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#FujiNet Testing and Bug Reporting Thread

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3 minutes ago, DrVenkman said:

As expected perhaps, yoomp_nt.xex gives the same exact halting, stuttering load for me, whether from SD card or over my LAN. 


yoomp1.xex, by contrast, loads perfectly from the SD card and from the LAN. 

I'm having a hard time coming up with even a far-fetched explanation for that behavior, never mind a plausible one.


Capture the debug output when you get a chance - that might give us a clue.


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13 minutes ago, jamm said:

I'm having a hard time coming up with even a far-fetched explanation for that behavior, never mind a plausible one.


Capture the debug output when you get a chance - that might give us a clue.


Ask and ye shall receive ... (or maybe, "Read 'em and weep." ? )


The files inside the zip are named after how I was loading your yoomp_nt.xex file, either from the SD card or via a local TNFS server.




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Debug output is your friend!


Ok, so the interesting thing about both your test cases is that it there's a checksum error after 16 sectors of the XEX are read.  Same spot in both your TNFS and SD loads.  Very unlikely that those are random errors... So that made me think of the other thing that's different between my setup and yours: I'm running at POKEY/0.  By default, the firmware is built to support HSIO at POKEY/6.  We did that because it gets along with SpartaDOS's HSIO routines whereas POKEY/0 does not.


So I rebuilt for POKEY/6 and I have the same problem you do.


I believe what's happening is that Yoomp's custom SIO routines (the ones @tschak909 was talking about) kick into effect after 16 sectors. I don't know the details, but they either don't mess with anything if they see POKEY/0, or something unexpected happens with POKEY/6.


So, I don't think it has anything to do with the bootloader, but Yoomp itself.  It'd be interesting if you tried loading Yoomp with SIO2PC or another drive emulator set to POKEY/6 and see if it gets along with loading Yoomp.




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10 minutes ago, jamm said:

So, I don't think it has anything to do with the bootloader, but Yoomp itself.  It'd be interesting if you tried loading Yoomp with SIO2PC or another drive emulator set to POKEY/6 and see if it gets along with loading Yoomp.

I’ll give that a try tomorrow through an SIO2PC device or my SDrive-MAX and see how it goes. I’ll use the same yoomp_nt.xex file just to rule out any other variables. 

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14 minutes ago, DrVenkman said:

I’ll give that a try tomorrow through an SIO2PC device or my SDrive-MAX and see how it goes. I’ll use the same yoomp_nt.xex file just to rule out any other variables. 

Well, I just tried it with Lotharek's SIO2SD.  Same problem at POKEY/6, except it completely fails to load about halfway through.  POKEY/0 is fine.

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And I just tested with RespeQt.  It also fails and freezes at POKEY/6 and works at POKEY/0.


FujiNet is the only one that seems to handle switching back and forth between normal and high speed SIO properly when the latter fails.  At least in Yoomp.


Here's RespeQt's output at POKEY/6:


Serial port speed set to 68522.
[AutoBoot] Get status.
[AutoBoot] Read sector 1 (128 bytes).
[AutoBoot] Read sector 2 (128 bytes).
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 0 (287 bytes).
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 1 (2 bytes).
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 2 (352 bytes).
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 3 (256 bytes).
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 4 (128 bytes).
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 5 (422 bytes).
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 6 (2 bytes).
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 7 (61 bytes).
Serial port speed set to 19200.
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 7 (61 bytes).
Serial port speed set to 68522.
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 8 (123 bytes).
Serial port speed set to 19200.
[AutoBoot] Get chunk 8 (123 bytes). [x5]


Edited by jamm
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5 minutes ago, DrVenkman said:

Well, I’m not sure if I should be glad to have raised this issue or not, but at least it has given you something interesting to chew on! :) 

Well, I'm pretty glad you raised it.  I wasn't aware of that particular behavior in some software, so it's good to know for next time someone asks.  Plus, we know your WiFi is solid.  :)

And it's good to know someone's actually testing things out. We honestly need more of that.

This also raises the issue of allowing you to change the SIO speed dynamically via the web page.  Something we talked about a while back but hadn't gotten around to yet.


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Which version of Yoomp! uses a custom SIO loader? I've yet to encounter a version which is anything other than a standard multi-segment binary file which does no direct handling of IO whatsoever. If this were not the case, I would not expect it to run from the SIDE loader. Even the ATR version simply has a boot loader which automatically selects the PAL or NTSC XEX and runs it.


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13 hours ago, jamm said:

This also raises the issue of allowing you to change the SIO speed dynamically via the web page.  Something we talked about a while back but hadn't gotten around to yet.

For what it’s worth, both SDrive-MAX and RespeQt allow setting whatever POKEY divisor the user wants/needs, and based on my experience with playing around with ATX files on both platforms, lots of them don’t like non-standard SIO speeds. So it would be ideal for users if this is something that could be incorporated in CONFIG for the user to change while sitting at their Atari.


That convenience factor actually would apply to specifying which printer to emulate as well but since you have to go to the webpage to download the PDF, it’s not too hard to deal with in that use case.

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4 hours ago, flashjazzcat said:

Which version of Yoomp! uses a custom SIO loader? I've yet to encounter a version which is anything other than a standard multi-segment binary file which does no direct handling of IO whatsoever. If this were not the case, I would not expect it to run from the SIDE loader. Even the ATR version simply has a boot loader which automatically selects the PAL or NTSC XEX and runs it.


All the details, including the XEX in question, are just a couple of messages above this one. I don’t know enough about what’s happening in Yoomp’s loading routines to say what’s happening, but it clearly behaves differently when different SIO speeds are in play.

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38 minutes ago, jamm said:

All the details, including the XEX in question, are just a couple of messages above this one.

Yes: I read the posts but I'm still at a loss as to where the custom SIO loader which is more or less taken as a given is actually to be found.


I would have speculated that the VBI code which flashes the colours and (AFAIK) updates the progress bar is causing an issue during high speed SIO, but I have just tested the Yoomp! ATR from the Yoomp! website on real hardware, using RespeQt at divisor 0 and Hais' HSIO driver (in the U1MB PBI BIOS), and the game loaded at full pelt with no errors.


Maybe the issue is confined to NTSC systems (this was PAL), but if there's a custom SIO loader, I can't find it. :)


I've tried divisor 6 on the same machine and it stalls after a while. I've seen issues with stuff at slower speeds before, ironically enough, so it's not unprecedented.

Edited by flashjazzcat
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8 minutes ago, flashjazzcat said:

Yes: I read the posts but I'm still at a loss as to where the custom SIO loader which is more or less taken as a given is actually to be found.


I would have speculated that the VBI code which flashes the colours and (AFAIK) updates the progress bar is causing an issue during high speed SIO, but I have just tested the Yoomp! ATR from the Yoomp! website on real hardware, using RespeQt at divisor 0 and Hais' HSIO driver (in the U1MB PBI BIOS), and the game loaded at full pelt with no errors.


Maybe the issue is confined to NTSC systems (this was PAL), but if there's a custom SIO loader, I can't see it. :)


We talked about this on a side channel, but for the benefit of everyone else: the problem only presents itself at POKEY/6, which is currently the high speed mode FujiNet defaults to in order to maintain compatibility with SpartaDOS.  POKEY/0, and probably other high speed modes, don't seem to be a problem.


This will be addressed indirectly when FujiNet gives you the ability to change the high speed divisor setting manually.  Coming Soon™

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Let's not forget SDX's PCLINK driver... see how that fairs across the the #fujinet universe...

time to pop on over to the RespeQT thread and see if the fix is complete for the corner flashers and what not...

last thing that was always an issue was the TOM's drive settings on other devices in NTSC land... I think super speedy's latest firmware addressed NTSC timing issues...

Don't know if there's anything useful in all that but hey can't hurt...

I just wish such fixes propagated to SIO2SD etc etc....

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First output from my Fujinet P: device. Mind Blown!

Here are 2 pdf's printed using Daisy-Dot II


I'm posting in the bug thread for two things.


1. There is something going on at the top of the pages, it looks like a header/footer isn't being printed on the page correctly, I wonder if the page size is wrong?I don't know how to set it.






2. The DDIIDOC.1 file should be 11 pages and it's only 6, I'm going to try and print it again when the fujinet finishes plotting an Atariartist picture to svg (What a time to be alive!)


Here are a couple of screenshots to show off the awesomeness



DDIIDOC1.pdf readme.pdf

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12 minutes ago, Mr Robot said:

First output from my Fujinet P: device. Mind Blown!

Here are 2 pdf's printed using Daisy-Dot II


I'm posting in the bug thread for two things.


1. There is something going on at the top of the pages, it looks like a header/footer isn't being printed on the page correctly, I wonder if the page size is wrong?I don't know how to set it.






2. The DDIIDOC.1 file should be 11 pages and it's only 6, I'm going to try and print it again when the fujinet finishes plotting an Atariartist picture to svg (What a time to be alive!)


Here are a couple of screenshots to show off the awesomeness



DDIIDOC1.pdf 3.78 MB · 2 downloads readme.pdf 432.51 kB · 2 downloads

Paging @jeffpiep

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Hello Steven


If you like DaisyDot II, you'll love DaisyDot III.  Only thing it's missing IMHO is a "temporary stop printing while I put in a new sheet of paper" option.  I never had a sheet feeder and tractor feed didn't really work on my LC10 (printing more than a few pages always resulted in a paper-jam), so I had to restart the printing/calculating proces after every page/sheet of paper.  Which results in "calculate page 1, print page 1", "calculate page 1 and 2 and print page 2", "calculate page 1, 2 and 3, print page 3", ...





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16 hours ago, jamm said:

A foretold by the prophecies, the next firmware update will provide a simple mechanism for changing FujiNet's HSIO index setting via the web interface.  This will, of course, make its way to the Atari config program later on.



Thanks! :) ?




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