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FT: TI-85 graphing calculator


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Okay, I have my TI-85 from the college days... practically unused, sitting in original box and complete. It's back to school time, and if anyone wants it, it's up for trade...


For reference, here is a recently completed ebay item (not mine):




BTW, I am far more established on the DP boards, as well as fatmangames.com. My ebay ID is ctower with a rating of 148 and I have many references if needed...

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They now require the TI-89 or 92 as was the case at my local community college. Ugh...expensive. I dropped calculas anyway and luckily my new degree doesn't require all this math!


BTW. I used my trusty TI-83+...hehe...awesome little calc with some awesome power. Even if it couldn't do the functions...I could use the program area to write out bogus programs that simply contained the formulas as notes...hehe. Simply type them on the computer, transfer as a program to the calc and then while taking my tests since crib sheets couldn't be used..but a calculator could, I just went into Edit mode on the programs and read my notes from there...


And to think..the 83 was dissmissed as not powerful enough? hehe...


I survived College Trig because of that little wonder.


Have no idea what I will do with it these days as I probably won't need it anymore myself.

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They now require the TI-89 or 92 as was the case at my local community college.  Ugh...expensive.  I dropped calculas anyway and luckily my new degree doesn't require all this math!


Actually, I think that's just them writing the current model # on the requirements. I may be wrong but I believe the 85 or 86 will be more than sufficient in those classes. They can't exactly require a model that isn't in the school store anymore because TI remolded the case and incremented the model number.

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I will put it this way.


I have an 83+ and for Trig it proved to be just what I needed. But for Calculas (Both times I took it with different teachers), they wanted us to use TI-89 or TI-92 models.


They were so incistent on this, that all the assignments they gave us required some use of the Calculator. But they were wanting us to do things that could really only be easily done on the model I mentioned. In addition they stated plainly in both their Syllabus and in the class orientations, that while many other model would work, they felt they were inferior and would only provide assistance on the models they recommended for class.


Basically if you didn't have the TI-89 or 92 models, the professors were pretty much telling you, that you were on your own.


This was as recent as 2 years ago...for the 1st time I tried to take Calc. The second time was just this past Spring Semester. Same deal but different campus, different books, different work, and a different teacher. Still same requirements for the Calculator.


I am not stating that the TI-85 can't do the work. I am just saying that many of todays college level professors and teachers simply don't want to mess with the older models. They know what they know, and for the most part if would seem that the 89 and 92 are the models to get for more advanced mathematic courses. I state that the 83+ is basically an 85 in capability today. For me the 83+ got me through College Algebra with tons of ease and I found ways to squeak by in Trig with it.

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