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Atari 2600 Repair Help Needed

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I have an Atari 2600 (Darth Vader, CX2600A) that I've been trying to repair.  Symptoms:

  • With a known good cartridge inserted, I get a good RF signal on the TV, but only have a black screen.
  • Logic probe shows pulsing on the clock pins, but no pulsing on any address or data lines. 
  • Clock frequency matches that of a good 2600.
  • All three major chips check out okay -- they are socketed and work fine when installed in another 2600. 
  • Good +5V coming out of the voltage regulator.
  • Known good external power supply.
  • All contacts cleaned multiple times.


Any recommendations on what to check next would be appreciated! :)

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If you perform a search of the internet or the 2600 forum you should be able to find a copy of the 2600 field service manual which may help you to diagnose the problem.

Did you check for the clock on all the relevant pins, TIA pins 4, 11 & 26, 6507 pins 26 & 27 and pin39 of the RIOT?

Also check that pin 32 of the TIA is taken to ground and that the reset pins of the 6507 and the RIOT (1 & 34 respectively) are pulled high to 5V.


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Stephen, I owe you a pint!


Followed your instructions and found that the RIOT reset pin (PIN 34) was at 0.4 volts.  Pin 34 connects through a 22K (R227) pullup to +5V with a 0.1uF bypass cap (C238) to ground.  Pulled and tested both components and found the cap was bad.  Replaced the cap and she booted right up!



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  • Thanks 1

Another Atari lives again.

You did most of the work, with the information you provided, for me a missing clock or reset issue seemed the mostly likely explanation and thus the next things to check.    

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