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"Mistywood" text hack n slash Frpg


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This is a game loosely based on B/X Dungeons and Dragons that I created for the coco 3.  It will also work on a coco 1 and coco 2 with 16k or more memory if you delete lines 50-70.  I hope those who play enjoy the game and if you find any bugs please let me know.


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I played it a bit.  For those tuning into the threaf:


It's an all-text combat endurance challenge style game where you take on a random monster that pops out of the woods near the town of Mistwood. You start out at level 1 with the ability to attack, cast a spell (only one at the start: magic missile) or run. You fight the monster and do damage to it while it tries to bash you as well. It's turned base, so there's no rush.


As you gain levels from killing the monsters, you gain more spells, more health points and presumably can deal more damage.  It doesn't look like you lose the spells after being cast or that there are spell points you lose as I used Minor Heal a few times. At this point you wonder if you should gamble on attacking or healing and hope they miss.


This is a good solid base for more! I do have some suggestions if that's ok: For example, when you die, the screen clears and you are told you are dead, followed by the BASIC prompt. It would be neat if there's an ending screen followed by the option to start over either from the beginning or maybe as a fun bit, where you left off.  Another option for the end might be a list of kills, the level you died at and, if you include a replay option, how many times you died. If there's an end, then perhaps list the number of tries it took to get there, giving the player a drive to do better.

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Thank you for the input, GAMEMOOSE!  I think your suggestions are within my limited ability to program BASIC.  I will try to implement some of them.  I also like how you described the game and yes I did not put any kind of spell points as I think the game is challenging enough as it is.

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