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Apple IIc (PAL) RGB adapter


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Hi All,


Looking into possibilities to get colour out from my Apple IIc PAL, I found out that there are only few options:

1. A2M4023 "PAL Modulator/Adapter" :  Almost impossible to find today, sells at high price when available

2. Le Chat Mauve RGB adapter : Even more difficult to get and more expensive

3. Video 7 adapter Not much information, might not even work on PAL Apple IIc's, and haven't found a single one for sale in months

5. PI RGB to HDMI : https://github.com/hoglet67/RGBtoHDMI/wiki , seems to be working but I haven't seen an feedback / guide on how to set it up for an Apple IIc

4. A2Heaven : Apple IIc VGA adaptor ( http://www.a2heaven.com/webshop/index.php?rt=product/product&product_id=135 ), seems out of stock and a bit on the high price tag level


Does anyone has any feedback on these solutions?

Is there any other solution available, I'm looking especially at DIY solutions as I like to work on this kind of stuffs.

I'm developping my own DIY solution but I'm struggling with it and would like to compare with other solutions and experience from others.


I will certainly try the PI RGB to HDMI solution in the future, and I'm especially eager to have some inputs on how to get started with this, what to buy/build to have ot working on an Apple 2c.


Best regards

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  • 2 months later...

Some news, I made a mistake with the first boards but it could be corrected :




White correction on this picture is too aggressive( whote zones extend too much towards right), I have to adjust one resistance.

Final boards will have a potentiometer to adjust this.



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3 hours ago, Baldrick said:

That's a cool device.  Can you make an NTSC version?

Want to sell some PBCs?  even blank ones?


The device should be NTSC compliant. I do not have a machine to test.

I will correct the layout and order some new parts. I let you know when I will have some ready (not before next year).

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It is not to VGA but to a SCART input. It doesn’t modify the horizontal frequency that remains 15kHz. You need a 15kHz RGB input on your monitor or an additional rgb to hdmi converter.

The main goal is to get couloir output from PAL Apple IIc that are not generating a proper PAL composite signal for the chroma part.

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  • 4 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Working on having this work on Apple 2e also:




The setup is generating too much noise (cables are too long and I'm using an intermediate breadboard for connection) and I need to switch from HC to HCT components (HCT was the primary choice for the Apple2c version also but due to component shortage I couldn't find enough components in HCT tenchnology)

Next step would be to build a 64kb/80Col card with embedded RGB adapter, it should fit.


Is anyone aware of a modern, open source, 80col card schematic?

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I didn't notice that, that's weird.

Upon further investigation, the "standard" 4164 design doesn't often has an extra IC. But I have found this one from A.E. using the 74LS14 :



On the opposite side, there is also the "compact" 41464 design without any extra IC :



And to add more confusion, another one :



So I would say, you have to try ?


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  • 2 months later...

Some progress on porting the RGB card to Apple 2e!


The 64k/80col prototype is working:



I'll finalize some tests on the RGB part schematics and will have some PCBs builds for testing the complete design in the next weeks.


That's how the card is lookking right now:





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14 hours ago, YannAros said:

Some progress on porting the RGB card to Apple 2e!


The 64k/80col prototype is working:



I'll finalize some tests on the RGB part schematics and will have some PCBs builds for testing the complete design in the next weeks.


That's how the card is lookking right now:





Excelent news, we look forward to the final design and the order list...

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Any news on this?  


I am interested in buying or building one of these.


Right now, I use either:


A VidHD, which works great on 1080p capable displays.  And it offers some additional graphics modes found on the GS as well as unique modes.


Or, a high quality composite display.


Both of these are fine, but I have an RGB PVM display I think would be great to use with my //e.



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Slow progress on my side, too many projects going on in parallel.

A link to the  apple 2c version is available somewhere up in this thread.

I still need to check that the correct buffering is done for the 2e version, I have too much noise with my prototype that is using too long cables, I need to redo all the wiring to ensure it is only a noise issue and not something wrong with the schematic.

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