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TI BASIC/TI EXTENDED BASIC Games that are worth to be compiled...


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No dice, renaming the files causes a crash at the FlashROM99 (c) 2016 RB screen. it flickers and locks the ti99.


renamed to





always the same. Other files load with -8.bin, for example DM1000-v61-xxKB-8.bin loads perfectly although the naming convention looks wrong?


any ideas?


GROM File:  xxxxxx_G.BIN
8K ROM:     xxxxxx_C.BIN
Inverted:   xxxxxx_9.BIN
Non-Invert: xxxxxx_8.BIN
Edited by mjnurney
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25 minutes ago, mjnurney said:

No dice, renaming the files causes a crash at the FlashROM99 (c) 2016 RB screen. it flickers and locks the ti99.


renamed to





always the same. Other files load with -8.bin, for example DM1000-v61-xxKB-8.bin loads perfectly although the naming convention looks wrong?


any ideas?


GROM File:  xxxxxx_G.BIN
8K ROM:     xxxxxx_C.BIN
Inverted:   xxxxxx_9.BIN
Non-Invert: xxxxxx_8.BIN


Just a silly question: have you extracted the content of the .zip file and renamed the .bin file inside it with the short 8+3 name and not just renamed the whole .zip file? Moreover, is the 32K memory connected?


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Indeed I have. The .bin file is extracted from the zip. 

for example a file I’m trying is Nuclear Distaster_8.bin. This crashes the system but if I rename it Nuclear_8.bin it will attempt to load but never does. 

my sd card is full of 32k,16k and 8k Roms but only the batch of games on this thread fail.



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5 minutes ago, mjnurney said:

Indeed I have. The .bin file is extracted from the zip. 

for example a file I’m trying is Nuclear Distaster_8.bin. This crashes the system but if I rename it Nuclear_8.bin it will attempt to load but never does. 

my sd card is full of 32k,16k and 8k Roms but only the batch of games on this thread fail.



Really strange, it should work. Just one thing: "Nuclear_8.bin" is 9+2 chars, so it could have ignored the last "8". in the name. Try to remove one more char. On the FinalGROM these files are working correctly. Maybe someone else on the forum with the FlashROM could check and report if working fine.


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its very odd, i have files with much longer file names, i'll try that




nope, doesnt work. if it renamed Nuc_8.bin it still fails to load however CorComp-Peripheral-Diagnostics-32KB-8.BIN loads just fine.

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11 minutes ago, mjnurney said:

It also seems faster than I remember;-) 


good compiling.


It doesn't seem faster, it's faster and fluid! ? Note that this is one in the first batch of the compiled games, so the techniques I've used are not refined as in the last games and, probably, it will be reviewed and updated in future.



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6 hours ago, mjnurney said:

Fantastic it works!!



6 hours ago, mjnurney said:

Brilliant thank you.

If educated guesses and luck, brilliance be...
...than surely, I must be gifted.:grin:


6 hours ago, mjnurney said:

What was the problem? 

Haha! How should I know...:dunce:


...I can tell you what I did, and perhaps to some extent, why.


anyway... I noticed there are copies of the header at all possible boundaries...
I thought this might be confusing the Flashrom99... But after seeing your video...  I think it might be the excessive >00s on some pages, or the page ordering itself, although that seems less likely, who knows ...maybe Tursi!


I removed the solitary headers, and their pages as well(using a hex-editor). In this case that meant simply deleting the second half of the file. That is why the filesize went from 32k, down to 16k. But this probably won't work for files larger than 16k. A more comprehensive understanding of the issue(s) might be needed for those.


I have downloaded a few games with odd variants, such as multiple language versions in a single image file, too large to load in the Flashrom's 32k.

However, it appears that most of the files should/could work.


Perhaps a filesplitter, and a renamer, both with batch mode, could make short work of the smaller files.:ponder:


   P.S. If you want, give me a short list... I'll process a few, and PM them back to you for testing.:pirate:

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That is very interesting, the fact that the 32k ram led is going crazy suggests a ram problem and the limited 32k of flash rom makes sense. I’d love to play all the games and run them on my YouTube channel but I might have to pick up a GRom cart after all. The TI99 needs more exposure.

To be honest I was looking to see if the fun pak series from virgin games had been compiled.


Escape the mugger, nuclear disaster, star ship supernova, golf and so on. Robopods was also popular in the Uk and a very odd game that looked like a type in game called road race. A very basic driving game avoiding collisions but that might take some finding. 

thank you for looking in to this, it is much appreciated.



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37 minutes ago, mjnurney said:

That is very interesting, the fact that the 32k ram led is going crazy suggests a ram problem and the limited 32k of flash rom makes sense. I’d love to play all the games and run them on my YouTube channel but I might have to pick up a GRom cart after all. The TI99 needs more exposure.

To be honest I was looking to see if the fun pak series from virgin games had been compiled.


Escape the mugger, nuclear disaster, star ship supernova, golf and so on. Robopods was also popular in the Uk and a very odd game that v4 looked like a type in game called road race. A very basic driving game avoiding collisions but that might take some finding. 

thank you for looking in to this, it is much appreciated.



The FinalGROM is surely the best solution, since you can run also programs with GROMs. I've used ModuleCreator V2.0 and it seems it can only produces these 32K size files. The MakeCart is producing GROM files only. I don't know if there is some other tool that can be used (maybe the xdt suite can generate files compatible with FlashROM).


Escape the mugger, Nuclear disaster and Robopods from Virgin were all compiled. Let's go to Races has unfortunately a lot of floating math, so it cannot be compiled directly without changing part of the code (is some of the BASIC gurus on AA want to try to fix I'll be more than happy to do the compilation part). Golf is in the backlog. I don't have the other games mentioned.


Hope to see a lot of TI99 stuff on your youtube channel! ?



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6 hours ago, mjnurney said:

Escape the mugger, nuclear disaster, star ship supernova, golf and so on. Robopods was also popular in the Uk and a very odd game that looked like a type in game called road race. A very basic driving game avoiding collisions but that might take some finding. 

thank you for looking in to this, it is much appreciated.



Your welcome ...All in a days work.:lol:

3 hours ago, mjnurney said:

Excellent I’ll take a look at buying a GRom cart as it’s much more capable than the flash rom it seems. 


none on EBay at the moment.

FinalGROM99, Rocks!:thumbsup:



I got mine from @arcadeshopper, Greg also helped me to unbrick it, after I studied it a little to closely!:ahoy:

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I can report that Robopods and nuclear disaster work well. Robopods is now a pressure game as leaving it unattended for 3 seconds or so causes self destruction! It was about 5 or 6 seconds originally. The music drops a few tones (notes) too probably because of speed?? I comment on the video that the numbers are wrong but I’m not sure about that I’ll have to find another YouTube video to compare- memory is a funny thing...


again brilliant thank you, you’ve made my Christmas!



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2 minutes ago, mjnurney said:

I can report that Robopods and nuclear disaster work well. Robopods is now a pressure game as leaving it unattended for 3 seconds or so causes self destruction! It was about 5 or 6 seconds originally. The music drops a few tones (notes) too probably because of speed?? I comment on the video that the numbers are wrong but I’m not sure about that I’ll have to find another YouTube video to compare- memory is a funny thing...


again brilliant thank you, you’ve made my Christmas!



Be sure to run Robopods V1.2, the previous one has a curious bug (there is all the story in the thread). The change with some notes is due to CALL SOUND with negative duration, that has to be adjusted in the compiled version (expecially with consecutive CALL SOUND with negative duration) and I'm not a musician, so surely these are not 100% identical to the original. I've improved the initial music in V1.2.


In general, with the additional speed, the games are gaining challenging. ?  


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