  • 2 weeks later...

back at it.


C99 software & support disk and lots and lots of books on programming C

Atlanta TI99 CUG (i was a member then)

smart programmer newsletters

micropendium newsletters

Most of the TI99 Compute! books (missing Sound & Graphics)

the David Ahl computer games books


added Fortran and TIForth disk


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