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The Logitech pads (with a minor adjustment) are generally considered to be the best of the bunch. The adjustment is for the analog stick, which is too thick to register the extremes of movement. It is solved by either widening the hole or trimming the stick itself.


Either way, many feel that all other aspects are superior to the Hot Products models.


*start rant*

I too think that those guys with the $10-$15 shipping on a $1 item are full of crap. I emailed one of them and asked why he would charge $10 shipping for an item that could be shipped for $4 or $5. He responded "Because I can." That moron's greed is probably costing him money since so many bidders will avoid him. I've seen new Logitechs go for $25 (not including shipping), but Mr Genius will get his $10 shipping to go with his $1 for the item. Idiot.

*end rant*


Although to be fair, as a buyer it's a good price. The Logitechs originally sold for $30, so getting a new one for $11 is worth even giving money to a jerk.

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The Logitech pads (with a minor adjustment) are generally considered to be the best of the bunch.  The adjustment is for the analog stick, which is too thick to register the extremes of movement.  It is solved by either widening the hole or trimming the stick itself.


Either way, many feel that all other aspects are superior to the Hot Products models.


*start rant*

I too think that those guys with the $10-$15 shipping on a $1 item are full of crap.  I emailed one of them and asked why he would charge $10 shipping for an item that could be shipped for $4 or $5.  He responded "Because I can."  That moron's greed is probably costing him money since so many bidders will avoid him.  I've seen new Logitechs go for $25 (not including shipping), but Mr Genius will get his $10 shipping to go with his $1 for the item.  Idiot.  

*end rant*


Although to be fair, as a buyer it's a good price.  The Logitechs originally sold for $30, so getting a new one for $11 is worth even giving money to a jerk.


I know shipping is expensive but I still buy most of my things in the US because at the end they are cheaper then overhere. Only have to avoid the tax sometimes :-)

Just ask friendly if they send it as used hardware with a maximum amount of $15.00 and no extra TAX...



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wont touch them at all sorry, it is hit or miss with the logitech pads.Supposedly alot of them had to go back to the factory, that is why you see alot of factory refurbished. As far as best pad it seems to be that n64 style analog/dpad set up. If anyone is interested i did find logitech new in the wrapper non refurbished pads for 14 bux, not including shipping.

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