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Stratovox (2600)


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Hello Friends !!

Attached you will find my second homebrew game for the Atari 2600...




It is a port of the 1980 Taito arcade game Stratovox also known as Speak and Rescue.


The object of this game is to shoot UFOs attempting to kidnap astronauts that appear on the right side of the screen.

If all astronauts are kidnapped, the game is over.


Use the joystick to move your spaceship left or right and press the button to fire.

You have to destroy 12 UFOs to complete the first level. On the second level, you have to destroy 15 UFOs, then 18, 21, 24 and so on.

At the end of each level, you will receive 100 bonus points for each astronaut not kidnapped. Also, novice players will receive an extra astronaut without exceeding the maximum of 10 astronauts in the screen at once.

You start the game with 3 spaceships. Reach 5,000 points to receive an extra spaceship.

Yellow UFOs score 50 points and Red UFOs score 100 points.

UFOs carrying an astronaut score random points from 300 to 1,000 depending on their color and speed.

There are 36 levels in this game. Levels 1 to 4 are the easiest levels; the real action starts in level 5.

Below are demo versions in NTSC and PAL60 format. 

You can play the first 5 levels however the Atarivox will not be enabled for the demo.




Stratovox 2600.png


Stratovox DEMO NTSC.bin Stratovox DEMO PAL60.bin

Edited by RaymanC
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4 hours ago, IG-88 said:

Love it!! I have the actual arcade game, very respectable port of it! 13250 my first try. Can't wait to hear the voices when they are ready. 



I'm glad you love it !! My highest score so far is 38,950.


Enjoy !!




Stratovox 38,950.png

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On 9/5/2020 at 4:41 AM, RaymanC said:

Hello Friends !!

Attached you will find my second homebrew game for the Atari 2600...




It is a port of the 1980 Taito arcade game Stratovox also known as Speak and Rescue.


The object of this game is to shoot UFOs attempting to kidnap astronauts that appear on the right side of the screen.

If all astronauts are kidnapped, the game is over.


Use the joystick to move your spaceship left or right and press the button to fire.

You have to destroy 12 UFOs to complete the first level. On the second level, you have to destroy 15 UFOs, then 18, 21, 24 and so on.

At the end of each level, you will receive 100 bonus points for each astronaut not kidnapped. Also novice players will receive an extra astronaut without exceeding the maximum of 10 astronauts in the screen at once.

You start the game with 3 spaceships. Reach 5,000 points to receive an extra spaceship.

Yellow UFOs score 50 points and Red UFOs score 100 points.

UFOs carrying an astronaut score random points from 300 to 1,000 depending on their color and speed.

There are 36 levels in this game. Levels 1 to 4 are the easiest levels, the real action starts in level 5.


This game does not have voices like the arcade but I am planning to add some using Atarivox+ or SAM.


If you find any bug please let me know.

Enjoy !!





Stratovox_2600_NTSC_RC1.bin 32 kB · 59 downloads Stratovox_2600_PAL60_RC1.bin 32 kB · 19 downloads


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I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but I plan to later.   


Back in the day, we had this game at a Safeway;  The only game they had.  I miss those days when almost every restaurant, convenience store, and even some grocery stores had games.  My mom knew a checker there and she told us the story about working late one night and suddenly hearing voices...She thought, 

"I'm overworked!" (Put her hand on her head dramatically),...Then realized it was just the Stratovox machine!


I used to play a game or two while my mom did some shopping...Good times!

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4 hours ago, SpiceWare said:

Well done!


I'm partial to the VIC-20 port of it called Bandits. They added a few other things like shields and new types of enemy. You can see the "bouncing balls" at 1:10 and the "convoy" at 1:29.

Thanks !

Yes, there are many others enemies on that version too. I had the C64 back in the days and I never saw Bandits.


By the way, How were you able to add voices to Draconian without the Atarivox+ ? Is that possible with batari Basic ?

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2 hours ago, RaymanC said:

By the way, How were you able to add voices to Draconian without the Atarivox+ ? Is that possible with batari Basic ?


Back in the 80s they figured out that the 2600 could play back 4-bit digital audio samples:




It's done by setting AUDC0 to 0 and updating AUDV0 on every scanline, including the scanlines during overscan, vertical sync, and vertical blank.  It takes a lot of processing time, so is difficult to do while also drawing a screen. That's why Quadrun blanks the screen during speech.


In Draconian I'm using the CDF coprocessor to reduce the overhead, which allowed me to have speech while drawing the screen. The CDF coprocessor is emulated by an ARM processor in the cartridge, can learn more about that in the Harmony/Melody club.


The same technique of updating AUDV0 on every scanline is used in Pitfall 2 for the 3-voice music. It uses the DPC coprocessor to make it possible. I do the same with the music in Stay Frosty 2, just with DPC+.


I'm not that familiar with bB, but you should be able to add it to a bB project using inline assembly.

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7 hours ago, SpiceWare said:

Well done!

I'm partial to the VIC-20 port of it called Bandits. They added a few other things like shields and new types of enemy. You can see the "bouncing balls" at 1:10 and the "convoy" at 1:29.

I love love love Bandits and played the hell out of it on the C64. I hadn't though about that game in decades until @RaymanC started talking to me about Stratovox and I found out that Bandits was an homage to it!


- James

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I don't like to play these games before I have a physical copy in my hands from the AtariAge store but I love reading about them and watching videos on zeropage homebrew.  The End looks like a must purchase for me and I'm excited to see you have another game in the works already.  It would be great if you can get speech samples on it without the need for an AtariVox, ala Draconian.  After all, there's so many more of us Atari enthusiasts that don't have an AtariVox than do.

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4 hours ago, sramirez2008 said:

Hmm. Anyone else play this on actual hardware? I tried running it on my Harmony Encore and the yin-yang symbol just spins.

Hello Steve,


That is strange....Can you check with James ? I think he played it on the show on actual hardware.



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16 minutes ago, sramirez2008 said:

Will do. Just looked at the Twitch re-play and he ran it off of his Harmony. 

Very, very interesting! I just tried the binary posted in this thread on my Harmony Encore and it worked. BUT.... I then tried it on my OTHER (older) Harmony Encore and it DIDN'T WORK! They're both running Firmware 1.06. 


This is similar to what happened with Robotron: 2084 the other week on the stream. Luckily @johnnywc was quick on his feet and was able to do some reprogramming WHILE the show was streaming to work around the issue.


From a quick search, and I'm just speculating, that it could be related to the issue posted here and has been subsequently fixed in newer Harmony Encore hardware revisions.


- James

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3 minutes ago, ZeroPage Homebrew said:

Very, very interesting! I just tried the binary posted in this thread on my Harmony Encore and it worked. BUT.... I then tried it on my OTHER (older) Harmony Encore and it DIDN'T WORK! They're both running Firmware 1.06. 


This is similar to what happened with Robotron: 2084 the other week on the stream. Luckily @johnnywc was quick on his feet and was able to do some reprogramming WHILE the show was streaming to work around the issue.


From a quick search, and I'm just speculating, that it could be related to the issue posted here and has been subsequently fixed in newer Harmony Encore hardware revisions.


- James

Thanks James.

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I just beat my own score. Okay, I successfully re-flashed my Harmony Encore and I’m now able to run the ROMs. This game is addictive. Here’s my latest score (Wave 11 / Novice). I’m fine for today. I’ll go back and play advanced, again.

BTW, really like that title screen. The colors pop with S-Video.




Edited by sramirez2008
Difficulty = Novice
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4 hours ago, sramirez2008 said:

I just beat my own score. Okay, I successfully re-flashed my Harmony Encore and I’m now able to run the ROMs. This game is addictive. Here’s my latest score (Wave 11).

BTW, really like that title screen. The colors pop with S-Video.

53,300 !!

Excellent score !! You are really a pro !!

I think I will need more practice to beat you !!


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1 hour ago, sramirez2008 said:

I just beat my own score. Okay, I successfully re-flashed my Harmony Encore and I’m now able to run the ROMs. This game is addictive. Here’s my latest score (Wave 11 / Novice). I’m fine for today. I’ll go back and play advanced, again.

BTW, really like that title screen. The colors pop with S-Video.


That's great to hear you got it working on your Encore and it was just a firmware issue. Awesome score!!!!


- James


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