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Knight Guy in Low Res World: Castle Days


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Corrects misplaced respawn in room 49 and bug in room 91

Reset key redirects to title screen.










Wip Beta 13

Corrects bug that forced you to fight again the last midboss when backtracking.

knightguy20200912d.a78 revision D, corrects bug in crate pushing.

knightguy20200912c.a78 revision C

knightguy20200912b.a78 revision B




Wip Beta 12

90+ screens

Cosmetic changes.

Sir Meowmington edition.



New Boss


Wip Beta 11

80+ screens

New Boss

Cosmetic changes.

Now with frogs!

knightguy20200828.a78 Classic Jump Scheme

DELETED Test Jump Scheme




Wip Beta 10 is here!

70 screens

New Boss.

New Item

some minor cosmetic changes.



Quick Update 2020 08 08

Corrects misplaced respawn screen 60 and a couple of minor corrections in other screens.

Add a couple of new screens.

Tweak the boss attack pattern in current last boss

Minor cosmetic changes in potions and hearts screens.





UPDATE 2020 08 06

Celebrating a month of development :)

Now with 60 screens.

Even more cosmetic changes.





UPDATE 2020 07 28

a LOT of cosmetic changes.

Some water levels :)

5 new screens.




Quick Update 2020 07 22

Corrects a bug in screen 30

Adds 4 screens

Changes some sprites.





UPDATE 2020 07 19

Tweaks the timer font and made it more precise.

Corrects the position of exit of END of BETA screen

Hopefully corrects the incorrect jump to upper platform in levels 20-23

Some minor cosmetic changes as well.




UPDATE 2020 07 18

Migrated to a 144k bankswitching rom.

More screen, added some sounds, changed some tiles and sprites, etc.






Quick UPDATE 2020 07 11



Corrects "hidden obstacle" glitch in springboard room





UPDATE 2020 07 10


New beta.

More screens, more sprites more everything (except sound)





Hi  guys

A couple of weeks ago I started to port one of my 2600 projects, Knight Guy in Low Res World: Castle Days, to 7800 and want to share the first beta/playable demo for testing and comments.


It is a platformer with a humble touch of metroidvania.


It is in early development stage so there is not too much content (15 screens so far), but  it is totally playable.












Captura de pantalla_2020-08-05_21-45-21.png

Captura de pantalla_2020-08-05_21-33-18.png


Edited by vhzc
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Looking at the video on FB and photos here, I would say this looks amazing!! Can't wait to see this through. Do you have a timetable of when you want it completed? Would love to see it in the AA store someday. Do you have any sounds yet?

Edited by AtariBrian
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It's looking awesome so far.  I'm VERY glad to see this coming to the 7800.  Thank you!

Three things I thought of while playing:

1) The graphics are very nice so far.

2) It would be nice for the jump to feel more natural.  

3) It would be nice to have the option for using the 2nd button for the sword.

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Awesome!  Thank you for sharing and looking forward to this game's continued development.  Watching and playing, including the player's jump style and box hitting, reminds me very much of Kid Chameleon's Iron Knight character under the Sega Genesis.  Curious if you're a fan, paying some homage to the game, or just a coincidence. :)


For convenience, anyone can play it right now, here.



Do you have any sounds yet?

The ROM in the opening post is a little more further along than what has been shown in the videos so far.  Color change(s) and some sound effects are included in the file version posted.

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It's a wonderful start, and great progress for being a couple weeks in. ? 


I like your level designs and the incorporation of backtracking through different parts of the screens. I'm very much looking forward to seeing where you're taking this.

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This looks great, and I hope it's something that eventually gets released on cart. I played the ROM on a7800, and the only thing that feels "off" right now are the jumps. They seem to be a lot more extreme than the jumps on the 2600 version.


As always, great visuals! It's nice to see your skills at work on a new platform.

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4 minutes ago, Karl G said:

This looks great, and I hope it's something that eventually gets released on cart. I played the ROM on a7800, and the only thing that feels "off" right now are the jumps. They seem to be a lot more extreme than the jumps on the 2600 version.


As always, great visuals! It's nice to see your skills at work on a new platform.

I am tunning the jumps. I was able to port straightforwardly a lot of thing from the 2600 platform "engine" but since Maria doesn't have collision register I have to work with collision boxes and that changes the way the jumps work.

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Wanted to add that I particularly like the loud bang those narrow columns make thrashing up and down.  It makes the challenge seem so much more intimidating and threatening.  Excellent choice of sound effect!


Along the line of what Kevin made mention of previously, I think there is great opportunity to make use of the second button.  One to perhaps draw the sword.  Also, the second button can be utilized for tasks like opening a chest, or using the key to open a door.  It could simply be called an "Action" button, that allows Knight Guy to perform an action when applicable, if the necessary inventory item is on hand or obstacle/enemy is present.


Drawing out perhaps a little further, if the necessary inventory item is present and a successfully action take place (Opening a door), perhaps a rewarding ring can be heard.  If an action is tried but the necessary inventory item is missing (I.E. key to open door) perhaps an audio cue similar to a buzzer sound may be played.


Just a couple of thoughts and looking forward to what you have in store for the game, vhzc!

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WOW, very nice start.  I loved the look of this game on the 2600, and very cool to see you're porting it. 


I would concur with others on the jumping, it's definitely quite VCS-ish, ha ha.  Definitely needs more sound effects, enemies, etc.  Also, is it possible to brighten the color palette?  A knight's armor should be bright and shiny of course.  In any event, I really love the early look of it, as the 7800 graphically (for better or worse), has a distinct sprite "look" which the NES/SMS didn't have, and so far you've captured that.

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2 hours ago, sramirez2008 said:

Nice beta! Like the comments concerning the 2nd button.

I tested the beta on my stock 7800 via the Mateos multcart (bin extension = 48K). 

Thanks for sharing this ROM, looking forward to the next one.?



Thank you very much for testing on actual hardware! that helps me a lot.


About the second button, I have to resolve a way to use it without making it unplayable for people that don't have a 7800 controller and have to play with a one button 2600 controller (like myself :( )





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29 minutes ago, vhzc said:


Thank you very much for testing on actual hardware! that helps me a lot.


About the second button, I have to resolve a way to use it without making it unplayable for people that don't have a 7800 controller and have to play with a one button 2600 controller (like myself :( )


Wait a second, you have a 7800 but only 2600 stick?  ?  Or no 7800, just an emulator?

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7 minutes ago, SlidellMan said:

You should consider writing a Joystick detection routine for this.

The technical part is easy,  what I have to get correct is how to implement it in the game design. I mean if it works with one button I have to think a way to really add some value to the game, not just adding the second button for the sake of it.

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