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So I was asked if passwords/accounts, etc on my BBS are encrypted.


I don't think so... Does any of the Atari BBS software (8bit or 16bit)

actually use encryption at this level?


Thanks, was just curious....


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Most if not all BASIC language propelled BBS's did not encrypt the password file.

As for 8bit Express & ST line, I'd have to look


foReM for example creates a PAS.DAT file. Inside are pre-created 125 character lines. So, each line is 1 user, where 1-4 is the user password, 5-24 is the username, 25-37 is phone, then past that are total downloads/uploads/security levels/MASK if using XL/XE etc.. All readable as a text file.

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You can always pull up the password/user file in a sector editor. If you can clearly read the password field, then it is not encrypted.


I would be surprised if any of the Atari 8 bit BBSs have encrypted passwords.


Even if passwords were encrypted, the fact that users are entering passwords over unsecured telnet connections, doesn't make them very secure. :)



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It isn't really impossible to encrypt anything meaningfully on an 8-bit.  It can't do the math required quickly enough.  It would give "Checking Password: Please Wait" a whole new meaning.


That said, it's a problem with a simple solution.  Don't use your banking password as your BBS password.


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