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Season 10 ~ Weeks 18/19 ~ Hot HomeBrews

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Week 18 and 19

Hot Homebrews


Ms Galactopus

(By Ric Pryor)


City Defence

(By Anthony Quinlan)


Doggone It!

(Armscar Coder)





CLARIFICATION: No use of CHEATS, emulation advantages, bugs, cart frying or other variables that gives you an unfair advantage in this HSC. Please assume you have to follow the game difficulty and mode for the playing week/s. There cannot be any game enhancements or favorite settings to play in the 2600 HSC, unless you are given authorization to do so by your humble yet strict MODERATOR! Vocelli



Released By:  Ric Pryor

Label Art Work: Thor Thorvaldson

Left Difficulty: B

Right Difficulty: B

Game Mode: Game 1 


City Defence

Released By:  Anthony Quinlan

Left Difficulty: B

Right Difficulty: B


The Attached BIN file is a special HSC edition!


Doggone It!

Released By:  Armscar Coder

Left Difficulty: B

Right Difficulty: B

Game Mode: Game 1 






Post your scores right here in this thread, and we will add them to the list. Remember to play the game with the recommended game mode and difficulty settings as shown above so that your scores will be consistent with everyone else.

The deadline for posting scores is Midnight (EST) the evening of Sept 20, 2020


Special Scoring for Each Game:

11 Points for finishing in 1st Place

2-5 Place = 10 Pts

6-10 Place = 8 Pts

11-20 Place = 6 Pts

Just Post a score 4p


BONUS for Players who don’t post scores on chosen games

Post a score from any homebrew Atari 2600 game and receive +8 Bonus points. These Points are ONLY given to Players who cannot Play the chosen games this week. Please name the game and just post a pic.

MAX +8 Bonus Points Available.

~ Do not Post a Game that someone has already posted.

~ Cannot use the 3 games chosen this week.


Help support the Homebrew Scene…. Thanks!


Ms.Galactopus Scores


25195 - Keilbaca (+11)

24785 - ZilchSr (+10)

22120 - JasonAtari (+10)

20940 - AlasdairCampbell (+10)

19750 - SkippyBCoyote (+10)


19515 - Cwieland (+8)

19305 - ZeroPageHomebrewJames (+8)

19065 - McCallister (+8)

19020 - PatLarocque (+8)

18250 - AtariWarlord (+8)


17765 - AtariSphinx (+6)

16300 - Mchetzel (+6)

16045 - IsaiahAustin (+6)

15375 - RogerPoco (+6)

14740 - Nads (+6)

14205 - TRB_MetroidTeam (+6)

13730 - Vocelli (+6)

13605 - OyamaFamily (+6)

13505 - GBAG (+6)

12875 - 5x7 (+6)


12730 - Atarian7 (+4)

12540 - Evandro (+4)

11590 - TheActivisionary (+4)

11325 - DrMooCowz (+4)

11095 - CapitanClassic (+4)

10895 - Deteacher (+4)

10545 - LaurenTyler (+4)

10220 - ZeroPageHomeBrewTanya (+4)

  9480 - Atari_Warlord (+4)

  8625 - FakeCortex (+4)

  8275 - TwentySixHundred (+4)

  6480 - MoisesTuseto (+4)

  4535 - RGC (+4)

  4400 - Tman03 (+4)

  3815 - ClassicGamer (+4)

  3760 - RoadRunner (+4)

  3420 - JacobZu7Zu7 (+4)



City Defence Scores



21823 - AlasdairCampbell (+11)

21595 - TRB_MetroidTeam (+10)

19661 - Nads (+10)

16713 - TwentySixHundred (+10)

16605 - SkippyBCoyote (+10)


16110 - ZilchSr (+8)

15187 - PatLarocque (+8)

15088 - Evandro (+8)

14880 - Vocelli (+8)

14015 - RogerPoco (+8)


13970 - JasonAtari (+6)

10050 - OyamaFamily (+6)

  9599 - Cwieland (+6)

  8176 - MoisesTuseto (+6)

  8540 - AtariWarlord (+6)

  7996 - CapitanClassic (+6)

  6951 - AtariWarlord (+6)

  6841 - RoadRunner (+6)

  6369 - AtariSphinx (+6)

  6124 - IsaiahAustin (+6)


  5469 - 5x7 (+4)

  5122 - DrMooCowz (+4)

  4947 - ZeroPageHomebrewJames (+4)

  4789 - GBAG (+4)

  3896 - Deteacher (+4)

  3417 - TheActivisionary (+4)

  3409 - Atari_Warlord (+4)

  2895 - FakeCortex (+4)

  2723 - Atarian7 (+4)

  2319 - Keilbaca (+4)

  1716 - JacobZu7Zu7 (+4)

  1678 - LaurenTyler (+4)

    874 - Mchetzel (+4)

    781 - ZeroPageHomebrewTanya (+4)

    498 - Tman03 (+4)

    394 - RGC (+4)



Doggone It! Scores


61730 - RogerPoco (+11)

52260 - JasonAtari (+10)

50443 - OyamaFamily (+10)

47499 - McCallister (+10)

43417 - SkippyBCoyote (+10)


39734 - Cwieland (+8)

38439 - GBAG (+8)

37749 - PatLarocque (+8)

35752 - FakeCortex (+8)

35261 - CapitanClassic (+8)


32946 - Vocelli (+6)

32479 - ZeroPageHomebrewJames (+6)

32010 - ZilchSr (+6)

31868 - TRB_MetroidTeam (+6)

31047 - Nads (+6)

30635 - DrMooCowz (+6)

29588 - Evandro (+6)

29532 - AtariSphinx (+6)

29446 - Deteacher (+6)

28376 - 5x7 (+6)


28290 - IsaiahAustin (+4)

27762 - AtariWarlord (+4)

27572 - RGC (+4)

27533 - TheActivisionary (+4)

26071 - ClassicGamer (+4)

25418 - LaurenTyler (+4)

25158 - MoisesTuseto (+4)

23275 - ZeroPageHomebrewTanya (+4)

22787 - Atari_Warlord (+4)

22733 - Atarian7 (+4)

20386 - TwentySixHundred (+4)

19484 - Tman03 (+4)

19375 - Keilbaca (+4)

14169 - RoadRunner (+4)

13900 - Mchetzel (+4)

  9829 - JacobZu7Zu7 (+4)



Bonus for Players who cannot play these games


Squish'em - AGB (+8)

Seaweed Assault - Redmiller (+8)



Overall Standings

 Remember The Top 32 will Qualify for the Medal Bracket Challenge at the end of the Season!




1064     ZilchSr
904     OyamaFamily
902     Nads
882     GBAG
868     Deteacher
864     McCallister
855     RogerPoco
839     Vocelli
833     PatLarocque
823     SkippyBCoyote
814     Evandro
805     JacobZu7Zu7
793     JasonAtari
774     TheActivisionary
769     Capitain Classic
746     TRB_MetroidTeam
724     Keilbaca
697     MoisesTuseto
644     Dr Moocowz
634     FakeCortex
626     CwieLand
617     AtariWarlord
590     IsaiahAustin
576     LaurenTyler
448     Atarian7
438     AGB
435     ClassicGamer
425     5x7
420     Mchetzel
402     Atari_Warlord
392     MisterVCS
385     RedMiller
377     SBAZ
340     Roadrunner
330     AtariSphinx
322     RGC
320     AtariPacmanFan
315     Gtype
281     Scrabbler
224     RetroBreakout
220     Nester
211     Toiletunes
199     Jaden
194     Lord Innit
164     Jblenkle
132     NovaStar
131     RetroRob
127     Gorfy
115     AlNafuur
113     MangiaBoy
110     AustinBlair
85     BugCatcher
85     Troff
75     JetSet
74     Tman03
70     AlasdairCampbell
61     Magmavision2k
50     Cafeman
47     KianSurfs
44     ClassicGMR
42     AtariPerson23
40     MrBubble
39     KaeruY
34     WickeyColumbus
21     HankReardon
18     Spriggy
18     PlayerOne
15     MikeBloke
12     DarQMassacres
11     DarthCloud
5     AsteroidZ
2     AtariUCLA24
2     CaptainKiwi
2     PjeDivision




Season 10 will have:

~ Paddle Week

~ Paddle Week

~ Beat the leader week 1 and double points

~ Beat the leader week 2 and double points

This Season will last 23 weeks and have 25+ Games

The TOP 32 will qualify for the Medal Bracket Challenge which will include a special Paper Medal Bracket Knockout Tourney.




City Defence HSC.bin Doggone_It!.bin








Edited by Vocelli
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First and foremost id like to thank the moderators for choosing my game to be ran this season. Ms.Galactopus and Doggon_it are great games, also congrats to Ric Pryor and Armscar Coder for making the cut ?.


As promised i will be giving some tips and im sure the runners will find many more that im not aware of along the way.


To begin with for those who prefer console console reset over joyfire make sure to set the console to BW mode so the game can only be restarted by the reset console switch.


Piece of advice is to take note of point rewards from remaining builds at the end of each wave. Depending on the size of the building depends on the reward. So if you have two ICBM's about to destroy your buildings and can only take-out one, it's important to save the larger building as it will yield more bonus points.



  • single story + 10 points at end of round
  • two story + 20 points at end of round
  • three story + 30 points at end of round
  • four story + 40 points at end of round
  • five story + 50 points at end of round
  • six story + 60 points at end of round
  • max total + 730 points at end of round
  • slow warhead + 20 points each shot
  • medium warhead + 40 points each shot
  • fast warhead + 60 points each shot
  • loss of maingun - 200 points
  • loss of powerstation - 100 points

The other tip is to protect that powerstation! If it gets taken out, your targeting system will only run at 50% crippling your ability to venture out to the far reaches of the city.


The game runs off a month by month system per wave and season to season per yearly cycle. This means after 3 months (waves) you will enter the next season. It's important to note that if your powerstation was taken out, you need to survive the rest of the season whilst it gets restored.


I will drop in to provide more tips if not found by others and questions, i may even compete :)


Make sure to use the .bin provided by Vocelli and not the development .bin. Also make sure to run on expert mode as it was compiled specifically for HSC for validity purposes.


Thanks and i hope everyone enjoys the line up of homebrew games this season ?

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I am truly honored that Doggone It! was chosen for the 2600 HSC Homebrew week.


For background on the game, see the attached one page quick start guide.  Also, for anyone interested in how the difficulty ramps up, I included a difficulty chart.


Scoring Summary:

- 200 points for each package delivered.

- 500 points for each package delivered while the double power package is active.

- 1000 points for a carrying a power-up in Hank's power pocket to the next level.

- Bonus points rewarded at the end of each level, for the amount of time remaining (how far the truck is from the end of the street).


Tips for getting a high score for Doggone It!:

- Finish each level as quickly as possible, to maximize the end of level bonus points.

- The best tip I can give is to carry a stored power-up to the next level for the 1,000 point bonus (plus you get to keep the power-up).

- If using the double package power-up, wait until you are about to deliver a package before activating it.  Then you may be able to deliver two packages while the power-up is active (1000 points for two packages).

- In my opinion, the dog invincibility and fast feet power-ups are the best power-ups for the later rounds, especially level three.  If you have a power-up stored you don't like (they are awarded at random), use it before Crazy Culvert Kitty comes out so that you can store another power-up that you might want to use later (power-up still chosen at random).

- Pay attention to the music while a power-up is active.  When its pace quickens, you have three seconds of power-up remaining.

- Dog movements left to right are random, but vertically they move in one direction until they reach the top or bottom, then switch their vertical direction.  The dogs move a little differently vertically for each level, but they all follow this behavior, making them a little more predictable.

- At the beginning of each level, the dogs will go to the far left before starting their random horizontal movement.  On level three, one dog goes to the far left and the other the far right.

- On level two, striking the gong in the middle of the room will force the therapy dogs to pause momentarily.  During this short time, Hank also has dog invincibility and can walk through the dogs.  The gong can be used as many times as desired, but Hank must leave the waiting room area and reenter (feet must be in the grass area) before being able to use the gong again. 

- Going around to the outside is the safest, but takes more time.  There is no score penalty for coming into contact with a dog, so when returning to the truck, it is usually quicker to go the shortest path, even if you are momentarily stunned once or twice.

- Starting with route five, Crazy Culvert Kitty will move faster.  Be careful not to be stuck near the bottom when she comes out, or you may miss her.


If you have any further tips, I would love to hear them!


Hope everyone enjoys playing Doggone It! and I am looking forward to following the high scores achieved.


- Armscar Coder

Difficulty Chart.PNG

Doggone It! quick start guide.pdf

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Thanks for choosing Ms. Galactopus for the HSC. I hope everyone enjoys playing it!


There's a PDF of the manual attached to this post, but if you don't feel like reading it, here's the gist:


Stop Ms. Galactopus and her brood from penetrating the Earth Defense Shield (the blue line under your ship) and destroying the earth. A set number of babies will attack, one at a time, each wave. Every time a baby hits the shield, it weakens. After 5 hits, the shield disappears and the next baby to get past you will reach earth and the game will end. Shooting Ms. Galactopus moves her closer to the top of the screen. Push her all the way to the top to finish the wave.



Shoot Ms. Galactopus: 100 points

Shoot a baby galactopus: 25 points.

At the end of each wave you'll get a bonus based on the amount of shield you have left and the number of baby galactopuses remaining.



Drive Ms. Galactopus away as quickly as possible The more babies left when you finish a wave, the bigger your bonus will be.

Ms Galactopus Manual.pdf

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Doggone It!-29,199

Can't find a single standout "problem" with this game.

If you have a stacked power-up, it's sometimes difficult to tell which one you got, but I imagine "game familiarity" would fix that(I'm still only on a handful of attempts or so).

Yeah, as far as "who can take it the longest/get the highest score, on a game that plays fair", it really is a good one, Good Job.


I'm not a fan of Dogs, tho, TBH, or more specifically, the people around me that keep them...

No fence, and I am the only person in the neighborhood who doesn't have a dog.

Guess where they poop?


Doggone It!



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Doggone It - 40,693



VIDEO (approximately 24 minutes):


Performed on September 4th, 2020


00:00 - My username on a piece of paper

00:05 - Stella Emulator startup

00:11 - Title select

00:17 - Game Properties / Difficulty Switches (B/Novice on both sides)

00:23 - Doggone It startup (Default)

00:29 - Start of run

23:39 - End of run and final score shown - 40,693 points

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Doggone It - 20,386



Ms. Galactopus - 8,275



Not too bad although i could definitely improve, just strapped for time at this moment and only played a single round of both. Great games!

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Ms Galactopus-9500

Not too bad for my first go, being bad at "shooters".

Reading the Manual first helped, there's definitely finesse to getting shots off at Ms Galactopus herself, but it makes it interesting.

Not my style of game, but good so far, for sure!!!

Haha, no blurry pic here tho...

(Read the manual...).




  • Like 5


MsG: 11400


Good Game. After the babies start to zig-zag... it gets very hard.

I try to sneak a shot on the Misses but concentrate on not letting those babies hit the ground.

Before the zig-zag babies... I concentrate on hitting the misses for maximum bonuses.


  • Like 6


City Defence: 14880


My tips are:

Yes, it is great to have the Power Station and have a fast cursor... but not at the expense of risking a 'Game Over'. 

I play offense when I have the Power Station and Defence when it gets destroyed.

City Defence HSC.bin_4.png

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Doggone it!: 27079


My tip: Save the item and get more bonus points at the end of the level. That is a good strat at the beginning. But...

...Once you get to the very fast dog levels... use that item. It could save you so much time!


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Some great scores by the runners, and i thought id drop in to give some helpful tips. With these tips i will be focusing more on how the targeting system works. One issue i have noticed with friends and family that have played is they tend to want to mash the fire button and they panic. The key is you can only lock on one target at a time until your defense missile has made a full cycle (by design).


It's all about precisely well timed shots and making sure your timings are correct. The missile itself does not take out the ICBM's (2.5d type layout). So the explosion itself is what will make your shots successful. Timing is everything and it can take awhile to get the feel for it however you're basically wanting the ICBM to fall into the explosion. Taking into account of the ICBM droprate then in addition the travel time of your defense missile along with the target position are all factors to consider.


I can't stress enough that timing is everything!


Good luck

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