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This is my first gamelike thing in 7800 basic, a port of Shiru's Chase for the NES

It's not much of a game and I'm abandoning it, but great for learning 7800 basic


It wasn't very well suited for 320B mode, the two restricted colors are barely used, and then you only have four left,

I would have really liked one more color so the sprites could be solid and outlined with black instead of transparant in those place.

Thanks for all the help everybody!



Not abandoned anymore, continued in 160 mode.







Edited by Lillapojkenpåön
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3 hours ago, Lillapojkenpåön said:


It wasn't very well suited for 320B mode, the two restricted colors are barely used, and then you only have four left,

I would have really liked one more color so the sprites could be solid and outlined with black instead of transparant in those place.



In 320B mode, with Kangaroo mode enabled, it is possible to have 6 colors without restrictions (3 colors per palette) but you will have to give up transparency. However, in this case a great alternative would be to use the 160 mode. Here is an example:





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2 hours ago, Lillapojkenpåön said:

This is my first gamelike thing in 7800 basic, a port of Shiru's Chase for the NES

It's not much of a game and I'm abandoning it, but great for learning 7800 basic


It wasn't very well suited for 320B mode, the two restricted colors are barely used, and then you only have four left,

I would have really liked one more color so the sprites could be solid and outlined with black instead of transparant in those place.

Thanks for all the help everybody!


The undocumented restrictions of C1 in 320B are a real bummer.


But like Muddyfunster, I think you have used 320B well here and look forward to seeing what you create next.

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18 minutes ago, Defender_2600 said:


In 320B mode, with Kangaroo mode enabled, it is possible to have 6 colors without restrictions (3 colors per palette) but you will have to give up transparency. However, in this case a great alternative would be to use the 160 mode. Here is an example:





DAMN!! I did start doing that, but I couldn't get the sprites to look good at all, your sprites look amazing!

If you want to share the graphics or allow me to rip-off what I see, and don't intend to port the demo yourself,

I can finish it in 160 mode.


Where can I learn about kangaroo mode? I've never heard of it.





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33 minutes ago, Lillapojkenpåön said:


If you want to share the graphics or allow me to rip-off what I see, and don't intend to port the demo yourself,

I can finish it in 160 mode.



That would be great! Actually, I have already shared the graphics with you ;), you can find it in the image at the bottom right. Eventually, let me know if you need any more sprites. Please, if you can, continue to use 320B mode for font / score graphics, etc. Can't wait to see your progress!


P.S. about Kangaroo mode:



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On 11/15/2020 at 3:03 PM, Lillapojkenpåön said:

This is my first gamelike thing in 7800 basic, a port of Shiru's Chase for the NES

It's not much of a game and I'm abandoning it, but great for learning 7800 basic

That's really too bad you're not continuing with this. It plays really smoothly and looks like it could be a really fun game from looking at the footage of the original.


Hope you reconsider!


- James

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I am continuing it, just in 160A mode with a 320B top screen routine


I have a question tho, I found some palettes in the C source for chase

const unsigned char palTitle[16]={ 0x0f,0x0f,0x0f,0x0f,0x0f,0x1c,0x2c,0x3c,0x0f,0x12,0x22,0x32,0x0f,0x14,0x24,0x34 };

const unsigned char palGame1[16]={ 0x0f,0x11,0x32,0x30,0x0f,0x1c,0x2c,0x3c,0x0f,0x09,0x27,0x38,0x0f,0x11,0x21,0x31 };

const unsigned char palGame2[16]={ 0x0f,0x11,0x32,0x30,0x0f,0x11,0x21,0x31,0x0f,0x07,0x27,0x38,0x0f,0x13,0x23,0x33 };

const unsigned char palGame3[16]={ 0x0f,0x11,0x32,0x30,0x0f,0x15,0x25,0x35,0x0f,0x05,0x27,0x38,0x0f,0x13,0x23,0x33 };

const unsigned char palGame4[16]={ 0x0f,0x11,0x32,0x30,0x0f,0x19,0x29,0x39,0x0f,0x0b,0x27,0x38,0x0f,0x17,0x27,0x37 };

const unsigned char palGame5[16]={ 0x0f,0x11,0x32,0x30,0x0f,0x16,0x26,0x36,0x0f,0x07,0x27,0x38,0x0f,0x18,0x28,0x38 };

const unsigned char palGameSpr[16]={ 0x0f,0x0f,0x29,0x30,0x0f,0x0f,0x26,0x30,0x0f,0x0f,0x24,0x30,0x0f,0x0f,0x21,0x30 };

I don't know if they are PAL or NTSC colors, but if I just remove the 0x part and assume NTSC I can't find all the needed colors,

is there some other way to convert the colors?

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Unsure if NTSC <-> PAL under the 7800 is being inquired about, translating colors between the 7800 and NES, or something else entirely.  Nonetheless, we can cover the first two right now...


1. NTSC <--> PAL under the 7800:


NTSC $1x <--> PAL $2x
NTSC $2x <--> PAL $3x
NTSC $3x <--> PAL $4x
NTSC $4x <--> PAL $5x
NTSC $5x <--> PAL $6x
NTSC $6x <--> PAL $7x
NTSC $7x <--> PAL $8x
NTSC $8x <--> PAL $9x
NTSC $9x <--> PAL $Ax
NTSC $Ax <--> PAL $Bx
NTSC $Bx <--> PAL $Cx
NTSC $Cx <--> PAL $Dx
NTSC $Dx <--> PAL $Ex
NTSC $Ex <--> PAL $Fx

The following values have no real equivalent, but closest match with a warmed-up console is as follows:
NTSC $Fx <--> N/A - Best nearest PAL $2x
PAL $1x <--> N/A - Best nearest NTSC $Dx

Cautions (All values mentioned are NTSC):
$1x = Likely to lean green range instead of golden range on modern displays.  A $2x substitute can be tried instead.
$8x = May lean purplish instead of blue.  Use $9x for blue.  Use $6x for purple.
$Ex = Colors can vary considerably from a range of greens to a range of browns.
$Fx - Can start very green; ultimately becomes brown/auburn as system warms up.


2a. NES Palette Range <--> 7800 NTSC Palette Range [General]:


$x0 = $0x
$x1 = $8x-$9x
$x2 = $7x-$8x
$x3 = $6x-$7x
$x4 = $5x
$x5 = $4x
$x6 = $3x
$x7 = $2x
$x8 = $1x
$x9 = $Dx
$xA = $Cx
$xB = $Bx
$xC = $Ax
$xD = $0x
$xE = $0x
$xF = $0x


2b. NES Palette Value --> Suggested 7800 NTSC Palette Value [Specific]:


$00 = $05
$10 = $0B
$20 = $0F
$30 = $0F
$01 = $81
$11 = $85
$21 = $99
$31 = $9D
$02 = $71
$12 = $75
$22 = $89
$32 = $8D
$03 = $61
$13 = $65
$23 = $79
$33 = $7D
$04 = $51
$14 = $55
$24 = $59
$34 = $5D
$05 = $44
$15 = $47
$25 = $4A
$35 = $4D
$06 = $31
$16 = $35
$26 = $39
$36 = $3D
$07 = $21
$17 = $25
$27 = $29
$37 = $2D
$08 = $11
$18 = $15
$28 = $19
$38 = $1D
$09 = $D1
$19 = $D5
$29 = $D9
$39 = $DD
$0A = $C1
$1A = $C5
$2A = $C9
$3A = $CD
$0B = $B1
$1B = $B5
$2B = $B9
$3B = $BD
$0C = $A1
$1C = $A5
$2C = $A9
$3C = $AD
$0D = $00
$1D = $00
$2D = $02
$3D = $08
$0E = $00
$1E = $00
$2E = $00
$3E = $00
$0F = $00
$1F = $00
$2F = $00
$3F = $00

NES palette values = Luminance first then Hue Range
7800 palette values = Hue Range first then Luminance


Documentation and a technical overview of 7800 color generation as well as an overall excellent resource can be found here.

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It's an awesome time to be a half-decent programmer that likes retro games to, 7800 basic is fantastic, and I really can't believe what mksmith has achieved with Atari Dev Studio WHILE making pretty huge game projects himself, I think I need to learn how to type with more than two fingers.


The original game was just a demo to demonstrate a NES library for the cc65 compiler I believe, but maybe we can add some fun stuff to it, I allready have one idea.

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1 hour ago, Defender_2600 said:

Fantastic update! :-D


P.S. I had inserted that pixel (see image) to make the tile more square and symmetrical in the central area. Just my opinion. :)

BTW I'm sure you noticed the one pixel space between the M and S, and how far the S looks from the E, and how the S seems to need one or two more pixels before it falls over, that stuff bothers me to.

I will try to fix it.

Edited by Lillapojkenpåön
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