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Knight Guy in Low Res World: Castle Days


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So the 3rd portion has eluded me as well, though I did double back towards the end to highlight the locked door and search for a possible hidden spot.  I also tried a few other places throughout.  A tad bit of impatience towards the end trying to climb quickly pass two projectiles...LOL:




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13 minutes ago, Trebor said:

So the 3rd portion has eluded me as well, though I did double back towards the end to highlight the locked door and search for a possible hidden spot.  I also tried a few other places throughout.  A tad bit of impatience towards the end trying to climb quickly pass two projectiles...LOL:

Thanks. Your walkthrough videos are the best!

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1 hour ago, Trebor said:

So the 3rd portion has eluded me as well, though I did double back towards the end to highlight the locked door and search for a possible hidden spot.  I also tried a few other places throughout.  A tad bit of impatience towards the end trying to climb quickly pass two projectiles...LOL:

Dangit @Trebor... Beat me by about an hour on this! I'm still upping my video of the complete playthrough I did on my actual 7800 just now captured off my LCD through my camcorder. Oh well... takes me too long to setup stuff for this LOL!!


I did beat your time by about 2min though on my playing. There are some timing tricks to help get past some of the screens far quicker.




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30 minutes ago, -^CrossBow^- said:

Dangit @Trebor... Beat me by about an hour on this! I'm still upping my video of the complete playthrough I did on my actual 7800 just now captured off my LCD through my camcorder. Oh well... takes me too long to setup stuff for this LOL!!


I did beat your time by about 2min though on my playing. There are some timing tricks to help get past some of the screens far quicker.




Thanks for posting your walkthrough @-^CrossBow^- Love your “drop” move in rooms 10 & 18? 

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1 hour ago, -^CrossBow^- said:

I did beat your time by about 2min though on my playing. There are some timing tricks to help get past some of the screens far quicker.

Maybe I should put a timer to register time, the incentive of get a better time could give replayability to the game.

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1 hour ago, -^CrossBow^- said:

I did beat your time by about 2min though on my playing. There are some timing tricks to help get past some of the screens far quicker.

I did have to double back on the heart location as I didn't realize the first time around there was nothing present until the switch was flipped.  I was also looking for that 3rd portion.  ?


You did take some nice shortcuts though and some other great moves! :thumbsup:


Still, once the game is complete...

26 minutes ago, vhzc said:

Maybe I should put a timer to register time, the incentive of get a better time could give replayability to the game.

...comparing register times and actually going for quickest playthrough will definitely add incentive and replayability.  Hook it into high score tables and then play it online as part of a Global Leaderboard competition.  ?

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6 minutes ago, Trebor said:

...comparing register times and actually going for quickest playthrough will definitely add incentive and repeatability.  Hook it into high score tables and then play it online as part of a worldwide leaderboard competition.  ?

This would be a cool option to have!

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30 minutes ago, Trebor said:

I did have to double back on the heart location as I didn't realize the first time around there was nothing present until the switch was flipped.  I was also looking for that 3rd portion.  ?


The heart is not linked to the switch, it will appears only if your lives are lesser than max lives. So the first time it wasn't there because your lives were full. 

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1 hour ago, sramirez2008 said:

@vhzc my quest to locate the 3rd potion has revealed another hidden object. Please see attached video.


Thanks for let me know!.

I will not post an correct update yet because I am migrating it to a bankswitching scheme, but I found the cause of the issue and corrected it.



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43 minutes ago, SlidellMan said:

Hey, I am quite impressed with how the player and certain enemies have different sprites for left and right.

I made the Knight guy sprite with light on the right side and shadow on the left, so I try to keep the sprites consistent with that.

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I need to strive for a no death run of the current beta to see what kinda times are possible. I'm guessing about 20 seconds can be shaved off and that a flat 6min run is very possible in the current beta.


If you don't worry about the lives, you can skip the extra potions..etc to shave off even more. Just have to be more careful with the timing of things.


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1 hour ago, vhzc said:

UPDATE 2020 07 18

Migrated to a 144k bankswitching rom.

More screen, added some sounds, changed some tiles and sprites, etc.

Downloaded to my Mateos. The game fired right up in 144k mode with .S9 extension. I have not played through Beta04 yet, just wanted to verify that it worked on the Mateos.?


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Just played one game. Like the additional sounds, really add to the game. I made it to a new boss, but I died there. Didn’t look at the level before powering off. I need to dedicate some time (hopefully tomorrow) to the game, but like what I see so far. Btw, @vhzc don’t know if your intention is to do so, but thanks for the weekly updates?


<Edit> I was jumping around in the middle level and was able to go through the ceiling up to the top level. I could play the game and was even able to duplicate it on my one run. I didn't capture any video of this, but did snag a screenshot of @-^CrossBow^- earlier beta video, to show you were about's this occurs.



Edited by sramirez2008
Middle to upper level jump.
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Hi V


plays very well on my Concerto....i made it till the end.The 3rd Boss is really great...if you know,how to beat him,he is no problem....Sound is also great....but i have the feeling,that the game became a little bit faster.....which makes it

a little bit more difficult,but this is ok.


greetings Walter

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13 hours ago, sramirez2008 said:

Downloaded to my Mateos. The game fired right up in 144k mode with .S9 extension. I have not played through Beta04 yet, just wanted to verify that it worked on the Mateos.?


Hmm... I might be out on testing then as I have a slightly older Mateos and I don't think that it supports that extension. At least, I'm not familiar with having used it before.


I stand corrected, I see that a few games in my Mateos rom list have that extension and I know that DKXM works on my mateos and that uses .S9P mode so I should be good. Will have to try and give this a shot later when I'm feeling more up to it.


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Completed Beta 04. Love some of the new levels you've incorporated (won't spoil it for others) and the sounds have made a difference.  I came across another minor issue. Right at the end of the beta (Room 43), when I tried to backtrack, the Knight would not fit under the column (see pic below). If a jump right at the column, it'll teleport the Knight back to room 42.  While in room 42, there's still enough room to move back to room 43.  Seems to be an issue when moving from Rm 43 to 42 only.


Also noticed that the sounds in Room 2 are a bit off (delayed) for the fireballs, when you first enter the room.  


Game is looking good/working well in 144k. Can't wait to see Beta05.



This is where the Knight doesn't fit under the wall (Room 43)

Cant get past.jpg

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