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What VR multiplayer games cause the most Traffic Accidents?


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What VR multiplayer games cause the most Traffic Accidents?


Today we have few education oriented technology centers like this, most tech centers sell phones to a plugged in audience that can't put them down; I think Musk made a good observation every time I cross an intersection and see adults doing a bent necked walk like fearless Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles peering into their cellphones permanently and obliviously transfixed, speed vehicles passing closely by unseen:



Successful VR is all about Player immersion
Anyone who drives knows what I'm taking about because Today you have to constantly watch out for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles drifting slowly across the street at odd angles even stopping sometimes right in the middle of the street if their phone display becomes interesting enough to get closer to - once player immersion binding occurs in the VR environment this can happen at any time regardless of the surroundings.


Driving and VR Immersion
Similarly anyone who walks (while not using Twitter or Facebook) knows some drivers can be equally transfixed:


Toodles tweeting on Twitter, drives even worse than before.


VR Apps designed to be intentionally painful:

I've saved the best for last - online ads with jarring seizure inducing algorithms sure to get your attention at any cost and deliberately by design.

Video ads are some of the worst offenders, anyone even remotely involved in creating those offensive shaking attention stealing displays knows not to look at any content stream in which they might be embedded while doing anything that requires any degree of concentration - these engineers carefully avoid their own content and some video services now offer a paid services venue that excludes the painful ads as motivation to pay.


What's the best VR multiplayer Today? 

Facebook, Linked-In, Yahoo, GoogleMaps, MaqQuest - even Specialty interest groups like AtariAge are also included as VR for Niche markets :)


Any others at the top of the list?
It's important to think outside the box as we see the most successful VR multiplayer models emerging Today are not the traditional models originating in Japan, but the social networking platforms - what other successful VR multiplayer models come to mind? 


Specific to AtariAge

More than one member of the AtariAge online gaming forum has transformed into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle by the VR, some on multiple occasions. Share your Ninja experiences - I can get really focused writing code and everything fades to the background; I see a similar state of Zen and the art of peering into the phone occur with cell phone users in cars and on foot everywhere, and I think this is the Matrix phenomena Elon observed and tried to articulate. 


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