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"Dragonfly" preorder


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I'm starting the pre-order list for the Dragonfly SD cartridge.



IMGP8530.thumb.jpg.bf34458ea26c5a787d5db7853a59a0aa.jpg  IMGP8529.thumb.jpg.1fa701abbe552242e15cc543d902a366.jpg



Technical Specifications


Dragonfly supports .a78 files (with header) in sizes 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, 48k without banking and 64k, 128k, 144k, 256k, 272k , 512k, 528k , 1024k with banking, up to 16kB RAM at address $4000 and POKEY at $4000 and $0450 addresses. Also supports Absolute and Activision. In developer mode, you can also upload .bin files.


With the Pokey Max chip it is possible to operate Dual Pokey and Covox.

With the YM module it is possible to operate the Yamaha YM2151 chip.


I have more information in the instructions: Manual.pdf


Two housing colors are available: burgundy and purple:

1166162104_IMGP8737_01(kopia).thumb.jpg.ec0a017b081b2807f2dfdfd08af89d60.jpg  IMGP87299kopia).thumb.jpg.8d8e9628183df05bfa1091b8360b5d25.jpg



The photo is dark, but it renders colors reasonably well.




The cartridge is modular in design and can be configured upon purchase.
The basic module does not contain the Pokey chip or the YM module, the set includes an SD card and a power cable for the console.
As additional modules, you can buy the Pokey Max chip, the Yamaha YM2151 module and an additional power cable for people with a modified power socket in the console. Due to various standards and the increase in shipping costs, I sell the cartridge without a power supply.


View of the PCB with the Pokey Max and YM2151 module installed, as well as an optional power cable:

IMGP8523.thumb.jpg.e6769a894dda927986b0665b31c3fe74.jpg  IMGP8734.thumb.jpg.d95efdbc9f6c4ebcadb94f23f028e682.jpg



- Dragonfly basic version (without Pokey and YM2151), the set includes a memory card and a cartridge-console cable - 350PLN / $95
- As an additional option, Pokey Max - 160PLN / $43
- As an additional option YM2151 module - 100PLN / $27
- As an additional option, a cable with a 5.5/2.1mm plug (for people who converted the console power supply to a socket in this standard) - 20 PLN / $5
-Shipping 25PLN / $6.5


PayPal payment or bank transfer


Please report any questions, comments and problems in the "technical thread", please write here only for the purchase. ?




Pre-order List:

1.    gambler172  -sent - RR174973117PL
2.    Muddyfunster - sent - RR174973050PL
3.    Synthopalooza - sent - RR432107358PL
4.    sramirez2008 - sent - RR433524179PL
5.    GoldLeader - sent - RR433524151PL
6.    larryleffaovell - sent - RR433524148PL
7.    TyrionXavier - sent - RR430446971PL
8.    hizzy - sent - RR433525112PL
9.    oakcitycomics - sent - RR432107463PL
10.    chicgamer - sent - RR433524182PL
11.    fultonbot - sent - RR433524196PL
12.    cjherr - sent - RR433524165PL
13.    CrossBow - sent - RR433527039PL
14.    joeatari1 - sent - RR433527073PL
15.    Tidus79001- sent - RR433527008PL
16.    haightc - sent - RR432107256PL
17.    Fierodoug5- sent - RR433526991PL
18.    Dauber - sent - RR433527060PL
19.    fragsinatra420 - sent - RR433527056PL
20.    zezba9000 - sent - RR432107242PL
21.    7800- sent - RR433526988PL
22.    Cyprian - sent - InPost 630552699100784015147167
23.    Gray Defender - sent - RR433527042PL

24.    MrZarniwoop - sent - RR433527025PL

25    Gandor- sent - RR433527011PL
26    darryl1970 - sent - RR432107260PL
27    Kaboomer - sent - RR432107273PL
28    hyrulebr - sent - RR432107335PL
29    Eagle - sent - RR432107300PL
30    theoakwoody - sent - RR432107327PL
31    Lectronimo - sent - RR432107313PL
32    Stephen - sent - RR432107295PL
33    CPUWIZ - sent - RR432107344PL
34    doug0909 - sent - RR432107525PL

35    GrenMag - sent - RR432107503PL
36    Yellowman - sent - RR432107450PL
37    Turbo Laser Lynx - sent - RR432107429PL
38    SenorRossie - sent - RR432107432PL
39    juansolo - sent - RR432107494PL
40    Fadest - sent - RR432107477PL
41    playsoft - sent - RR432107446PL
42    Umberto
43    Sikor - sent - InPost 630552289102137018689253
44    TrekMD - sent - RR432107415PL
45    GoldenWheels - sent - RR432107485PL
46    ataristi - sent - RR432107534PL
47    PacManPlus - sent - RR432109376PL
48    rocketmonkey101 - sent - RR432109305PL
49    Swami - sent - RR432109291PL
50    Zaxxon-hh - sent - RR432109288PL
51    Special Teams - sent - RR432109230PL
52    Shaggy the Atarian - sent - RR432109314PL
53    cdoty
54    ZeroPage Homebrew - sent - RR432109265PL
55    socrates63 - sent - RR432109243PL

56    Cousin Vinnie
57    Smiley
58    Chris68
59    twoquickcapri - sent - RR432109257PL
60    Retrok7 - sent - RR432109328PL

6x    Moose72 - sent - RR432109331PL
61    themuslehs
62    Marco Miccoli - sent - RR432109067PL
63    ziggystar
64    Tvisitor
65    Bossmaster
66    imstarryeyed - sent - RR432109040PL
67    crankycraig - sent - RR430448014PL
68    john_q_atari - sent - RR432109053PL
69    nobtis5 - sent - RR430447005PL
70    8bit-Dude
71    Filippo Maggi - sent - RR432109115PL
72    Tindron - sent - RR432109138PL
73    Cartermw - sent - RR432109107PL
74    thursday83 - sent - RR431325265PL
75    Yellowsubmarine - sent - RR432109124PL
76    krslam - sent - RR430444088PL
77    DrVenkman - sent - RR430446985PL
78    Indcsion - sent - RR430446999PL
79    GaryH917
80    Bill Loguidice - sent - RR430447036PL
81    NML32 - sent - RR430446937PL
82    remowilliams - sent - RR430446968PL
83    nogardvfx1970 - sent - RR430447075PL
84    Roccotheretrorepairman - sent - RR430446225PL
85    Allpaul - sent - RR430447019PL
86    Ruggers Customs - sent - RR432109190PL
87    phattyboombatty - sent - RR430447040PL
88    hsimpson - sent - InPost 630552849104036113897640
89    davidcalgary29 - sent - RR430446923PL
90    Machine - sent - RR430447053PL
91    cleoo
92    Revontuli - sent - RR432109212PL
93    Flashback - sent - RR432109209PL
94    eebuckeye - sent - RR430447922PL
95    Laner
96    AlwaysOnPlanetPatrol - sent - RR432109172PL

97    CommodoreCEO
98    Inky
99    cyberdoc - sent - RR430447067PL
100    Ataridoremi4 - sent - RR430448028PL
101    AntMcK - sent - RR430446945PL
102    bhall408 - sent - RR430448076PL
103    pasticc10 - sent - RR430446954PL
104    CharChar2001 - sent - RR432109186PL
105    streps - sent - RR432109169PL
106    Gemintronic
107    marcing - sent - InPost 630552049143100118006228
108    buescherking - sent - RR430448093PL
109    uicr0Bee - sent - InPost 630552049165536118765368
110    sdrake - sent - RR430448102PL
111    vectrex103 - sent - RR430441095PL
112    Tigerduck - sent - RR430448080PL
113    ndary
114    offbase
115    Hastor - sent - RR430448120PL
116    groundtrooper - sent - RR430448062PL
117    eggimac - sent - RR430448147PL
118    tekopaa - sent - RR430448133PL
119    mono - sent - InPost 605506439158302118055297
120    Jouster - sent - RR430441078PL
121    d.eric.gould - sent - RR430440982PL
122    Bradsco - sent - RR430441055PL
123    nyandeyanen - sent - RR430441033PL
124    Jungsi - sent - RR430440996PL
125    jefffulton - sent - RR4304411016PL
126    AdamO - sent - RR430441047PL
127    Lohe
128    MattelAquarius - sent - RR430441064PL
129    envytomdead2 - sent - RR430441002PL
130    sramirez2008 - sent - RR430446203PL
131    mickster - sent - RR430446248PL
132    newtmonkey - sent - RR430446279PL

133    ulikh - sent - RR430446251PL
134    ultrasteve - sent - RR430446265PL
135    tuf - sent - RR430446217PL
136    nikolaisen - sent - RR430446234PL
137    ZillaRUSH
138    ScottDecker
139    GDT2019 - sent - RR430446375PL
140    makuk999 - sent - RR430443860PL

141    whatever789 - sent - RR430446340PL
142    SS - sent - RR430446322PL
143    erperez - sent - RR430446353PL
144    FrankHH - sent - RR430444026PL
145    Dropzone - sent - RR430443895PL
146    Evidious - sent - RR430446367PL
147    eightbitwhit - sent - RR430446336PL
148    qq1975b - sent - RR430443975PL
149    MattS - sent - RR430443944PL
150    SparkTR
151    skr - sent - RR430444335PL
152    Mooreshire - sent - RR430443927PL
153    Curious Sofa - sent - RR430443958PL
154    BladeJunker - sent - RR430443913PL
155    killersquirel - sent - RR430443396PL
156    mutterminder - sent - RR430443935PL
157    MarcoJ - sent - RR430443900PL
158    SledgeHammerD - sent - RR430444321PL
159    Joseph Fournell - sent - RR430444255PL
160    shiz - sent - RR430444281PL
161    Davero - sent - InPost 630552209131867117281437
162    JihemB - sent - RR430444278PL
163    idolfun - sent - RR430444295PL
164    Lastblade
165    Poochy - sent - RR430444304PL
166    BrianC - sent - RR430444264PL
167    xkenx - sent - RR430444114PL
168    Avenger75 - sent - RR430444131PL
169    ongikong - sent - RR430444159PL
170    XEGS'r - sent - RR430444074PL
171    blubberbauch - sent - RR430444145PL
172    alortegac
173    swlovinist - sent - RR430444057PL
174    seattlematt1976 - sent - RR430444091PL
175    Jon Willig - sent - RR432347733PL
176    Lil Alien
177    Oldschool80skid - sent - RR430444105PL
178    SoundGammon - sent - RR430444065PL
179    pauljh - sent - RR431327114PL
180    ricky - sent - RR430444128PL
181    Matt Myers - sent - RR432347781PL
182    beavisx - sent - RR4323477647PL
183    oracle_jedi - sent - RR432347778PL
184    JuanIgnacio - sent - RR431327026PL
185    HammR25 - sent - RR432347818PL

186    edweird13 - sent - RR432347804PL
187    Lavalamp
188    SegaLou - sent - RR432347821PL
189    fille1976 - sent - RR432347835PL
190    Retrok7 - sent - RR431326811PL
191    TempterOfFate - sent - RR432347795PL
192    Hasan Coskun - sent - RR430322084PL
193    SmakyTaky
194    Brian70 - sent - RR431326900PL
195    Carlos Roldan - sent - RR431326895PL
196    philgood1351fr - sent - RR431326839PL
197    Fareast - sent - RR431326842PL
198    Leichenfreund - sent - RR431326961PL
199    tf_hh - sent - RR431327065PL
200    unhuman - sent - RR431327057PL
201    lucifershalo
202    weasel5053 - sent - RR431327091PL
203    dlmartins - sent - RR431327105PL
204    Deconstructor - sent - RR431327009PL

205    RAShepherd
206    tkarner - sent - RR431327012PL
207    vhzc - sent - RR431327043PL
208    curmudgeon_cory - sent - RR431322514PL
209    rcajun90
210    Mikebloke - sent - RR431327088PL
211    Lghh_4
212    fandenivoldsk
213    Rastamafugg - sent - RR430319655PL

214    epoxy2600 - sent - RR431322228PL
215    miker - sent - InPost 630552787100102119446196
216    RayTari - sent - RR431322602PL

217    azure - sent - RR431322616PL
218    Aking - sent - RR431325246PL
219    aleomark - sent - RR431322580PL
220    Sam83 - sent - RR431322576PL

221    Mi1ez - sent - RR431325189PL
222    Mikomiko - sent - InPost 630552228101196114151103 
223    ZorlonCannon - sent - RR431325250PL
224    OldPAL - sent - RR431325192PL
225    CloakandDagger
226    leech - sent - RR431325401PL
227    SmittyB - sent - RR431325215PL
228    cmallett812 - sent - RR431325277PL
229    Jase
230    hamburgler - sent - RR431325285PL

231    at5200forever - sent - RR462452465PL
232    MrZarniwoop -sent - RR431325100PL
233    kissoon31 - sent - RR431325127PL
234    a6502 -sent - RR431325095PL
235    slackerwithin - sent - RR462452390PL
236    vintage_gamer - sent - RR462452386PL
237    Danny Zepeda Montaño - sent - RR431325135PL
238    Rob_Otrron
239    zoggins -sent - RR431325115PL
240    Jorge Rodriguez - sent - RR462452369PL
241    Gunstar - sent - RR462452430PL
242    Spancho - sent - RR462452474PL
243    ColecoGamer

244    Giles N - sent- RR462646753PL
245    Jack121x - sent - RR462452491PL 
246    tnoise79 - sent - RR462452505PL
247    Ritchie - sent - RR432556215PL
248    hitparade - sent - RR432556175PL


On this page you can track the shipment, after sending the package, the tracking will appear next to each nickname: https://emonitoring.poczta-polska.pl/?lang=en

Unfortunately, for most countries, the tracking will stop at WER Warszawa, you have to look for a further route from a carrier in your country.









Edited by rj1307
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Only when the cartridge is ready for shipment, will I send a message asking for the color of the housing, the selected cartridge configuration (even if someone mentioned it before), asking for the address and sending the payment details.

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So the option is to get the cable to connect to a 7800 standard power supply plug? Sorry I do not know what a 5.5/2.1 plug means..

Is your intention to you be selling these for as long as there is demand as in a few years or just one and done? Just asking because I will not allow myself to spend money on anything for myself till I pay for my daughters university. 

It looks great!! 


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Download the Manual from the first post, there is a plug drawing and description, that should dispel any doubts. You need a power supply with a suitable plug, the original one will not fit.
I will keep assembling the cartridges as long as I have enough strength and the elements will be available, I continued my previous project (AgaCart) for over a year. :) 

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I'm down for one in purple with the YM and one in burgundy with the YM.


The second one is actually for Marauder666 but we're combining postage/import charges, so I'm not hoarding ;) Also we've got so many Ballblazers, I assume I'm fine dropping regular Pokey's in them?

Edited by juansolo
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