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an offer I couldnt refuse


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hey guys whats up. Today I got a call from my cousine he said he wanted to sell his atari stuff cause he as no intrest in it. Being the nice guy that I am I offered to take it of his hands......He had no idea of its value. This is what i got.


1 atari paddles

2 special joysticks- they have suction cups

2 atari driving contollers

1 atari heavy sixer- came with all the hook up wires

1 atari holder- holds the atari system, games and conrollers

oh yeah and not to mention 35 games top rarity being 4

and how much did I spend on this bundle you may ask well lets just say my cousine considered it a favour when I slipped him $25.00. Wow I almost feel sorry for him....Almost!!!!!!!!! :D


PS. how much do you guys think all that was really worth?

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