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2021 Harmony Games Round 3- CannonHead Clash

Dan Iacovelli

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Time to announce the third game of  the 2021 Harmony Games Tournament
Which is CannonHead Clash by bluswimmer which won for 2nd place for best <4k Original
***Doggone it  by Armscar Coder won best<4k but it
also won for Best Original so instead of playing it twice we are going with second place winner ***
we are playing the latest rom:
Being that we are nearing the end of the season we are going to make it
harder for you :) :
Play on the following settings:
1 player
Random levels "!"
Set best of wins to 4
You must win the game for score to count
Ranks will be based on the number of wins computer got.
Ranking is 10pts for First Place and 2pts for last place and 1pt for each after.
(in case of same scores submitted  rank will be based on first score submitted)
an example how ranking will work is if you beat the computer and computer has 2
wins your ranking would be 8pts (10pts is only if computer has no wins)
This round  starts on May 8th noon Central and ends on June 6th 2:00pm Central
Name:  Score: Points

@ZeroPage Homebrew James O: 4 wins to 0 :10pts
@Arenafoot Brian M: 4 wins to 0 : 9pts
 @ZeroPage Homebrew Tanya O :4 win to 0 :8pts

 @cwieland Charles W: 4 wins to 0: 7pts
@Dan Iacovelli Dan I: 4 wins to 0 : 6pts

Edited by Dan Iacovelli
score updated on 5/31
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