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EPROMs for 2600 4k - AM2732B on TL866II+ ?

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Can anyone confirm whether or not they are able to program AMD AM2732B EPROMs on a TL866II + programmer?  This model is in the supported EPROM list for the programmer, but I haven't been able to program any of the EPROMs that I purchased from eBay. 


They don't appear to be rebranded or painted (acetone test).  Spec sheet shows VPP at 12.5 volts, so the TL866II+ should be able to handle them just fine.  Programmer works fine on other EPROMS.


Any ideas? 





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The error log out of Xgpro isn't very helpful: 



APP Version : 10.71
     Device : AM2732B   @DIP24

Pins Detected Passed!
Programming FLASH ...
Programming  ...Failed


@pcrock, what are the voltage and timing settings that you used to program the AM2732B on your Willem?  I've tried to increase the programming voltages and timeouts, but nothing worked.



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