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I've used Cybernoid2 cover by @miker



PAL version

A7800 version sounds little bit strange.

I'm still waiting for Dragonfly, so I can't fully test it on real hardware.








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ProSystem emulation will not play the hi-pass filter at all.  The newest A7800 emulator does this well using the standard $Ax square wave, either 8 or 16-bit, and all clock settings.  Try testing your music on it.


I will test it tonight myself and report results.   @Trebor:  Maybe you can do a recording too?  :)

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4 minutes ago, Synthpopalooza said:

Make sure also that you compile a version for POKEY @$450 ... most homebrews use that.

Yep...I got spoiled by Synthpopalooza providing it automatically and it completely slipped my mind.

The reason for the no sound, POKEY is mapped to $4000. 


I'm leveraging the MCP DevCart and POKEY @$4000 wont cut it...POKEY @$450 please.

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@Trebor @Synthpopalooza New update

Ntsc ver Pokey $450 work on JS7800 and should on MCP and Dragonfly ?

Ntsc ver Pokey $4000 work on BupSystem and Prosystem

I'll try to do $450 and $460 "stereo" music for Dragonfly tonight. 


Cybernoid2NtscPokey450.a78 Cybernoid2NtscPokey4000.a78

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15 minutes ago, Eagle said:

I'll try to do $450 and $460 "stereo" music for Dragonfly tonight.

You mean a dual pokey version right? DF cart uses the external audio line in from the cartridge port and that is a single channel. So dual pokey would be used for just adding in 4 additional sound channels as I understand it, giving you the ability to code in 8 channel/voice music.


But as DF #12 arrived to me yesterday, I can happily test this out.


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Well, I'm actually not able to test these because I still have a normal BIOS on my daily driver 7800 and your files don't have the encryption key on them needed to load them up on my 7800. Maybe it is time for me to look into doing the BIOS mod on my 7800 instead of on others for once LOL!


But yeah....no dice on NTSC machines.


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13 hours ago, Eagle said:

@Trebor @Synthpopalooza New update

Ntsc ver Pokey $450 work on JS7800 and should on MCP and Dragonfly ?

Ntsc ver Pokey $4000 work on BupSystem and Prosystem

I'll try to do $450 and $460 "stereo" music for Dragonfly tonight.

An additional ~40-45 seconds more to the demo before crashing via MCP DevCart:

Cybernoid II by Miker - Real HW 20210116a.mp3


Both $4000 and $450 versions work under the A7800 emulator too.

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Obviously it's a bit odd with it working elsewhere, but Cybernoid2NtscPokey450.a78 crashed after ~5 minutes in A7800 for me.


I ran it up with the debugger and it hits a brk instruction here:


193F: lda $1962
1942: cmp #$d4
1944: bne $18cb
1946: lda $1961
1949: cmp #$d8
194B: beq $195f
195F: rts

0001: brk

Before it does the rts at $195F the stack pointer is $1FF so it's empty, hence where it ends up.


I used dmsc's lzss-sap code on the 5200/A8 last year and I can't match that bit of code exactly but it does look a little like the test for the end of the song. 

Edited by playsoft
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   420 193F AD 62 19         lda get_byte+2
   421 1942 C9 D4            cmp #>song_end
   422 1944 D0 85            bne sap_loop
   423 1946 AD 61 19         lda get_byte+1
   424 1949 C9 D8            cmp #<song_end
   425 194B F0 12            beq end_loop
   439 195F            end_loop
   440 195F 60                rts

@playsoft you are right :)

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26 minutes ago, playsoft said:

Obviously it's a bit odd with it working elsewhere, but Cybernoid2NtscPokey450.a78 crashed after ~5 minutes in A7800 for me.

With both the original and revision, I mentioned and experienced crashing too under real hardware as well.  ;)


For the first Cybernoid II build, it happens a little shy of 5 minutes, the second build, it happens around 5 minutes 30-40 seconds.

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14 minutes ago, Trebor said:

With both the original and revision, I mentioned and experienced crashing too under real hardware as well.  ;)


For the first Cybernoid II build, it happens a little shy of 5 minutes, the second build, it happens around 5 minutes 30-40 seconds.

How are you playing this on actual hardware? You using a DF for this? I can't get any of these to work on 3 different 7800s I've tested so far. Just gives the scrambled lines screen. Again, I suspect these were coded for PAL and don't include the NTSC encryption?

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27 minutes ago, Eagle said:

@-^CrossBow^- try this one. NTSC encrypted with header. Should work ?


AcidDualPokey.a78 32.13 kB · 2 downloads

NICe!!! It works and loops so far about 3 times without any lockups on the 7800 I'm using to test this with. For those curious, it is a very strange X serial number unit. But wow, I might also like this more than the FM stuff I've heard so far. 

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10 hours ago, -^CrossBow^- said:

How are you playing this on actual hardware? You using a DF for this? I can't get any of these to work on 3 different 7800s I've tested so far. Just gives the scrambled lines screen. Again, I suspect these were coded for PAL and don't include the NTSC encryption?

MCP DevCart has its own boot screen.  The uploaded ROM code is ran by pressing the 'Pause' button, or otherwise runs automatically when first uploaded at the loader screen. 


The ROM code run execution is already passed the initial BIOS (encryption check) when performed.



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