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My experiments with Atari 7800


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Damn - I see a competition coming up with the 8-bit (ANTIC/GTIA) folks.  We pick fights all the time.  We generally lose them.  But we like to swing.  So - um yeah, bring it :)


All kidding aside - very nice looking stuff, I just got a DragonFly cart, so my real 7800 is going back on the shelf.  Hope to see some of this on a real CRT soon.

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On 2/13/2021 at 2:22 PM, Eagle said:

I would like to present my new idea for A7800 - new graphics mode - Multicolor 160B+


Orginal picture - One Zak and his Kracken by Carrion (commodore plus 4) 89 colors used



Converted for A7800 has 55 colors

I'm still working on glitches and color palette ? 

I hope I'll finish in next few weeks




Multicolor160Bplus.a78 32.13 kB · 27 downloads



BTW - there is some weird kind of synchronicity going on here.  I just converted this to A8, and did a worse job than someone when they did it back in 2015:



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@Philsan @Stephen try this one :)

Maybe one day @ilmenit will make RastaConverter versions for the Atari 7800 ;)?


Wonderland by @Piesiu Commodore+4



DLI only changes 3 colors per line, but that's enough.

Timing almost perfect (A7800 emulator has some small issues)

Colors much better now (about 80 thist time)






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1 hour ago, Eagle said:

@Philsan @Stephen try this one :)

Maybe one day @ilmenit will make RastaConverter versions for the Atari 7800 ;)?


Wonderland by @Piesiu Commodore+4



DLI only changes 3 colors per line, but that's enough.

Timing almost perfect (A7800 emulator has some small issues)

Colors much better now (about 80 thist time)





WonderlandByPiesiu.a78 32.13 kB · 1 download

I'll give it a shot, but that's quite a few colours per scanline.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/21/2021 at 7:04 PM, Synthpopalooza said:

But yes, you guys should try to make a game.  Even a port of Robbo would be great.


Robbo, but with the TIA music from Robomechanik.  Not just because it's a great tune, but because it'll lead to all sort of questions about that thing 7800 programmers love: POKEY + TIA sound :D


(Seriously, though, it has to be one of the better TIA tracks.  Would be awesome in Robbo, even if ported to POKEY.)

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8 minutes ago, DrVenkman said:

I just tried it on my NTSC console via my Dragonfly Cart, but no go. Not sure if I need to manually set some of the cart options to make it work. 

Hmmm, Pal worked on Dragonfly. Pokey address is $4000.

I've added signature just in case. Check this one.

It's working on A7800 emulator as well.

Do you have bars on screen or just blank?



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3 minutes ago, Eagle said:

Hmmm, Pal worked on Dragonfly. Pokey address is $4000.

I've added signature just in case. Check this one.

It's working on A7800 emulator as well.

Do you have bars on screen or just blank?


CamouflageNTSC.a78 32.13 kB · 0 downloads

The first one just gave rolling bars - most of us have original NTSC bios chips that will require a signature check.


But the new version you just posted actually plays the music, along with a display of colored pulsing bars. Sounds really good. :)

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@DrVenkman thanks, good to know.


For anyone interested.

Music source code from dis6502


jsr init_music

jsr Play



; Code equates
L00F0       = $F0
L00F1       = $F1
L4D78       = $F2    
L4D79       = $F3    
L4D8B       = $F4    
L4D8C       = $F5    
; Start of code
pokey        equ $4000

            org $8000
            .byte $00,$00,$00
L4803:      .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$00,$39,$00,$39,$00,$39,$00,$39,$00,$39,$00
            .byte $48,$48,$48,$48,$48,$00,$48,$00,$48,$00,$48,$00,$48,$00,$48,$00
            .byte $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$00,$55,$00,$55,$00,$55,$00,$55,$00,$55,$00
            .byte $3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$00,$3F,$00,$3F,$00,$3F,$00,$3F,$00,$3F,$00
            .byte $39,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$48,$00,$00,$00,$55,$00,$00,$00,$55,$00
            .byte $3F,$00,$00,$00,$3F,$00,$00,$00,$3F,$00,$00,$00,$3F,$00,$00,$00
L4873:      .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $64,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $C8,$00,$00,$00,$14,$00,$C8,$00,$C8,$00,$00,$00,$14,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $C8,$00,$00,$C8,$14,$00,$C8,$00,$C8,$00,$00,$00,$14,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $C8,$00,$00,$C8,$14,$00,$C8,$00,$C8,$00,$14,$14,$14,$00,$14,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$00,$0A,$00,$00,$13,$00
L48D3:      .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $BF,$7E,$5D,$BF,$7E,$00,$BF,$00,$7E,$00,$BF,$00,$4E,$00,$5D,$00
L48F3:      .byte $08,$04,$03,$02,$02,$01,$01,$00,$00,$00,$08,$07,$06,$05,$04,$03
            .byte $02,$01,$00,$00,$0F,$06,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0F,$0A
            .byte $08,$06,$04,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0C,$0B,$0A,$09,$08,$07,$06,$05
            .byte $04,$03,$0C,$08,$06,$04,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0C,$0A,$09,$08
            .byte $07,$06,$05,$04,$03,$02,$08,$0A,$0A,$09,$08,$07,$06,$05,$04,$04
        .byte $01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $6B,$80,$00,$00,$5A,$80,$6B,$80,$00,$00,$6B,$80,$00,$00,$6B,$80
            .byte $5A,$80,$00,$00,$47,$80,$5A,$80,$00,$00,$5A,$80,$00,$00,$5A,$80
            .byte $87,$80,$00,$00,$6B,$80,$87,$80,$00,$00,$87,$80,$00,$00,$87,$80
            .byte $78,$80,$00,$00,$5F,$80,$78,$80,$00,$00,$78,$80,$00,$00,$78,$80
            .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$8F,$00,$5A,$00,$5A,$00,$5A,$00,$5F,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$6B,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$47,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$47,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$47,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$78,$00,$00,$00,$78,$00,$5A,$00,$00,$00,$5A,$00,$5F,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$6B,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$47,$00,$00,$00,$47,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$47,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$5A,$00,$5A,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$47,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$5A,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$8F,$00,$5A,$00,$00,$00,$5A,$00,$5F,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$6B,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$47,$00,$00,$00,$47,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$47,$00,$00,$00,$5A,$00,$5A,$00,$00,$00,$5A,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$47,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$78,$00,$00,$00,$78,$00,$5A,$00,$00,$00,$5A,$00,$5F,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$6B,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$47,$00,$00,$00,$47,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$47,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$5A,$00,$5A,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$50,$00,$50,$00,$00,$00,$50,$00,$47,$00,$00,$00,$50,$00
            .byte $00,$00,$5A,$00,$00,$00,$5A,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $6B,$80,$5A,$80,$6B,$80,$87,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
            .byte $6B,$80,$5A,$80,$50,$80,$43,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$47,$80,$00,$00
;bylo $4ad3 start muzyki
song        .byte $00,$00,$10,$00,$00,$00,$10,$00,$10,$00,$10,$00,$20,$00,$10,$00
            .byte $30,$00,$10,$00,$40,$00,$10,$00,$10,$00,$10,$00,$20,$00,$10,$00
            .byte $30,$00,$10,$00,$40,$00,$10,$00
;bylo $4afb
restartsong .byte $10,$20,$10,$00,$20,$30,$10,$00
            .byte $30,$20,$10,$00,$40,$30,$10,$00,$10,$20,$10,$00,$20,$30,$10,$00
            .byte $30,$20,$10,$00,$40,$30,$10,$00,$10,$20,$10,$08,$20,$30,$10,$10
            .byte $30,$20,$10,$18,$40,$30,$10,$20,$10,$20,$10,$08,$20,$30,$10,$10
            .byte $30,$20,$10,$18,$40,$30,$10,$20,$60,$20,$00,$00,$00,$10,$00,$28
            .byte $10,$20,$00,$30,$20,$30,$00,$38,$30,$20,$00,$40,$40,$30,$00,$48
            .byte $10,$20,$00,$50,$20,$30,$00,$58,$30,$20,$00,$60,$20,$30,$00,$68
            .byte $20,$40,$00,$70,$10,$20,$10,$78,$20,$30,$10,$80,$30,$20,$10,$88
            .byte $40,$30,$10,$90,$10,$20,$10,$98,$20,$30,$10,$A0,$30,$20,$10,$A8
            .byte $20,$30,$10,$B0,$10,$20,$10,$08,$20,$30,$10,$10,$30,$20,$10,$18
            .byte $40,$30,$10,$20,$10,$20,$10,$08,$20,$30,$10,$10,$30,$20,$10,$18
            .byte $40,$30,$10,$20,$60,$20,$00,$00,$00,$10,$00,$28,$10,$20,$00,$30
            .byte $20,$30,$00,$38,$30,$20,$00,$40,$40,$30,$00,$48,$10,$20,$00,$50
            .byte $20,$30,$00,$58,$30,$20,$00,$60,$20,$30,$00,$68,$20,$40,$00,$70
            .byte $10,$20,$10,$78,$20,$30,$10,$80,$30,$20,$10,$88,$40,$30,$10,$90
            .byte $10,$20,$10,$98,$20,$30,$10,$A0,$30,$20,$10,$A8,$20,$30,$10,$B0
            .byte $50,$20,$00,$B8,$50,$30,$00,$B8,$50,$20,$00,$C0,$50,$40,$00,$C0
            .byte $50,$20,$00,$B8,$50,$30,$00,$B8,$50,$20,$00,$C0,$50,$40,$00,$B8
            .byte $60,$50,$00,$00,$00,$10,$00,$70,$10,$20,$10,$78,$20,$30,$10,$80
            .byte $30,$20,$10,$88,$40,$30,$10,$90,$10,$20,$10,$98,$20,$30,$10,$A0
            .byte $30,$20,$10,$A8,$20,$30,$10,$B0,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$20,$4B,$4C
            lda #<song    ;$D3
            sta L00F0
            lda #>song    ;$4A
            sta L00F1
            lda #$0F
            sta L4E16
            lda #$00
            ldx #$07
L4C5C:      sta POKEY,X
            sta L4E02,X
            bpl L4C5C
            sta L4E15
            sta L4E0E
            sta L4E18
            lda #$09
            sta L4E12
            sta L4E10
            sta L4E11
            lda #$02
            sta L4E17
            lda #$40
            sta POKEY+8        ;AUDCTL
            lda #$03
            sta POKEY+$0F    ;SKCTL
            ldx #$07
L4C8B:      lda L4E02,X
            sta POKEY,X
            bpl L4C8B
            inc L4E18
            lda L4E18
            cmp #$02
            bne L4CA6
            lda #$00
            sta L4E18
L4CA6:      inc L4E17
            lda L4E17
            cmp #$03
            bne L4CBA
            lda #$00
            sta L4E17
            sta L4E17
            beq L4CBD
L4CBA:      jmp L4D94
L4CBD:      inc L4E16
            lda L4E16
            and #$0F
            sta L4E16
            bne L4CEE
L4CCA:      ldy #$03
L4CCC:      lda (L00F0),Y
            sta L4E0A,Y
            bpl L4CCC
            cmp #$FF
            bne L4CE3
            lda #<restartsong    ;$FB
            sta L00F0
            lda #>restartsong    ;$4A
            sta L00F1
            jmp L4CCA
L4CE3:      clc
            lda L00F0
            adc #$04
            sta L00F0
            bcc L4CEE
            inc L00F1
L4CEE:      lda L4E0D
            asl @
            adc #<data_music    ;$43
            sta L4D78
            sta L4D8B
            lda #>data_music    ;$49
            adc #$00
            adc #$00
            sta L4D79
            sta L4D8C
            lda L4E0A
            ora L4E16
            lda L4803,X
            beq L4D1D
            sta L4E04
            lda #$00
            sta L4E12
L4D1D:      lda L4E0C
            ora L4E16
            lda L48D3,X
            beq L4D31
            sta L4E02
            lda #$00
            sta L4E10
L4D31:      lda L4E0B
            ora L4E16
            lda L4873,X
            beq L4D6D
            sta L4E14
            ldx #$1E
            cmp #$14
            beq L4D54
            ldx #$28
            cmp #$64
            beq L4D54
            ldx #$32
            cmp #$14
            bcc L4D54
            ldx #$14
L4D54:      stx L4E15
            ldx #$00
            cmp #$C8
            bcs L4D65
            ldx #$02
            cmp #$64
            bne L4D65
            ldx #$FB
L4D65:      stx L4E0F
            lda #$00
            sta L4E11
L4D6D:      lda L4E16
            and #$01
            bne L4D94
            ldy L4E16    ;;;ldx L4E16 

            lda ($f2),y    ;;;lda L4943,X    ;zamiana na strone zerowa dla A7800 
            beq L4D94
            sta L4E08
            lda #$00
            sta L4E13
            lda #$46
            sta L4E0E
            iny        ;;;inx
        lda ($f4),y    ;;;lda L4943,X    ;zamiana na strone zerowa dla A7800
            bpl L4D94
            lda #$3C
            sta L4E0E
L4D94:      ldx L4E10
            lda L48F3,X
            ora #$20
            sta L4E03
            cpx #$0A
            beq L4DA7
            stx L4E10
L4DA7:      ldx L4E12
            lda L48F3,X
            ora #$C0
            sta L4E05
            cpx #$0A
            beq L4DBA
            stx L4E12
L4DBA:      lda L4E0E
            adc L4E13
            lda L48F3,X
            ora #$A0
            sta L4E09
            ldx L4E13
            cpx #$0A
            beq L4DD5
            stx L4E13
L4DD5:      lda L4E15
            adc L4E11
            lda L48F3,X
            ora #$80
            sta L4E07
            ldx L4E11
            cpx #$0A
            beq L4DF0
            stx L4E11
L4DF0:      lda L4E14
            sta L4E06
            adc L4E0F
            bcs L4DFF
            sta L4E14
L4DFF:      rts

; Ram for A7800
    org $1800,*
L4E02:      .byte $00
L4E03:      .byte $00
L4E04:      .byte $00
L4E05:      .byte $00
L4E06:      .byte $00
L4E07:      .byte $00
L4E08:      .byte $00
L4E09:      .byte $00
L4E0A:      .byte $00
L4E0B:      .byte $00
L4E0C:      .byte $10
L4E0D:      .byte $00
L4E0E:      .byte $00
L4E0F:      .byte $00
L4E10:      .byte $09
L4E11:      .byte $09
L4E12:      .byte $09
L4E13:      .byte $09
L4E14:      .byte $C8
L4E15:      .byte $00
L4E16:      .byte $0F
L4E17:      .byte $02
L4E18:      .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70
            .byte $54,$23,$50,$54,$A3,$50,$54,$23,$51,$54,$A3,$51,$54,$23,$52,$54
            .byte $A3,$52,$54,$23,$53,$54,$A3,$53,$30,$41,$20,$4E,$A9


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6 minutes ago, Eagle said:

First attempt to my sprite engine.

Up to 32 on screen with background , maximum 16 per line.

Flexible width, height, color and collisions for every sprite. 



Sprite engine test - link



enginetest.a78 32.13 kB · 3 downloads

Looks fantastic on real hardware. :) 



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