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Knight Guy in Low Res World: Castle Days


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1 hour ago, Silver Back said:

I could use some help finding the last secret.  



Vinnie posted it all on his cheats page for the game. I gave him the missing secret this morning or at least lead him to it.


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9 minutes ago, ZippyRedPlumber said:

Hi, @vhzc love your game, I have to know how did you make you character jump. I'm working on a port of my 2600 game & I'm having trouble trying to get my character to jump. Can you please help me? Code snippets would be nice.

I made my 2600 platform games using batari basic the jump is defined by a pseudo sine curve defined in a DATA set. In 7800 I use a similar method. To detect the floor and stop the fall instead of boxcollision is better to read directly x,y position to check the surroundings of the character.


Edited by vhzc
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1 hour ago, vhzc said:

I made my 2600 platform games using batari basic the jump is defined by a pseudo sine curve defined in a DATA set. In 7800 I use a similar method. To detect the floor and stop the fall instead of boxcollision is better to read directly x,y position to check the surroundings of the character.


Can you please provide an example for me?

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11 hours ago, ZippyRedPlumber said:

Can you please provide an example for me?

This is bB of course, but the same principles for jumping and gravity can apply to 7800Basic:



In the 7800basic samples, there's a ramcharmap demo, which in addition to showing how to put a level into RAM where it can be modified also shows gravity and platform collision, so that may be useful for your purposes as well.


Other than that, it's just a matter of messing around with it until you have something that looks and acts like you want for your particular game.


Edit: Probably further discussion should be moved to a separate topic so as not to hijack vhzc's game topic.

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On 7/4/2020 at 1:17 AM, vhzc said:


Corrects misplaced respawn in room 49 and bug in room 91

Reset key redirects to title screen.


knightguyRC1-1.a78 144.13 kB · 571 downloads




knightguyRC1.a78 144.13 kB · 208 downloads




Wip Beta 13

Corrects bug that forced you to fight again the last midboss when backtracking.

knightguy20200912d.a78 revision D, corrects bug in crate pushing.

knightguy20200912c.a78 revision C

knightguy20200912b.a78 revision B




Wip Beta 12

90+ screens

Cosmetic changes.

Sir Meowmington edition.

knightguy20200912.a78 144.13 kB · 184 downloads


New Boss


Wip Beta 11

80+ screens

New Boss

Cosmetic changes.

Now with frogs!

knightguy20200828.a78 Classic Jump Scheme

DELETED Test Jump Scheme




Wip Beta 10 is here!

70 screens

New Boss.

New Item

some minor cosmetic changes.

knightguy20200817.a78 144.13 kB · 195 downloads


Quick Update 2020 08 08

Corrects misplaced respawn screen 60 and a couple of minor corrections in other screens.

Add a couple of new screens.

Tweak the boss attack pattern in current last boss

Minor cosmetic changes in potions and hearts screens.

knightguy20200808.a78 144.13 kB · 192 downloads




UPDATE 2020 08 06

Celebrating a month of development :)

Now with 60 screens.

Even more cosmetic changes.


knightguy20200806.a78 144.13 kB · 169 downloads



UPDATE 2020 07 28

a LOT of cosmetic changes.

Some water levels :)

5 new screens.


knightguy20200728.a78 144.13 kB · 309 downloads


Quick Update 2020 07 22

Corrects a bug in screen 30

Adds 4 screens

Changes some sprites.


knightguy20200722.a78 144.13 kB · 193 downloads



UPDATE 2020 07 19

Tweaks the timer font and made it more precise.

Corrects the position of exit of END of BETA screen

Hopefully corrects the incorrect jump to upper platform in levels 20-23

Some minor cosmetic changes as well.

knightguy20200719.a78 144.13 kB · 187 downloads



UPDATE 2020 07 18

Migrated to a 144k bankswitching rom.

More screen, added some sounds, changed some tiles and sprites, etc.


knightguy20200718.a78 144.13 kB · 195 downloads




Quick UPDATE 2020 07 11



Corrects "hidden obstacle" glitch in springboard room


KnightGuy20200711.a78 48.13 kB · 200 downloads



UPDATE 2020 07 10


New beta.

More screens, more sprites more everything (except sound)


KnightGuy20200710.a78 48.13 kB · 186 downloads



Hi  guys

A couple of weeks ago I started to port one of my 2600 projects, Knight Guy in Low Res World: Castle Days, to 7800 and want to share the first beta/playable demo for testing and comments.


It is a platformer with a humble touch of metroidvania.


It is in early development stage so there is not too much content (15 screens so far), but  it is totally playable.


KnightGuy20200704.a78 48.13 kB · 289 downloads










Captura de pantalla_2020-08-05_21-45-21.png

Captura de pantalla_2020-08-05_21-33-18.png


Lowres world? How about Highcolor world?

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