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Nukey Shay (Kurt Howe) has died. :(


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Man I'm super saddened by this.. there are just a few people on AA I feel an affinity with or feel like I "know", and Nukey was one of them. He was there from the start of this whole AA experience spanning the 2 decades. Anyway, although many of you might predictably mock this, it doesn't matter to me: He is 100% in my prayers.

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So saddened to hear this. It’s so crazy to think that we lost Kurt H before we lost Curt V and we didn’t even know it.

Nukey was an amazing talented and nice guy. I enjoyed many of his hacks once I discovered AA.

He truly will be missed. He will live on in my Harmony Cart but it’s sad we won’t get any more Nukey hacks.

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Nukey was the first user here that I really took notice of. An extremely talented hacker and programmer and always willing to help. In further identifying him, I recall his profile once listed his location as Yiminiapolois Yiminisota or something thereabouts. I wasn’t sure if it was just a joke or not, but it appears that’s where he was really from. RIP.

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I'm shocked to hear this.

Kurt was undoubtedly one of the most well known members of this community.

He helped me out many times when I wanted to know more about certain ROMs in my collection.

I wish his family and dearest all the best with their loss.

You will be sadly missed, Nukey.

Rest in peace.

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17 hours ago, Big Player said:

Here are links to two of his Pac-Man hacks. Both of the latest ROM's are in the first post.


Hack of Ebivision's unreleased Pac-Man game:



Hack of Atari's Pac-Man:


The Hanglyman game is one of my fave ever games on the 2600. So much fun and gives me memories of the arcade bootleg. Played that for hours (and still do)


I'm so sorry to hear this. RIP Nukey Shay. :-(

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This is very sad news. Thanks Albert and Ballblazer for connecting the dots. 

Nukey “fixed” many original Atari 2600 ROMs so they would run on the official Atari Flashback Portable’s emulator, which was a fun way to play these games. His knowledge, attention to detail and good humor were always impressive to me.  

I must dig out my portable and play some DKVCS in his honor. He’s not the original programmer, but he’s the one that made it work on that device. 

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Well this is really sad news. 


Sad at his death, but also sad in that here was a forum member with a HUGE presence here, but his contributions with this community while important to him and all of us, didn't translate to his family or friends outside of this place. 


Nobody thought to tell us about it, and I'm not blaming anyone. It just makes me think, is Atari Age just a hobby we keep to ourselves or something? I've never met anyone from here in real life but I would want to know if something happened to my online friends. You're still friends.

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A great man, with a huge heart. He helped me many times with color hacks and such. I'm sad to hear of his passing and also of the time it took to find out about it. This is a reminder that many of us may pass on with no way to get the news to our online "Family".  I feel this is a good time to consider writing down  our user names and the forums we're on, so that a family member or friend is able to let our communities know. 

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