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My 7800 Vertical Shooter - Heofonfīr

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Some newer code I wrote:

    plotsprite heofonfir_logo_h 0 9 25
    plotsprite heofonfir_logo_e 0 26 25
    plotsprite heofonfir_logo_o 0 42 25
    plotsprite heofonfir_logo_f 0 58 25
    plotsprite heofonfir_logo_o 0 74 25
    plotsprite heofonfir_logo_n 0 90 25
    plotsprite heofonfir_logo_f 0 107 25
    plotsprite heofonfir_logo_i 0 123 25
    plotsprite heofonfir_logo_r 0 137 25
    if joy0fire then clearscreen : goto init
    goto titleScreenLoop

    plotbanner heofonfir_push_fire 0 44 128
    plotchars 'Select your angel' 0 4 16
    if joy0left then heofonfir_character_select_arrow 
    plotchars "Lucelia Iustitia" 0 16 40
    if joy0right then heofonfir_character_select_arrow 
    plotchars "Aeris Vis" 0 64 40
    if joy0fire then goto level_1 : lives = 3 : score0 = 0

    game_over_flag = 0
    if lives<0 then game_over
    plotsprite heofonfir_gameover_g 7 40 56
    plotsprite heofonfir_gameover_a 7 48 56
    plotsprite heofonfir_gameover_m 7 56 56
    plotsprite heofonfir_gameover_e 7 64 56
    plotsprite heofonfir_gameover_o 7 88 56
    plotsprite heofonfir_gameover_v 7 96 56
    plotsprite heofonfir_gameover_e 7 104 56
    plotsprite heofonfir_gameover_r 7 112 56
    goto game_over_loop
    if joy0fire then goto titleScreenLoop

I used those mock up screenshots to give me a good idea on how to plotsprite the letters.

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In case anyone is wondering, I am still working on this, but due to an issue with my left mouse button's microswitch crapping out, it will take a while. By the way, is anyone here experienced in coding a player select screen?

Edited by SlidellMan
Spelling/grammar mistakes.
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10 hours ago, SlidellMan said:

Thought I would show you what one of the bosses looks like so far. Yes, this boss will be another case of sprite layering.


Nice! Make sure to check out my tips on TallSprites!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I know that I haven't updated this in a while, and would like to apologize for a lack of progress reports. To compensate, here's what I have. I still don't have a functioning ROM, and have fixed the incgraphics bugs in one of the Main files. However, I Will Not Give Up on This.


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38 minutes ago, SlidellMan said:

I know that I haven't updated this in a while, and would like to apologize for a lack of progress reports. To compensate, here's what I have. I still don't have a functioning ROM, and have fixed the incgraphics bugs in one of the Main files. However, I Will Not Give Up on This.


The important thing is what you end up creating, not how many progress reports you posted.

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Some sound effects I coded:

data sfx_shot

data sfx_lightning

data sfx_fireblast

data sfx_icicle

data sfx_explosion

data sfx_laser

data sfx_extralife

I would like to thank Mord for helping out with the syntax errors that I didn't even see.

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My advice would be to start with bite sized chunks of code.


Pick a task or an action and the code that standalone. Understand how it works and experiment and then when you feel comfortable and have achieved your goal, add something else. 


Trying to create a magnum opus from the get go will be hard work. It's like picking up a paintbrush and deciding to paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel without any previous paining experience - it's going to be a rough journey and will probably end up being overwhelming :)


When I started learning 7800Basic, that was the approach that I took. I started figuring out concepts incrementally, each new little project or piece of code was to learn about a feature or element of the language.


I started with things like sprites sprites and figuring out the limitations of banks and blocks. Then I moved the sprites, then I animated them, then I collided them, then I exploded them. Once I was happy I started the next learning chapter, maybe that's reading control inputs and combining that with moving a sprite, or maybe it's tiles and having sprite and tiles working together. Maybe that next part is learning about how logic works in the language, if..then..else, and..or etc and making decision in your code based on conditions.


Eventually I strung those learning "chapters" together and started to make code that if you stood back 20 ft and squinted a bit, it looked a bit like a game.


The concept here is this : start small and build.


7800Basic comes with a bunch of really good examples. Use them and tweak them until they break, figure out why and tweak them more. I learned a huge amount from the examples and experimenting with them.



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On 8/11/2020 at 1:48 AM, SlidellMan said:

I know that I haven't updated this in a while, and would like to apologize for a lack of progress reports. To compensate, here's what I have. I still don't have a functioning ROM, and have fixed the incgraphics bugs in one of the Main files. However, I Will Not Give Up on This.

heofonfir_7-6-2020.zip 128.97 kB · 7 downloads

In the zip, which is your current program file is it the V3 one ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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