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When drawing a scaled sprite using the object processor, how is the x/y position calculated? E.g., if you have an sprite that is 32x32 pixels, with the top-left pixel at screen position 160x120 and then want to zoom in and make the sprite bigger, how does it calculate where to draw the scaled sprite?


I've read that the Sega Saturn allowed a "zoom point" to be defined so you can specify that the scaling has an originating point that is left/middle/right and top/middle/bottom, but can't see from the Technical Manual how the Jaguar does it.


Thanks for any help.

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49 minutes ago, swapd0 said:

The scaling it's done from the left & top corner (right & top if the sprite it's flipped), If you need to scale the sprite from the center you must "move" the sprite so the center will be located at the same screen position. 

That's really helpful, thanks for the quick reply.

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